

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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http://ask.fm/CLYWOfficial/answer/128323041472 cause you always seem to be throwing other ones when asked about which ones you throw more often.

I don't throw it as often as other things, but to be honest at this point I get like 10 minutes of play time a day. If I get a day during the week where I actually have more than 10 minutes to throw a return top, it's mind blowing. -Steve

I'm loving that bonfire engraving !

Thanks! That one was totally my idea. I've always really loved that logo and engraving, and as soon as Chris said "should we do some kind of engraving on the Bonfire?" I immediately pictured that and got really stoked. They turned out so good! -Steve

steve, do you just not like the ac2 as much compared to other clyw's? If so, why?

Not sure why you would say that? I like it just fine. -Steve

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Could you compare the Bonfire and the Avalanche in terms of play?

The Bonfire is a faster and floatier return top and the v-shape makes it more forgiving on the string. The Avalanche has a bit more rim weight so you get slightly longer spins. But honestly, both can handle pretty much anything. The shapes are really, really different though so pick the one that you prefer and it'll serve you well. -Steve

Are the splashes from the new anodizers going to be priced generally lower than the ones from the original anodizers?


If I buy a Fool's Gold, does it come in a cool CLYW box, complete with artwork?

Generally, yes. -Steve

The new colorways arent so good. They are from the new anodizer arent they ?

Sorry you don't like them. Plenty of other people do though! -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co

Please engrave the orcas on special colorway orcas, and how much will the color ways add to the price?

Orca pricing will be the same as Puffin 2 pricing. -Steve
Liked by: GN Yoyo Co


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