

Ask @batman9502

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What do you think of people that draws panty shots of girls? Being a girl i find it sorta insulting to us that guys would do such a thing..

You mean like actually draw them out on paper? I mean, yeah they're probably pretty creepy and likely have a perverted view of women if that's what they do for a hobby, but they're not really hurting anyone in particular by it. There's a lot more messed up stuff people are drawing than that. If you mean taking photos or something then yeah, if it wasn't consented to it's definitely disrespectful and I'd imagine maybe even illegal, though I don't know for sure on that one.

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u suck nerd? i cant believe any one would say that to you!

It has nothing to do with me, some people just think they're cool by going around on gaming videos or whatever and leaving dumb comments like that. What's worse is some uploaders actually respond to it and give them attention. A simple block and delete is all that's needed.

Have you ever thought about putting custom thumbnails on your older videos? If you have, don'! Haha I started to (and mind you I only have 150 videos) and got through my first LP, 36 videos, and realized how bad of a decision it was to start!

No, I'm not going to make 800 thumbnails.

When you play a game normally, do you spend hundreds of hours looking for every little thing or do you just speed through the main part of it till the end?

I won't spend that long looking for something, but I will at least take some time to look around for sidequests and stuff like that. If you speed through games nowadays you'll miss a lot of the content anyway.

Koji Kondo, greatest of all time when it comes to video game music, do you agree?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
He's pretty good, but you have to consider Nobuo Uematsu for that title as well.

What do you think about the announcement of arkham origins?

I always thought the series should've stopped after Arkham City and moved on to a different mythos. Now it's being made by a different developer so I'm going to be wary of it until a lot of opinions are out there on it after release.

What would you like to see from the next Zelda game?

Something that looks closer to Twilight Princess, ditches motion controls for a more standard control scheme, more than three areas to visit, less fetch quests to "prove your worth."

you are evil man! you mad me watch mother 3 2 days straight! omg you got me addicted to more of your lp's now! grr im soo madd...(LOL) great work man love ur lp's :)

Thanks, glad you're enjoying them.

have you blocked someone?

I don't think I have on here, but on YouTube my block list since I started doing this is at 61. Probably 20% spam bots, the rest were just due to general "u suck nerd"-type comments.

May I just say, you're a jerk of an NPC, but incredibly clever, well done.

If you only get one line, might as well make it count.

Why not man it should.. But be less Racist then before.. It should because of super low taxes and more freedom! :)

You're not a very good troll.

Do you think The confederacy will ever rise again if Taxes from obamacare and stuff get so high some of the people living the ex-confederate states can't afford stuff?


Do you drink beer and stuff Please tell me you don't I will be so disappointed if you do.. :(

Haha, "beer and stuff." I don't know why you'd be disappointed by that, sounds awful judgmental if you ask me. I've drank wine on occasion, holidays and stuff, but I'm not really much of a drinker.

What's your favorite TV show Bats?

The only TV shows I follow regularly are Criminal Minds and Burn Notice, and actually recently The Following. It's hard to really pick one over the others.

Who do you think played batman best in the movies?

I dunno, Christian Bale was good. I haven't watched a lot of the older ones recently.

What do you think is the best video game movie?

I honestly don't remember the last good video game movie I've seen.


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