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Ayuh berselawat! Allahumma Solli A'la Sayyidina Muhammad. Allahumma Solli A'la Sayyidina Muhammad. Allahumma Solli A'la Sayyidina Muhammad.

jom selawat . banyak ganjaran hari jumaat ni :)
Liked by: A Ija إنشراح

boleh tak saya jadi imam utk adik umur 4 tahun? dia solat cara dia je laa.. hoho~

soalan ni terlalu umum , maksud saya , siapa 'saya' tu ? lelaki permpuan ? adik 'saya' tu lelaki perempuan .
Liked by: » ΣMILIA «

Maaf, tumpang tanya.. adakah setiap yang bergelar sheikh & mengajar kitab adalah seorang ulama' ya? Kalau kita anggap dia ulama boleh?

tak semestinya . dalam bahasa arab , syeikh tu maksudnya Orang Tua sbnarnya . tapi pada yg digelar syeikh , ia melambangkan dia tua dgn ilmu dan pgalaman .

what's nisfu syaaban?

when 10 , the nisf (half) is 5 , when it's 2 the nisf of it is 1 and same goes for the months, years , weeks and even a day .
The nisf of syaaban is the nisf (the one half) of the month of Syaaban , one of th month of Islam . Syaaban is the month that comes before ramadhan and narrated by Saheeh , Rasulullah said that in the nisf of syaaban , Allah grant forgiveness and double our good deeds to the amount of the goats hair (which generally we all know that its more than million of goat's hair)
From that point , it is the best for us to seek forgiveness and make a good deeds . wallahua'lam

Asiff. Ana naktanya. Apa hukum seorang lelaki (ajnabi) chat atau sms yakni berhubung dengan perempuan bukan mahram (ajnabiyah) ? Mohon pencerahan. :D

ada keperluan , atau ada sebab yg mendatang : harus
takde sebab atau keperluan : haram


Language: English