

Ask @batman9502

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You like Muse?

Don't think I've ever listened to anything outside of that song that was in Guitar Hero, which was pretty cool.

Hey Bats! I see you play a fair bit of MLB (what's the subtitle now 2K15? whatever) is there any chance of you streaming that sometime? Maybe I'm in the minority but I think it would be fun to watch and a casual way to just hangout.

Nah, it's not good stream material. I only really play the Road to the Show mode, so all that happens is you take a few at-bats, get a few fielding chances, put in some training points, repeat. I usually just hop on for half an hour or so at a time before moving on to something else.

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

Unless there's someone still alive born before the industrial revolution in the mid 1700's, literally nobody can say yes to this question.
Liked by: Matthew Wes

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We as American citizens if see fit, have a right to alter or abolish the government. Do you really think that's the case?

It's worth mentioning that the right to revolution is a more longstanding global idea, mostly popularized by philosophers like John Locke (look up social contract theory) and not a unique gift bestowed upon American citizens. The line you're looking at is from the Declaration of Independence, in which it was referring specifically to the injustices of King George III upon the colonies.
To paraphrase, it states that all men have the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that if government imposes upon those rights in a way designed to oppress the citizens, they have the right to revolt. It's not really a case of "I don't like some of Obama's policies so we should abolish the government," in their case they were referring to tyranny and "absolute despotism." If this were to happen today then yes, it is absolutely the case that American citizens have the right to do so.
I'll quote the relevant passage for reference:
(from Declaration of Independence on life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness) "...that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government ... Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government."

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Liked by: Joshua

Satoru Iwata has passed away. He will be greatly missed. He has affected all of our lives in many ways. Our childhoods just wouldn't be the same without him. I think i'm going to pick up a Ness Amiibo, my first amiibo, just to show respect. What are your thoughts on his unfortunate death.

Yeah, it's a pretty big loss. One of gaming's biggest losses that I can remember, especially for our generation who had so many games that were affected in one way or another by him. One of those guys that you couldn't help but like, and even if you question some of the decisions Nintendo has made recently he'd always been a bright spot. It's a tough one, for sure.
Liked by: Joshua Wes

I went to watch your MGR:R LP again and the part where you found out your could roll in the oil barrels got me thinking... Do you see any practical use in rolling them ?

I guess it's the analog to being able to walk around while in a box, otherwise there's not any actual use to it. It does a very small amount of damage if you roll into an enemy but, you know, just use your weapons for that.
Liked by: Wes

I played The legend of Zelda: Skyward sword some years ago but never finished the last boss and I felt like finishing him a couple of days ago (Ghirahim and Demise) and I beat both without any real tactics and I looked at the video in which you fight them, I am quite sure you have finished the game

You're correct. I have, in fact, finished the game.

Why the name batman9502?

I thought I had bookmarked the answer for this, guess I'll do it now.
The name was made when I was in like 8th grade, friends would jokingly call me batman because I had two bat emoticons on either side of my screen name on MSN. 9502 was the number of the bus I rode. Looking back I would've created a channel with a different name when starting this whole thing out.
Liked by: Matthew Nikki

Was there ever a part of a game that you were stuck because of not knowing what to do next?

NintendoGamer4100’s Profile PhotoBrigham Hood
No. Never. I'm actually the human embodiment of GameFAQs.
Liked by: Wes

what did you usually score on AP tests.

I got a 5 on Spanish somehow, I think a 3 on Calc, then like a 1 or 2 on History and English (the teachers even said they weren't going to get to half the stuff that was on the exam).

Does Jeff have to fix the Gaia beam to use it in EarthBound? Also is the Sword of Kings worth getting for Poo?

Yes, the Gaia Beam is repaired from the Broken Antenna (requires 65 IQ). No, the Sword of Kings isn't worth all the time you'll spend grinding for it as PK Starstorm and most of his high-level spells will still be his most effective offense.

Spoilers? Maybe? For the last of us, what do you think of the phrase that describes the ending, "The world took something from Joel, so he took something from the world."

There are a few intermediary steps missing, but generally sure I guess? Arguably the most important plot thread is Ellie acting as sort of a surrogate daughter figure for Joel, which when combined with what happened to Sarah ultimately leads to the circumstances surrounding the ending. It's not like he set out from the beginning to "take something from the world," he just retaliated when it threatened to take someone he cared about from him again.
Liked by: Wes Nikki

DCMC or Runaway Five? Also do you hear about EarthBound Beginnings being released on Wii U VC? Still hoping for Mother 3

DCMC by a mile. They're way better. And yeah I heard about the Mother 1 release but I didn't like the game when I played it, even with a fan-made patch that was supposed to fix the grinding/random battles.

Voice actor from uncharted spilled the beans about the last of us 2. We won't see it for a few years at the soonest but what are your hopes for the game. All I was is to keep Joel and ellies story alone

Agreed. There's a lot more in that world that I wouldn't mind exploring, but hopefully they know to leave well enough alone when it comes to Joel and Ellie. The good news is Naughty Dog has been quoted as saying their story is "complete" so with any luck they'll stick to their guns and let it be complete.

Say I had a small TV hooked up via HDMI to my PC to use as a second monitor. How would I use the built in speakers on the TV for audio rather than the cheap 3.5 mm speakers already up on my computer. Better yet, say I had a sound bar, if i plugged that into my TV, how could I use that for computer?

