

Ask @batman9502

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Do you answer every question?

The vast majority of them, assuming they're not just spam or something otherwise pointless. For what it's worth, I've answered every question asking if I answer every question.

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Do you believe one should express themselves freely or wait for when the moment is right?

Express yourself but don't be disrespectful. If it's an inappropriate moment, be the better person and just save it for some other time.

If there was a re-make of any video game on a home console with enhanced graphics, what would that game be?

Well, Ducktales was recently remade with better graphics.

you said you would do the metal gear saga because they were all connected, and it would be a large project. personaly, i wouldnt mind if they wernt one after another, but at least done in the right order. like do the first game, do something else, maybe something else. go back to the 2nd. idk

Even not as one long project, committing to four games with one LP is more than I'd like.

Have you ever played the game, Don't press the big red button? If not its some old flash game online.


With the way burn notice has been going, how do you think it will end, and how would you like it to end?

James ends up discovering Michael's CIA connection, he's forced to kill Sonya in some kind of shootout. James goes down, and Michael is given the option to leave the CIA's service. He accepts. Fiona's boyfriend ends up actually being an agent for the CIA put there to make sure she would stick around and help. Michael and Fiona end up together (maybe leaving Miami but I'm not confident enough to bet on that), Sam and Jesse end up working together at Jesse's security firm, Madeline ends up raising Charlie in peace.
Mike and Fiona I'm pretty confident about, I'm sort of just guessing with Sam and Jesse. I can't imagine Sam just settling down so that's the best place I could put him.

Would you say the culture here in the U.S changes frequently? I've noticed some rather interesting differences simply between the X and Y generations.

Just because two generations are somewhat different doesn't mean the overall culture of the United States is changing each time. The US is a big place, with all kinds of different people; one subset of one generation of kids you know doesn't change the makeup of the nation. Any cultural idea can grow and morph over time, but in a lot of ways the core mindset of the country is the same now as it was in 1776. You still hear about freedom, democracy, American holidays, American sports, national pride, diversity, etc. across much of the nation. Sure, maybe the next generation likes different music, or dresses differently, but that changes everywhere with every generation. The cultural core still stands.
Liked by: Brandon Lum

Math is the coding of the universe according to Galileo!

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
"Philosophy [i.e. physics] is written in this grand book — I mean the universe — which stands continually open to our gaze, but it cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and interpret the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometrical figures, without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one is wandering around in a dark labyrinth."
Galileo was one smart dude. It's incredible the kind of stuff he discovered and the foundation he laid for science, especially when you consider he lived in a time when saying Earth revolved around the Sun was revolutionary.

Why do you like math?

I think my favorite thing about it is it's a way to model things you wouldn't be able to describe otherwise; it's like the coding of the world around us.


Language: English