

Ask @batman9502

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Has there been flooding or bad severe weather in your part of KY?

No, not really. It's been super sunny and hot, only rained like one or two days in the last few weeks.

What was your favorite arcade game?

I used to play the hell out of the Time Crisis 2 cabinet at our local arcade. Ours has always been really small so there's not a lot to pick from. It also had Die Hard (Dynamite Deka) which I spent a fair amount of time with, a couple Virtua Fighter games, the Sega Jurassic Park shooter where you'd actually sit in a replica jeep to play it, and an old Neo-Geo machine which I wish I knew what they did with it. I think they also had Daytona USA for a while but ended up replacing it with San Francisco Rush 2049 for some reason. I also remember there being a super old Rad Racer cabinet that I wasn't old enough to appreciate. There was a stint where they had an X-men VS. Street Fighter cabinet, also a House of the Dead (2?) one. I don't know what's in it now but for as small as it is there was always something to play as a kid.

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What are some of your favorite video game Easter eggs?

I dunno, way too many. The one that sticks out to me as one of the few I picked up on by myself as a kid were the portraits of the Mario characters in the Hyrule Castle Garden in OoT. Then there was the other one in there where if you shot the slingshot at one of the windows a guard would throw a bomb at you. I thought that was insane when I first found it.

4th of July is coming up in a little over a week, does Columbia or your hometown have a street fair in addition to the fireworks? Do you go home, or do you just chill in Columbia?

We have fireworks at the fairgrounds but that's about it. It's a small town so there's never a lot going on. The 4th is on a Friday this year so I'll probably go home for the long weekend since I'm off work that day.

Did you like the Borg episode The Best of Both Worlds with Picard being turned into one from TNG?

Sure, I remember that one. The Borg are always fun.

How is it that during your LPs that you say something, then a character says the exact same thing? Is it that you have the same thought as the character or really good memory?

Mostly coincidence, I don't usually remember individual lines unless there was something really special about them.

When you're done talking on the phone and say bye, do you race to hang up or do you let the other person hang up lazily. I go lazy

Why would you race to hang up?

Have you ever beaten Battletoads?

Nah, honestly never really tried. I've played the first few levels once or twice just to get the experience but like anything I know if I played it enough I'd be able to once I learned its tricks. Some of the games I've played for the channel like NES Batman and Werewolf: The Last Warrior are insane the first time you try them, but once you build up an understanding it's all manageable.

If Sony entered into bankruptcy, do you think that Samsung or Apple might try to buy the Playstation subsidiary if it came up for sale?

This is kind of a hard question to answer because this is in no danger of happening. No one has really shown interest so I don't know who would want it, and if it was part of what led the company to bankruptcy it surely wouldn't look as appealing as it does now anyway. It's just one of those hypotheticals that would change the scene so much current knowledge isn't really useful.

Which frozen desserts do you like out of these options: Drumstick, Ice Cream Sandwich, Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich, Strawberry Shortcake, or Fruit Bars?

I'm not super big on any of them but the ice cream sandwiches sound alright.

Did you like the Spyro the Dragon series?

I only played the first game, it was good but for some reason just not one I got into after that.

Have you ever played Castle Crashers? If not you should. It's like a beat em up game with each character having different abilities to use.

Nah, but I've seen a lot of it. Seems like it'd be more fun with other people.

What or who jump started your youtube channel when you began.

The main reason I was able to get lucky and get any sort of audience in the first place was through NintendoCapriSun mentioning me a few times and regularly leaving comments on my videos (comments you left used to show up on your channel page back in the day). This would've been around the time Twilight Princess was going on, I think the first time I saw it was on the final Grandia 2 video, so late 2009. There was also a night back then where we played through SMB3 while talking on Skype and afterwards he told me he was recording it and thinking about posting it, but it never happened. Still though, it's undoubtedly thanks to his influence that from Grandia 2 getting 10-20 viewers per video, Twilight Princess was getting hundreds.
From there I managed to get a decent enough following to get noticed by Dave and the old GA crew, working with them also got my name out a bit more. Then once you hit a certain level you start actually being relatively high up in search results so you're more likely to have new people coming in organically. From that point it's just giving my best effort and working to make the best videos I could that hopefully the new viewers noticed and appreciated; there haven't really been any big "bumps" in a long while.

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Do you think you'll ever be in the millions of subscribers range anytime in your youtube career.

No, not even close.


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