

Ask @batman9502

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Does your vision blur when you play video games for an extended period of time?

Not really. My eyes get tired if it's long enough but as long as I'm not like constantly staring at it for hours straight I'm fine. If it's any longer than an hour or so I usually get up and do something else for a few minutes like every half hour which probably helps.

With the improvements that raiden acquired in rising, do you think he would have been able to beat sold snake in a fight?

If it was just a straight up duel standing face to face with each other then it wouldn't even last five seconds before Raiden sliced him in half. If it was more along the lines of a traditional Metal Gear Solid style boss fight with places to hide and a reinforced box to avoid detection from Raiden's AR, Snake would have a reasonably good chance of getting one well-placed EM grenade followed by some tranqs to the head to get his special camo of course.

Who are the most annoying people on your channel, Ask, Facebook, etc.

No one's really coming to mind.

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What are you thoughts on windows 8?

Don't really have any, I haven't used it yet. With the amount of open-source stuff I use currently I'm not going to switch over until it's been around longer.

When was the last time you went to see a doktor?

I've never seen "the" Doktor, but I really can't even remember the last time I went in to see a doctor. Maybe when I sprained my ankle in high school?

if you were in public and a guy came up to you and started to punch you, what would you do. take him, run, what?

Well, depending on his first punch it may not even matter. Either way I've never really been in an actual fight in my life so I'd probably just look for a chance to get away. Obviously if that's not possible though I'd have to just defend myself as best as I could.

What do you think of Rush's latest album?

Really good. Of the albums they've released since the 2000's it's probably my favorite.

Ever thought of setting up a live stream? :)

Not really. If I'm ever just playing games in my free time I want to relax, not have to worry about always entertaining people.

About how many questions do you answer a day? On average...

Depends on how many get asked. Sometimes 10-15, sometimes 5 or less.

Do you know how to export MP3s out of Audacity?

In the older version I think it's just File --> Export MP3. In the newer version it's File --> Export, then for Save as type select "MP3 files."

I'm taking a rocket ship into Sexy Space, anybody want to join me in the Cockpit?

I'm not so sure you have a background in aerospace engineering.

What is your favorite kind of cookie? I'm a Keebler Fudge Stripe man myself

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Definitely enjoy those, though I prefer the dark chocolate ones. I don't get cookies very often, but when I do it's probably either those or Oreos.

will you ever do ff7, or is it another one one those games that you couldnt contribute to, at all anymore.

Probably isn't going to happen. If I were to do something that long I'd rather it be at least somewhat original.

Your not happen to be related to any Wrights do you?

No. It wouldn't help you much if I was though since that's a pretty common last name.

Hey Kyle! So I have a question for you. Why do the geccos (if that's how it's spelled) bleed? I'm noticing that a lot. So ya bye.

Cooper Peterson
I answered this in the comment section, but Gekkos have artificially created biological legs.

I'm sort of curious, so I'll go ahead & ask: If someone used ask.fm to ask you a video game trivia question, how would you feel about it?

I probably wouldn't know the answer since there are way more games I haven't played than games I have, but it doesn't matter to me.


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