

Ask @batman9502

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What did you think when you heard the joker singing only you during the credits of arkham city?

Don't really remember the credits.

When you buy a new game, do you buy the strategy guide for the game as well if there is one out alongside the game? Or do you want to play the game and figure things out by yourself without any help from anything.

I haven't bought a strategy guide in over a decade. There's no reason to.

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How do you think the new voice actors for batman and joker did in arkham origins compared to asylum and city?

Sounded fine to me.

Lets say I own a small youtube channel. just started. I have 2 subscribers. I want to upload small 2-4 minute boss fights from a game called dark souls. I also want to add music. For example, anything from jamie christopherson's ost of metal gear rising. how would this be done without the risk of...

(cont.) ... a copyright notice. also, whats the difference between a copyright strike and notice?
You can't. If it picks up as a Content ID match it picks up, there's not a lot you can do to prevent it. As a friendly tip adding random music sounds like a terrible idea anyway; just use the game's audio.
A copyright strike is a straight up DMCA takedown filed by the copyright holder. The video is removed from YouTube and you receive one strike on your account. Content ID is an automated matching system that can do a number of things based on what the holder specifies, but the most usual case is it places ads on the video that benefit the copyright holder. It can also block audio, but this is more common in cases where you use commercial music rather than video game content.

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Isn't the boss from Legend of the Mystical Ninja (the annoying one that knocks you off the kite/sail) also one of the characters you play as in Mystical Ninja starring Goemon for the N64?

Yeah, Sasuke is basically a ninja robot created by the Wiseman. He was protecting the Wiseman since he thought Goemon and Ebisumaru were trying to break in, but once it got sorted out they've worked together a lot.
Liked by: Mason Atwater

what is one of the most difficult games you have ever played? And when you get a new game, what difficulty do you generally start on. asuming every game has an easy, medium, hard, and extra hard/ ultimate difficulty.

I dunno, I don't usually play things that are super hard so nothing's really coming to mind. I guess Spelunky or Isaac though I've "beaten" both of them to some extent so who knows. I'll play new games on medium/normal unless it's proving way too easy, where I'll bump it up to hard.

What type of games do you like the most? Shooters, adventure, etc?

Action/Adventure tends to be my wheelhouse for modern games.

aside from the whole, killing and get what you want thing, do you think armstrong is on to something as to control your own path.

Rene Vazquez
There's something to be said for having your own beliefs and sticking to them, but living only for yourself won't accomplish anything.

what metal gear rising theme do you prefer, collective consciousness, or blood stained sand.

Definitely It Has to Be This Way (the latter).

I know people can think naturally. To me it's more of a matter on how much control one has over their own thoughts. And having methods to keep the thoughts organized. I'm speaking of a process in the mind

(cont.) ... Actually allow me to add to that. Not many people think about their thinking.
We think about it when determining if someone has some kind of learning disability that is interfering with the process, but otherwise it's just something you develop automatically.

Planning on doing anything special for the holidays?

Not particularly, mostly just enjoying the time off and hopefully getting together with family if people can actually make it this time.

What is your opinion on McDonald’s employees requesting a $15/hour pay?

I'm all for raising minimum wage, it needs to be raised to keep up with cost of living and base pay also needs to be raised for employees who rely on tips, but asking to more than double it seems a bit much.

What kind of sport are you into?

I'll watch most of them except for soccer. Not huge into NBA or college basketball either.

Wow, its amazing to me how something 10+ years old can last so long and still work well.

Yep. Gaming systems actually used to be good-quality hardware. People have stuff from the '70s that still works.

Would that "virtue of being alive" include having teachers teach critical thinking?

Not really. Believe it or not being able to think is something everybody can just naturally do.

I never really got a good description from the Steam site, what is the premise of Binding of Isaac?

I dunno, the store page on Steam seems to do a pretty good job of describing it to me. It's a "twin-stick" shooter (move with WSAD and shoot with the arrow keys) where you go through a series of procedurally-generated (random layouts, enemy spawns, item types, etc.) floors that get progressively harder until you either beat the final boss, or die. Then you basically just keep trying over and over until you get tired of it. There are like 100+ items, a handful of characters to play as with differing attributes, and a plethora of enemy types and bosses. The big draw is that your experiences will be different each time you play through it.

Thought you might be interested in this: http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/12/06/giant-alien-planet-discovered-in-most-distant-orbit-ever-seen/ It's from Fox News, but hey.

We're learning every day just how little we actually know.
As far as the Fox News thing, the article was fine, there's not really anything to spin here. If you want the original press release though you can find it here:
It also links the official paper, though it's pretty technical. It might be worth at least looking at though if you've never seen an actual scientific paper, if nothing else to see just how detailed and in-depth they are.

Got any plans to stuff your face some more this Christmas?

I didn't really for Thanksgiving, not sure if we're going to get together for Christmas or not this year.

Do you watch anything on TV in place of Burn Notice besides Criminal Minds?

Not really. I watched The Following for its first season back in winter, so that should be starting up again soon, otherwise Criminal Minds is the only thing I'm currently watching.


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