

Ask @batman9502

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at what age do you think its acceptable for anyone to begin cursing. it seems like every starts in 6th grade, as you get in school with other kids who also do it, all not wanting to stand out. i'd say 15

I "learned" how to curse when I was in 4th grade I think, but it's just a thing that happens and shouldn't be considered an "acceptable age" or not. We'd be a lot better off if everyone just got over it and stopped being offended simply by the use of certain words.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

What's the most amusing part of GTA V in your opinion? I just like running over people in the Swagger Wagon.

The "press right to insult" feature. Walking up to random people and watching it slowly escalate from a friendly greeting, to yelling, to them walking away, to them jogging away, to them running full sprint away from me as I hurl a barrage of harsh words in their direction.

What are some of your favourite PS2 games?

These won't all be PS2 exclusive but just games I played for it in no particular order. God of War 1 & 2, Splinter Cell series, MGS3, Guitar Hero series, Amplitude, Indigo Prophecy, Viewtiful Joe, Bully, Prince of Persia, Grandia II.

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Uhhh, were you in the process of moving somewhere when you were doing Legend of Legaia?

I think that started just after I graduated from college, so I would've been moving into my apartment a few months into the playthrough.

Which film/TV interpretation of your character do you like best?

Dunno, haven't seen a whole lot. Nolan trilogy was cool.

So I was rewatching your ocarina of time LP and I noticed something cool. Sheik/Zelda plays a mini harp, do you think that had an influence on skyward sword? Love, Your #1 Fan <3

Ashley Hawkins†
In fact I think both appearances are supposed to be the exact same harp passed down through generations.
Liked by: Ashley Hawkins†

Ever considered doing podcast's or radio. You have the perfect voice for it.

I was in a couple podcasts back when Dave, Zack, Volv (at least I think he was in it), Skorch and I did the Firmware Update years ago but nothing really since then. We've tossed around the idea various times of doing something like that again at some point but nothing's ever really come out of it.

Don't you think it's cute how Batman goes out of his way to make just about everything he invents bat-themed? He must really like bats.

He was actually going to pick the spider but it was already taken.

What do you think about the Nintendo Wii U? Is it going to fail or get popular? What u think?

Probably similar to the Wii's performance.

What College did you go to, and what did you major in? :)

A small one in Kentucky you've never heard of, mathematical technology.

Is the Japanese version of Mother 3 the same as the English? I ask cause I was thinking of picking up a Japanese copy of Mother and and then playing along to your LP.

Gameplay-wise I think it's identical for the most part. You can probably find details on the fan translation page. http://mother3.fobby.net/

You a fan of Ace Ventura?

I've only seen it once a long time ago, I remember it being alright but that's about the extent of my knowledge.


Language: English