

Ask @batman9502

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How do you credit music on youtube? I always see in the description, buy "song" on "itunes, amazong, etc" I'm doing a boss run of mgrr and you know you're going to get copyright strikes on that.

Those aren't my doing, that's the result of a Content ID match. It's incredibly unlikely you'll get a strike on anything (this would involve the company active seeking out videos and filing DMCA claims), but pretty likely if it goes through review it'll get automatically ID'ed and the music publisher will take the ad revenue on it. Basically don't worry about it because there's nothing you can do.

I find it hilarious how your Jeopardy! video has 30k views.

Well, it IS almost five years old. In terms of views/age there are plenty that beat it, but it is somewhat random how much traffic it brought.

Now that we know who is playing in the super bowl who do you think will win it, and what do you think the final score will be?

No idea, rooting for the Broncos though.

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Who are some of your favourite players in the NHL right now (aside from Brodeur) like maybe 5 or 6 players?

I honestly don't follow it closely enough anymore to follow individual players. I could name a handful of goalies I know are still around and the big names like Crosby, Ovechkin, etc. but I don't really know that I keep up with them enough to have developed favorites.

Have you ever played remember me? it's gone down on steam, and despite the mixed-positive reviews, I found it to be one of my favorites of last year. Being brought down with a clunky combat, i found it to be a nice refreshing expirience. Almost like batman, but a little more loose. The linearity...

(cont.) ... was hard to complain about because every new chapter has a brilliant presentation and look to it. All in all, the environment is gorgeous, the idea of hijacking and remixing peoples memories to make them think what never happened, the loose new combat, I highly recommend it. wholeheartedly
Nah, never played it. I saw a bit of coverage on it and it didn't look that interesting. It's probably one of those I'll pick up in a year or two when I can get it on sale for $10.

Have you seen the trailer for the last of us story dlc, and if you have what did you think of it?

Haven't seen the trailer, but I'm going to get it either way. I'd almost rather not see it and come in completely blind.

If you had to choose, who would you say is your favorite and why, Chrono and Marle, or Serge and Kid.

Definitely Chrono and Marle. Since Chrono and Serge are basically blank slates it comes down to Marle or Kid, which I'd probably pick the former. Kid isn't a bad character or anything but her whole backstory as Schala's daughter-clone and all that just gets weird (the story involving her near the end of the game is all a blur for me now), plus you spend a lot of the game away from her. Marle is kind of the tried-and-true sidekick, and she gets some good scenes of her own, like if she's the party lead when you revive Chrono and the "full official" ending.

Have you ever seen, heard of, or played the tomba games on playstation 1? I though that they were both great platforms with a lot of things to do in them.

Heard of them but I've never actually seen any gameplay. It's a series I've always meant to look into but has always slipped my mind.

What would you do if you saw a hairless dog or cat?

Being hairless or not doesn't really change anything on my end.

Where you live at is there a dunkin' donuts, or a krispy kreme? :) They recently put a Dunkin' donuts near where I live and I have been there every day since they opened to get me a coffee before work.

Nope, I don't even know where the nearest one of either of those is. The closest thing we have is a bakery back in my hometown that's been around for decades, but where I currently live there's nothing like that.
Liked by: MAX

What do you think of Jim Harbaugh?

Indifferent, don't really know anything about him other than he's the coach of the 49ers.

Do you play sports often, or in the past?

I don't currently, but I used to play all of them up until high school. Baseball, basketball, football, soccer, even pickup street hockey games. When I was in high school I'd play pickup football games with friends every now and then, but it's hard to find organized leagues at that level that aren't super focused on winning above all else.

Are you surprised by the amount of total time in a LP project is about equivalent to a season or two of episodic 30 min. T.V.?

Not really. One episode of a 30-minute TV show ends up around 20 minutes after commercials. If we take for example my Skies of Arcadia Legends LP (29 hours of video) that would be roughly 87 episodes -- enough to cover four or five seasons depending on the show.

Do you like Styx at all?

I haven't heard a whole lot, but I think there's a lot to like in their stuff from the early-mid 70's. I don't want it to sound like "they were good before they got famous" but I've heard bits and pieces of their early albums and find I get into that more than what gets played on the radio.

What's your opinion of system of a down

Only listened to a few albums and a few other random songs but I like what I've heard.

What would you like to see in the next Zelda game to make it better from the previous ones?

Honestly I thought Twilight Princess was overall pretty great, so I can't say that all of the "previous ones" need a lot of improving upon. To improve upon Skyward Sword in particular then I'd like to see a return to traditional controls, less invasive tutorials/hand-holding, much less uneventful travel sections, less cartoon-y art style, more land to explore, more heart pieces (start us at three hearts please) and side quests or events to obtain them, concrete equipment upgrades (basically not the "treasure" collectible system), more variety in the types of environments you can explore, less "collect all 20 things scattered around" story steps, more fun.
Liked by: Wes Nikki

Im using obs to stream to twitch, and the audio is fine, my voice is clear, and it even says im live, but im a little stuck on how to use to moniter capture and game capture. neither seem to work, and the result is either a black or white screen. Know how to fix this?

Never used OBS. This kind of thing can be game-specific though I think, it requires the software hooking into DirectX. Try running it in a windowed mode and using monitor capture, other than that I don't really know what to tell you as I've only streamed a couple times with games that had no problems.

Do you think a gamecase is worth having if you just keep the games in its box it came in when your done playing it? I'm talking about DS games.

If you already have a place where you put the games why would you need another place?


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