
Herbert Henry Asquith

Ask @Hadacol

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What is your favorite thing about summer?

joomadness’s Profile Photoa c h a y a n .
My manager said the worst thing about being a grown up was no longer having summer holidays!
My favourite thing is having more time for walking, cycling and going to interesting places on the bus without having to worry about darkness, rain, snow etc.

What do you try to change but can't?

At the moment I'm trying to save money as I've decided to get a mortgage, but the trouble is I do lots of worthwhile and interesting things, almost all of which cost money.

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Do you wake up naturally or to an alarm or to another person or what?

shehitsback’s Profile PhotoAllison
I wake up at 6am in the week for work-related reasons :(

Today I didn't set my alarm but was awake at 6 and out of bed at 7, partly because I'm going for a walk at 8 but mostly because I wake up soon after dawn whether I like it or not!

When were you truly scared of smth? Tell in details

During this photoshoot
I didn't realise I was on private property until this enraged man, possibly the angriest person I've ever seen, confronted me. He was a very old man, but I honestly thought he was about to punch me in the face.
I'm not a fighter and anyway I was in the wrong, albeit not deliberately, so I agreed to leave and delete some of the pictures and he very slightly calmed down, but I was worried about being punched by the old man!
When were you truly scared of smth Tell in details

Ricky Gervais recently tweeted saying those who are "egging" and "milkshaking" politicians deserve a smack in the mouth. At first I thought this was because he's vegan but it turns out it's because he thinks it means the egger has no good arguments left if they do this.What's your opinion on it all?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
I think they are complete tits. They don't deserve a smack in the mouth but they do deserve to be moved away by the police and given a restraining order.
When some halfwits went to Jake Rees-Bogg's house and harrassed his family, I was totally against that. My disagreements with and dislike of him are obvious, but personal life is totally out of bounds.
The idiot who egged Farage is no better than James Goddard or Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, in fact they are doing the exact same thing so there's no real difference. Any such person is certainly not on my side!?

Today in Ireland, we're voting for who we want to join the European parliament on our behalf as Irish citizens. What policies/beliefs would someone need to have for you to vote for them?

urlsareshittbh’s Profile Photourlsareshittbh
I also voted for the European Parliament, yesterday!

It would need to be someone who was a Remain supporter, and isn't deliberately aiming to make my life worse and threaten my future. I know that's setting the bar low but it's a rearguard action against Farage, Johnson & Rees-Bogg at the moment.
Liked by: Doug

Tips to have a good night's sleep?

Turn your device off before bed and leave it off. If you can't sleep, just lie there thoughtfully as switching a device on is fatal to sleep.

I'm hardly an expert on sleep as I struggle with it myself but I'd start there and then read Arianna Huffington's book on the subject.

Sweet dreams!

Do you think getting older (40, 50, 60) is depressing for people or a happy occasion??

It can be either but I greatly enjoyed my 30th birthday as I had hypothyrodism for many years and started my recovery just before my 30th, so when the day came I felt as though I were getting younger, not older!
I do think that milestones are unavoidable and so should be embraced for what they are.

What are your summer plans this year?

As I'm not a teenager I will mostly be working. (My manager once observed that the worst thing about being a grownup is missing a summer holiday, and I fully agree!)
But I hope at bank holiday weekend to visit Richard Arkwright's mills and other industrial sites in the area, I've wanted to do this since seeing paintings by Joseph Wright at Derby museum.
What are your summer plans this year

A small question - how do you imagine your happy future?

When I'm retired I will hopefully still be fit & healthy and go round on the bus with my free bus pass, doing interesting things.
Liked by: Doug

is there anyone that you want back in your life?

People that I drunkenly alienated in my time at university as I have some friends from that time who stood by me, but many more who couldn't have been friends if I hadn't done whatever I did (I can't actually remember but it was probably really bad).
I'm reminded of this because Graham Greene wrote about it in his autobiography.
"I think it must have been during this period of perpetual drunkenness that I unconsciously made an enemy who cropped up nearly twenty years later in strange circumstances. In 1942 I went up to Kailahun in Sierra Leone near the Liberian and French Guinea border to try to contact some American missionaries in Liberia who possessed a radio transmitter that might prove useful in our watch on the Vichy border. Installed in Kailahun was a district commissioner who didn’t disguise his profound dislike of me. So violent did his antagonism prove that I had to have a censorship clamped on his mail, and his letters home proved to be breaking all the rules of security. I still remain in complete ignorance of what happened between us at Balliol"
As usual, Greene is not only a genius in his understanding of human life but particularly understands me, and ouch! I do hope those people have either forgotten me or understand that I'm a different, (mostly) sober person now.

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What is the last thing you searched online?

joomadness’s Profile Photoa c h a y a n .
Research for this post.
I've been working intensely on my photography website for weeks, more or less all the time when I'm not at my employment job. I'm either doing photoshoots of my adventures or in my office researching posts.
Now I'm 'only' 9 days behind and have 'only' ten photoshiits to post, once I've done tonight's post I will rest for a day or two.
I do hope it's worth it in that the photoshoots are good and folk enjoy them.
Liked by: a c h a y a n .


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