

Ask @batman9502

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What cartoons did you watch when you were young?

Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Doug, Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers, Hey Arnold, Recess, probably a bunch of others too I can't think of right now.

Hey bats what was the song you used in the metal gear rising trailer? I can't seem to find it on the soundtrack anywhere but maybe i'm just not looking hard enough

It's the original version of "The Only Thing I Know for Real," before all the techno effects were added to it. I'm not sure exactly where it originally came from, it may only be available online.

At the rate technology is advancing nowadays, do you ever think about how life will like be for our species in the near or far future? How long do you think data will stay archived on the internet for? Do you think the way we play video games today could ever become a way of the past?

100 years from now, assuming we're still around, the technology they use will be nearly unrecognizable compared to the technology we use today. Can you imagine how an adult living in 1913 would view a television, the internet, cell phones, or personal computers? Go much further than that and the people of that time will appear to be gods to us. Something better than the internet may come along where all of its data will get copied over or replicated elsewhere in a better way, video games will be virtually indistinguishable to reality. Everything we know now will eventually become a way of the past.

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How is it that graphics can contribute to you hating a game?

I'm assuming this is about Wind Waker (since it's the only one I consistently mention graphics), and it's not so much about the rendering of the graphics but rather the art style in general. It could be Wii U HD (which it will be at some point) or N64, I don't really care, but the overall super cartoonish feel does affect the atmosphere the game provides. I guess when I say "graphics" what I really mean is "visuals."

What do you think happened to solid snake in the end?

Well at that point he only had a few months to live, so he probably just went somewhere to live the rest of his short life and die in peace.

What do you think about the relationship between meryl and the soldier from mgs4?

Slightly unbelievable, but he seemed like a good guy that really cared about her so I'm glad they went for it.

Did you like the lord of the rings movies?

Sure, I haven't seen them since they came out though.

What do you think about what happened to big boss in mgs4?

Ugh, the game should've just ended after the gunshot and the fadeout. The rest of it was pointless and makes the first part make no sense. Like did he miss somehow? I just assumed they were both dead by that point in the story anyway.

What did you think of the avengers movie?

Thought it was pretty good. May have been biased by the company I was with when I saw it but I enjoyed it at least.

Are there any current movies you want to see?

Not really, I honestly don't even know what's out right now.

Would you like to see raiden in metal gear solid 5?

Phantom Pain I think takes place nine years after Ground Zeroes, which is just after Peacewalker in the mid-70's. This would mean the story will take place around the early to mid 80's, when Raiden either wasn't born yet or was still very young in which case no, I wouldn't.

Do you have Perfect Dark, any Conker games, or any 007 games?

I own Perfect Dark, Bad Fur Day, and Goldeneye.

What did you think of the cameo in zombieland?

The cameo? You mean Bill Murray? I enjoyed him.

What are some of your favorite pieces of dlc?

Apart from Rock Band songs I've bought DLC like three times in my life. So my favorite is by far the Jetstream DLC for Metal Gear Rising.

its the piano guy again. i tried using your advice about keeping your wrist up, and this was the best i could do. what do you think of this small tune that i played.

It seems impossible to listen to without a link.

Yes, Action 52 sucks, but do you think there is even the slightest appeal to it? What's your favorite game, even though the whole thing just sucks hard?

No, don't have one because I've never played it. The only reason anyone knows about it is because it's a shitty game, I don't know why I'd even want to try it.

I did not mean to ruin that dlc for you.

Eh it doesn't really matter, I'd probably never play it anyway. When asking about things like that it's probably better to start with "Have you ever played this" and follow up with what you wanted to ask if I say yes.

Do you like zombie movies like 28 days later or shaun of the dead?

I've never seen 28 Days Later, and it's been a long time since I've seen Shaun of the Dead but I remember it being pretty good. The only zombie movies I like are comedies about it, even then it has to be pretty well done. Zombieland is coming to mind.

What did you think of the dlc for assassin's creed 3 with George Washington turning evil?

Never played it, thanks for telling me that though.


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