

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Hello!Can you give me advice to have floaty style ? Most of people say practice. But I have watched a little people have good style like Chuck .

I'd say learn tricks with a responsive yoyo or a super light yoyo that doesn't spin that long. It forces you to play smoother. A lot of people who learn unresponsive with a long spinning yoyo sometimes use the playability as a crutch and take longer to get smooth. Become one with the yoyo. -Chris
HelloCan you give me advice to have floaty style  Most of people say practice

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chief vs scout vs borealis- i mean playability ,personality and all that stuff.

Chief: floaty. Quick.
Scout: balanced long spinning and half way between floaty and solid. Great to learn tricks with.
Borealis: long spinning, keeps in plane easy. Great learn tricks with. World champ.

When is Zach's video coming out? I've been eagerly waiting everyday for it haha

I'll check in with Aaron. He's editing it. -Chris

Hello! Why the people are so crazy about your old yoyos ? Are the old yoyos better than the current yoyos ?

I think it's because they are harder to get. the stuff we are designing right now are some of our best models to date. So no I wouldn't say they are better at all. I think it's mainly because new throwers will get into collecting CLYWs and they want some of everything we have made. -Chris

hi , is the new Big Dipper colors will be worldwide ? in yoyo rewind to be specific!

The dyed Big Dippers will be sold at BAC anything left over (doubtful there will be) will be offered to stores worldwide. -Chris

Would you ever consider releasing responsive versions of your plastic yo-yos for beginners? I find the shape of the Big Dipper quite comfortable and easy to hold which I think would be good for beginners.

Potentially. We usually focus mainly on intermediate to advanced hence why our tutorials are usually hard and we don't do them for tricks like rock the baby. Duncan and YoYoFactory are in better spots to attract beginners.-Chris

The manatee(what ive seen of it) looks gorgeous. Approx price point will be? Its made in China?

Shooting for a $80-90 price range. Yes it is made in China. Amazing quality and surface finish. You'll dig it! -Chris

Which is yuuki spencer's fav yoyo?

He seems to be throwing the Big Dipper a lot lately in his IG vids. -Chris

Which past yoyos of yours does the manatee draw most inspiration from?

It's like a wider smaller AC2 with influence from Orca, Gnarwhal 2 and Borealis. Nice wide catch zone. Long spin times and grinds forever. Makes it way easier for Riccardo to do his style of tricks. -Chris

Hello Mr. Chris, thank you so much for the Brent Stole tutorial , could you do more tutorials for other whips even if it basics beacuse your tutorial was clear.

For sure! Thank you so much for the kind words :) ... See what I can do. Chris

I want to buy Borelias but it's too expensive in my country so should I buy it or waiting for the new signature of Zach ?

Really depends on how bad you want it I guess. He did win worlds with one. We don't have any specific final details on a next model for Zach, so it's hard to say how long you might be waiting. -Chris

I saw on YYE Hulk Smash Borealis-Imperfect-are they fools gold? if yes,that sucks...its my fav colorway and i really wanted a new one

These are just slightly imperfect...they all play 100% perfect, but they have some tiny silver flecks in the anodizing. So we're trying not to lose money on them for such a teeny, tiny flaw. -Steve


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