

Ask @batman9502

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Have you thought about putting you lets plays on a site other than youtube? Maybe you can try blip or do you not want to after what happenned with gameanyone a while ago?

No, don't really see the need.

What are some of your favorite birthday memories and presents sir?

Sleepovers with friends as a kid were probably the best my birthdays ever got.

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Did you do anything special for your birthday weekend? Visit the parents maybe?

I'm at my mom's house, but we haven't done a whole lot special other than homemade dinner of my choosing tonight and cake.

How much would someone have to pay you to let them shoot you while you are wearing a bulletproof vest?

More than anyone would realistically pay.

So what do you think about Hydroponics? And how tall would you think a skyscraper would have to be in order to yield a large enough crop to outperform an entire acre? I give it maybe six stories if just because it needs a bunch of space in between each row.

I have no opinion or knowledge in this area.

do noa's dream sequences occur at random? Or do specific ones happen and specific resting spots.

I would've known for sure a couple years ago, but I think they're tied to certain rest spots after you've advanced a certain amount in the plot. Definitely not random though.

final sotc question, why do you rate it as you did.

Atmosphere is fine, looks good, bosses are alright in general, but I can only spend so long riding from boss to boss before it gets old.

Have you ever played shadow of the colossus and if so, would you ever LP it? If not i would highly recommend it. There's just something about slaying monsters 30 times your size with a sword, bow, and horse that is just so amazing.

Yes I've played it, no I won't be LP'ing it.

Do you have OCD? I do, and (no offence) but sometimes when I watch your videos i cringe because you didn't collect one coin or whatever.


If you were given choice between infinite money and superpowers, which would you choose?

Infinite money would get real problematic real fast, since you can't just "create" money without some sort of backing value, the sudden introduction of more money would throw the economy wildly out of balance, inflation would skyrocket due to matching the new supply, etc. I'd also likely be investigated heavily for the sudden acquisition of so much money (perhaps I was printing it for example) and would likely never get to use it anyway. Just give me the superpowers please.
Liked by: Mason Atwater

Any plans for your birthday?

May be going a couple hours out of town to eat with the family, otherwise not really.

Do you feel your taste in video games has changed over the years? If so how?

wespaul88’s Profile PhotoWes
Honestly, not really. I think I may be more apt to like the longer, more drawn-out games like RPG's that are slower-paced now than I would have been when I was younger, but the vast majority of the games I liked as a kid are based around formulas that I still like to see today.

This is random, but I really believe Link should start a landscaping business. Don't you? He could specialize in golf courses and say "Link manicures the best links in town".

Combination golf course / sausage grill called "Link's links."
Liked by: Mason Atwater

What do you think of the criminalization of homelessness?

Surely our prison space, law enforcement resources, and money could be used for a more worthwhile effort.

I'm sorry for asking a stupid question but you probably know.. I just opened a bank account.. I'm wondering when at check out at a store if i use my debt card will I have to sign off on it on that machine thing or is that only for credit?

If you use your debit card at a store you're usually asked if you want to use it as debit or credit. Using it as debit (which you generally do unless it's a major purchase) all you have to do is enter your PIN and the funds get taken out of the account immediately. Using it as credit requires a signature and is often a delayed withdrawal as they have to go through the actual credit card company.


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