

Ask @batman9502

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Do you allow video responses (given that it's the same game you are playing)? If not, why is it a bad thing?

I will allow video responses only if they're something that adds to the content of the video they're posting it to. I think this has only happened once. I don't remember which game it was but I think somebody made a video of themselves playing a song from the game that I said in the video I liked and posted it as a response. That's probably been the only one I've allowed in a long time. I don't post people just doing their own LP of the same game, because it's not really a "response." It's just using my video as advertising space.

Would it be okay if one of your best friends went out with your ex?

I would have a problem with them trying to get with the one that is married now; that's scumbag-level stuff and I'd have a hard time being friends with someone who does that. Other than that, I have no say in who my ex-girlfriends date and it's not really my business anyway.

For ff13, you gotta admit, the battle system is one of the most complex you will ever expirence. You need to stay wake and acually think. But that's just me. But the crystal system to get stronger was just chaos. I prefer exp and levels.

Eh, I dunno about that. You only controlled one character and once you find a handful of paradigms that work you're pretty much good. The battle system had its fair share of problems anyway, like having to rely on the AI to do what you want them to and getting game over immediately if the main character dies (even if an AI character has the Life spell). I thought the battles were mostly just a time sink. For the Crystarium yeah, I guess you can't lampoon them too much for trying something new, but it just didn't quite work as well as they'd hoped.

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what are some pluses to ff13

I dunno, it's pretty and the music was decent? That's about all I can think of to say.

Favorite genre?

I'm guessing you're referring to games, in which case I guess I'll just say the generic answer of action-adventure.

Were you ever bullied in high school or did you do the bullying?

Neither. I was generally nice to people and they were generally nice to me. It's amazing how the world works!

My user name on youtube is rentenzen1 or rene vazquez. If you find the sheet music, can you pm me please.

If I find the name of it I'll just ask myself a question on here and post the name there for whoever wants it.

What college did you go to? Did you enjoy it?

Just a little private college you've definitely never heard of. Eh, it was okay, but I was definitely glad to graduate and be done with it.

That's what I was thinking but wanted to make sure. I watched Angry Joe's Review of it, and the sword mechanics of cutting stuff up looks awesome! PS3 has way better exclusive games. With the Uncharted Series and then the Metal Gear Solid series.

Yeah, it's pretty fun.

Can you play fur elise on piano?

I refused to learn Für Elise when I was taking lessons because at every recital we went to there were at least five people playing it. While they were all playing the same song I was playing the interesting stuff. There's one piece in particular by Dianne Goolkasian Rahbee that I played at one of my last recitals right after Für Elise three times in a row that I particularly enjoyed. I can't remember the name of it, but I'll see if I can find my sheet music this weekend and get back to you.
Liked by: Tayla Wrafter

Would you take a spoon to the Super Bowl?

Only if it was a super bowl of ice cream or something. If it was the actual Super Bowl I'm not sure how much good it would do me there, so I'd probably just leave it at home.

Would you recommend Metal Gear Rising: Revengence to somebody who has never played the Metal Gear series? I've always wanted to but it's Playstation exclusive most of the time..

Yes, you don't need any knowledge of previous Metal Gear games to know what's going on. There are plenty of references for Metal Gear vets in a lot of the codec calls and stuff, but you won't have a harder time getting the story or gameplay.

When you first get a game, do you just try to enjoy it, skip most sidequest and have fun? Or do you go for 100 first time

Enjoying it is priority number one. That being said, I have the most fun looking around for secrets and trying to complete as much as I can. If there are like 500 collectibles I won't worry so much about all of them, but I do like side stories and stuff like that.

Awwwwwhhhh :) Your cats are freaking adorable!!! I love cats! My cat loves to sit under the Christmas tree as well!

Yeah, that's always his favorite spot around Christmastime. He likes sleeping under things, the rest of the year he's usually under a table or under a chair.

Would final fantasy XIII qualify as a games with fantastic graghics and mediocre ganeplay?

Yes. I made it through to the end the first time (blitzing through the game, skipping all sidequests and optional stuff) just because it was pretty and the first current gen FF game, but man was I bored most of the time. I can pretty safely say I won't be picking that one up again.

In a game, do you put gameplay over graphics in all situations?

In the vast majority of cases, yes. I'd pick a game with fantastic gameplay and mediocre graphics over one with fantastic graphics and mediocre gameplay every single time. The only time I can think of where graphics would be a sticking point is if they're just so horrible I can't even tell what things are supposed to be.
Liked by: Mason Atwater

I understand you're a cat person, what kind of cats do you have back at your parent's house (I think?)?

Here's Misty and Buster, respectively.

Who's your favorite video game character and from what game?

NintendoGamer4100’s Profile PhotoBrigham Hood
Honestly I have no idea. I've been playing games for as long as I can remember, and I've seen way too many characters to pick one.


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