

Ask @batman9502

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Loving the last of us so far. I will always find Ellie flipping off Bill amusing haha. Anyway, do you have any general tips for the game. Im dying quite a lot and I'm on normal. I rarely use my guns, but when I have clean snipe shots i'll take them. And the shotgun only when clickers get too close.

If you're having trouble on normal, switch to easy. The gameplay itself isn't the important part of the experience. For stealth be sure to make liberal use of your bow; it's silent, lethal in one hit, and you can retrieve the arrow from the body half the time. I wouldn't snipe (I'm assuming with the hunting rifle) unless you're ready for a firefight, because it will always give you away. Bombs make good traps for patrolling enemies. Smoke bombs are good for areas where you can't seem to sneak by this one dude looking your way. If you do get in a firefight, move around a lot - it's pretty easy to lose them and make them split up to search for you.

Do you have ps+? random side note- Brothers a tale of two sons is free right now on it. Regardless if you know the plot or not, you should try it. Only a couple of hours long.

Yeah, I might check it out but I've already been spoiled on all of the major plot points and the twin-stick puzzle gameplay itself isn't really something I'm interested in so I don't know what the point would be.

That's pretty funny! "Hey so we have this 24 year old in the minor's hitting nearly .400, think we should call him up?" "Nah." Do you have a favourite baseball team or at least a few teams you enjoy watching?

On top of that, he's actually just 18. Not really, I don't watch baseball a lot unless I'm actually at the park (which I haven't gone in years) or it's on and there's just nothing else to do.

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How is MLB 2K14? You seem to be having fun with it!

I like it, but it's far less viable to be a closing pitcher in Road to the Show now. That's what I used to like doing back on the PS2 but now they start you out at like a 49 overall and you don't get to train your attributes more than once or twice a month so they start falling faster than you can train them up. I ended up being a catcher instead which is pretty cool, though I still haven't broken into the majors yet despite posting like a .370+ average in AAA.

Is/are there any LPer(s) that you attribute to starting this as a hobby?

Not really. Obviously there were LP's I watched that led me to discovering the hobby in the first place but in the end the decision to start making videos was mine alone; I just wanted to share games with people and have fun.

Is there any game out there that you've played and didn't really like but want to play it again and see if you can get into it?

Can't think of anything.

Wait wait wait, hold on, so you ARE doing a Wind Waker LP? (That would be awesome, all of the Wind Waker LPs that I've tried watching are terrible and I know that you make the best LP's!)

No, I have no idea where you got that considering I've been saying very clearly for years it will never happen.
Liked by: Nikki

What's your favourite Zelda game? What's your favourite game overall?

Majora's Mask, Mother 3.

Your favorite music in Crypt of the Necrodancer is the "cold" theme. Was that difficult to pick? I ask because the music is so well done.

It was really just between that and King Conga's theme. All of the music is good but those two stood out to me pretty much immediately, so I actually didn't have to think about it too much.

Since when did spandex become associated with superhero outfits? There's got to be a story behind this!

It fits well but still allows room for the body to breathe. It's like having a second layer of skin with extra sheen - you should try it sometime.

Thoughts on the Ubisoft game "Child of Life"?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
I think you mean Child of Light, and I've only really seen like a half hour chunk of it. Not really that interested in picking it up.

Wind Waker aside, what's your most requested Let's Play?

Well, Wind Waker is #1 so my second most requested is Arkham City.

Has any girl recently caught your eye. Anyone that you've actually had real conversations with.

Not recently, no, aside from who was already in there (or maybe that's just one of those squiggly lines).

In your Scott Pilgrim series, did you ever end up watching the credits sequence after you posted the video?

I'm sure I've sat down for them at some point, probably the first time I beat the game.

Do you ever get bored of answering all these ask.fm questions?

If I didn't want to answer questions anymore, I just wouldn't answer questions anymore. Personally I like getting them as long as they're reasonable.

Crypt of the Necrodancer...I could just listen to the soundtrack all day. Love the shopkeeping singing opera. What brought this on, did you just go on Steam and find the game?

It's actually not on the Steam store, I found it about 8 months ago when @Northernlion did a Let's Look At video for it and I preordered it then through the Humble store. Anyone who preordered before the offer closed last year got alpha access on April 30th.

I'm amazed; I just finished your Zelda LPs and when I tried to find a WW LP, I couldn't stomach any of them because I found them all obnoxious! I know you aren't doing one, don't worry, this isn't a question on that. I was just curious if you played any of the 'Tales of' series? If not, you should!

I've played Symphonia and Legendia, both of them were okay.

Will Net Neutrality ever be back?

I think it's inevitable that net neutrality, at least in the United States, will eventually die. Proposals that would ensure an open internet have been struck down multiple times in federal appeals courts, and new rules allowing for paid internet fast lanes have been drafted and submitted by the chairman of the F.C.C. If there's one thing our government has demonstrated they don't understand, it's the Internet. Big internet providers and businesses will be lobbying for this arrangement and since the literature is, as usual, using such vague phrasing as requiring companies to act “in a commercially reasonable manner,” it's the kind of thing federal courts will eat right up.


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