
Francesco Filigoi

Ask @FrancescoFiligoi

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Do you offer production for other artists songs? Including re-amping with your Axe Fx if they were to send over the DI of the guitars?

I offer reamping yes. Although not production at the moment, which is a way more vast and complex subject.

Can u record with the BIAS? I want something for my PC. I'm thinking either BIAS for my iPad or a POD HD. Btw, BIAS or JamupPRO and why?

I like Bias more, you have more control over your tone. You can record Bias with your PC if you have an audio interface with line input (which I'm sure you do, even the included one), so it's as easy as that!

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Qualche consiglio per degli studio monitor su i 100€ ?

100€ è un budget onestamente risicato per dei monitor, prova a vedere M-Audio o delle KRK RP5 prima versione usate ma non aspettare miracoli, si fa quel che si può ovviamente :D

i already have an idea what your answer would be in this question haha! Are you patient when it comes to teaching?

I'm patient, but if someone is very hard to teach to (not focused enough, not a fast learner at all, or even so "unmusical" to not even get the most simple things) I might start losing my mind haha
Liked by: Nichollas

Ciao Francesco, Any experiences with Torpedo CAB ?

Never tried it but I'm sure it sounds really good, have a couple trusted friends that love it :)

in your opinion, which has the better tone? line 6 pod or jamup pro? should i just go for jamup for the meantime and save more money for axe fx?

BIAS/JamUp sound absolutely unreal for being iphone/ipad apps, and you save money on top of that. Pod HD sounds very nice too but of course if you want to save more money for an Axe, there's your answer :)

Would you install the mule neck in one of your guitars or is it too low output for your kind of music ?

I personally think it's too low output for what I do, yes.

If you Din't have a blackmachine would you be paying 15k $ for one ?

most likely not, I've never had the luxury to spend that much on something, even stuff that I care a lot about.
Liked by: Hunter Costello

Ciao Franceso. Ultimamente mi sto imparando le note sul manico della chitarra per improvvisare. Hai qualche esercizio/metodo da consigliarmi a proposito? Secondo te è fondamentale conoscere nota per nota la tastiera per saper jammare/comporre? grazie per i canguri ;)

assolutamente no, non è importante sapere le note quanto gli intervalli che intercorrono tra un tasto e l'altro :)

Your Axe tone is seriously amazing, would you mind doing some session work?

Thanks man :) I do session as part of my work yes

in your Faq for tight budget monitors I saw you have you have KRK RP 3 Gen. However I hear that those monitors arent great. Would you recommend the Yamaha HS monitors as an alternative?

KRK RP series are the standard regarding low priced monitors, hard to go wrong with them really.

EB Cobalt, yay or nay?

Never tried, I'd be curious to try 'em but I've heard a DI comparison from a trusted source that involved D'Addario, Elixir, normal EB and EB Cobalt, of which D'addarios and Elixirs were the best sounding. So I'm sticking with the first two :)

Francesco mi sto approcciando al mondo dell'home recording e ho recentemente acquistato un pod ux1,mi consiglieresti un buon programma per registrare?Con Reason Limited(in bundle con il pod) non mi trovo molto bene Grazie mille (:


What was your first guitar?

an extremely awful 50 bucks classical that I played to death, never changed strings and put the tackiest stickers on. I still have it in my basement, I think it still has a string or two haha

Ciao, ho un ibanez rg2550z, tiglio, acero e palissandro, sto cercando un suono simile a quello di petrucci, ma meno cupo dei CL/LF, puliti cristallini, versatili in modo che possa fare del funk e che risaltino gli armonici sia naturali che artificiali. E' HsH la chitarra. che BKP metto?

Juggernaut ponte, Cold Sweat manico

I read your "you're rich as fuck" section of the FAQ, and I was just wondering, do you think Barefoot monitors are really worth the cash? I've heard great things about them but I just looked up the price and holy shit man.

They're super expensive. I personally never tried them in person but literally EVERY pro studio has them, that should mean something :)
Liked by: J


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