Right-click on the volume icon in your taskbar (bottom right), select "Playback devices," find your HDMI device, right-click and "Set as Default Device."

Does Yoshi's Woolly World seem interesting to you? I know you weren't a big fan of Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Not "a big fan" of Kirby's Epic Yarn is a bit of an understatement, it's one of the few games I've ever actually returned for a refund. The trailers and stuff I've seen so far aren't doing a lot for me. It seems to be trying to straddle the line between Yoshi's Island structure and Yoshi's Story aesthetic (just with wool, of course). Unless it swings way more toward the former I'm not ready to jump on board yet.
Liked by: Nikki

Thoughts on this? If God is the creator, wouldn't that make the first atom to ever manifest itself in the universe, God?

I think the assertion, in most Christian denominations at least, is that this creator God somehow exists outside of our universe. It seems like an attempt to avoid infinite regression (who/what created God?) and serves both to explain how He existed "before" the universe and why He doesn't seem to have any detectable, physical presence that we can find.
Under the perspective though that god is nature, god is order, etc. that seems like an okay thing to say maybe? I guess it depends on your definition of what kind of form, physical or otherwise, applies to the god(s) you believe in. I don't accept the first premise of that statement either way so I don't really have that perspective.

If you had someone say.. gift you a DMC game, would you play it? (Not asking for a LP or anything, I just figured if you enjoyed the gameplay in MGR, DMC might be up your alley.)

I don't want anyone to gift me anything. If I get to a point where I feel like playing one, I'm happy to buy it myself. I don't really have room for a new game to play right now, don't want to feel obligated knowing it's someone else's money, etc.
Liked by: Excellector

I watched your playthrough of Metal Gear Rising, and wondered if you'd be bothered to tell me your thoughts on the Devil May Cry games? MGR:R Reminded me in many ways of the DMC Series, and would love to hear your opinion on the franchise.

Haven't played any of them.

how are you able to live optimistically knowing that there are people committing acts of brutality in other parts of the planet, and have been for so long.Our own first world nation was built on stolen,bloody soil and kept rich by greed,eventually robbing other nation's resources,bombing their land.

There have been people committing acts of brutality for as long as people have existed. We can be violent, vile, heartless creatures, but we can also be the opposite. That's why we've been able to grow and prosper as much as we have despite the atrocities some of us have committed throughout our history. While we sometimes do terrible things to each other those acts are generally recognized as heinous and unacceptable by the population at large, and we work to get these people out of the public and to prevent further brutality from occurring. It's never perfect, we will never stop all of it, but the fact that we're appalled by these things and want to stop them is a sign that on the whole we're not hopeless.
History is filled with bloody wars over land, true. We've fought and killed each other over some of the most insignificant stuff. It's one of those things where all you can do is try to get better. Read up on that history, acknowledge it, understand it, and grow from it. The thing to remember is that's only part of human history. It's also filled with innovation, arts, science, social progress, etc. The bad parts are essential to learn, but stopping there is selling us, and yourself, short.
I can't tell you what your outlook should be on our future, but when I look I see stumbling, steady progress over the last few hundred thousand years from a species that is trying to understand itself more as time goes on. Sometimes we fail, but we haven't stopped yet. That's how I stay optimistic.

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Liked by: Joshua Nikki

What do you think of this game? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/174320986/prota

This is about as risky a back as you can get on Kickstarter. It's a developer/company with absolutely no history, no acknowledgment of the actual risks involved in the game's development ("running out of money" is kind of assumed, since you're asking for backing), and a flimsy game concept at best. They say they're going to release the game "no matter what" so you better have a clear reason and visible plan for our backing. There's no roadmap for what will be done with the money and some of the stretch goals are bizarre. "Better bosses and more mechanics" is the ultimate $100k level? Why not do that first? Buildng "extra levels" for more money also seems weird to me, cramming more levels in than you planned without changing the release date seems to be asking for lower quality. The pledge benefits are also out of whack, getting a digital art book is $45 but to just get your name in the credits as well you need to pledge $100? A poster is $500? The $1,000 tier removes the $500 reward and the $5,000 removes both the $500 and $1,000 rewards? Also the $5,000 tier is asking me to pay a TON of money to do work for them. You'll "chat" with the development team four times and your opinions may or may not be used at all. That's some grade-A bullshit.
The game itself looks like something I would never want to play. "Challenging precise double jumps" isn't something that appeals to me, and the whole "patching bugs" mechanic that was barely even touched on just makes it seem like the game is doing to do a bunch of unfair nonsense that will get you killed, then "Dave" will "patch" them and make some dumb pun. The game looks flat and uninspired, and no, having a chiptune soundtrack isn't special these days.
I'm happy to stay as far away from this as possible honestly.

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Liked by: Matthew Nikki

How does the ring of luck work in crypt of the necrodancer?

The two easiest to understand effects are that bats will never hit you if they have another space they can go to (though if you walk into the only available space, they will still bonk you) and you'll always get an item from the Shrine of Chance.
As far as the "better items" thing I think all it does it cause the rarer items to show up in shops (and maybe containers?) more often. I'm sure somebody's extracted all of the percentages but I haven't really looked. It can be a double-edged sword if you're early on and/or don't have a lot of money, since the rarer stuff is usually harder on your coinpurse.


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