

Ask @batman9502

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Did you pick up Ducktales Remastered when it came out or anytime afterward?

Nah. I never really get the urge to play Ducktales and if I did I'll just stick with the original.

Why do you hate thinking about theories and things representing more than just their concrete self?

Just because I'm not interested in all these Zelda theories doesn't mean I don't like deeper meanings. Symbolism is cool when there's actual symbolism involved, and works that are meant to stand for something more than what they literally say can be interesting and powerful. Zelda games are just not that. The Zelda game theories you usually hear are mostly people starting with conclusions and then doing figurative gymnastics until they kind of sort of maybe get half of it to work with enough conditions involved, as long as it's enough to start convincing other people. You can draw vague connections with anything with enough work, but it doesn't mean that's what the game is actually trying to say.

Have you heard the theory that the areas in Majoras Mask may represent the 5 stages of the Kübler-Ross model of grief? Eg, denial that a giant moon is falling on them in Clock town, the Deku king taking his anger out on some random monkey, etc?

Nah, not interested.

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Would you like to be on the runawayguys?

Even if they for whatever reason invited me I'd never have time to go out and record anything.

Do you like Metallica? If so, what is your favorite Metallica song?

Sure. I don't really have a favorite song though, I like them when I hear them but I've never really taken time to listen to their albums or anything. If I had to pick one on the spot I'd probably say For Whom the Bell Tolls but I'm only choosing out of the three or four I can think of right now.

Did you ever run into a difficulty spike in any game?

Sure, nothing's really coming to mind but it happens a lot in poorly designed games.

On that answer on the time travel thing down there, if we would ever discover some sort of controllable time machine, wouldn't they come back and visit us or something? Stephen Hawkings hosted a party for time travelers (time capsule) but no one showed up.

Well, time dilation only allows for forward time travel (basically time moves slower for you than it does everywhere else) and even then not a great deal unless you're somehow moving at near the speed of light. Time on the International Space Station for example has so far been about a tenth of a second slower than on Earth. Backwards time travel is a lot more fuzzy, ideas about things like exotic matter holding open wormholes in space are out there but it could easily turn out to be completely impossible.
Even if it was possible there are a handful of ideas out there that suggest it's impossible to alter the past in a way anyone would notice, but it starts to get real weird and difficult to comprehend if you start talking about light cones, self-consistency principles, multiple universes being created, etc. You could even say since it IS a logical paradox it simply can't exist. This is just one of those things we kind of have to scratch our heads on for the time being.

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Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

I checked up on Google and didn't really find an answer for the question. What would happen to all the ocean's if all the salts were removed from the water?

The short of it is they would eventually just get salty again as a natural process. In the meantime my best guess is it would kill off most ocean-dwelling species, and the changes in density would likely mess up anything that relies on the current ocean currents. This also probably means large global climate changes, though in what ways I don't really have enough knowledge to speculate. I'm wanting to say it would generally get colder, though whether we're talking disaster levels or not I wouldn't know. Generally though things would get screwed up until it managed to balance out again.
If you have a gigantic salt-remover machine and you're planning to just use it on all of the oceans, please don't.

getting batman arkham orgins for christmas?

Picked it up with birthday money a few weeks ago. It's fine but probably my least favorite of the three.

Do you think it would be easier to find a way to create antigravity in a place other than space then? How long do you think it will take for humanity to be able to create antigravity then?

While an anti-gravity force is mathematically possible under general relativity, there are no circumstances we could create that would effect it. I'm not super caught up on it but I think the big limiter is that it basically requires particles with negative mass.

How was your thanksgiving? I think I gained a few pounds on mashed patatos haha

It actually could've been better. For whatever reason none of my family was able to make it except us, so instead of going through all the effort to cook for just three people we didn't meet up and had a regular dinner at home instead. I enjoy the time off work at home though so that's always a plus.

What is your favorite movie that pixar has made, and how do you feel about a sequeal to finding nemo being made?

The first Toy Story. Wall-E was also really good. Never saw Finding Nemo so it wouldn't really matter to me either way.

Do you think that humanity will ever discover time travel, and if you do when do you think it will happen?

I've given answers on this in the past about how common time dilation actually is (think GPS) and theoretically using high gravity sources like black holes to exploit it to the extreme, but the short answer is the theory is in a sense already there. Again none of us will ever see any practical uses of it in our lifetimes but hey. if we were ever able to figure out the problem of harnessing the amount of energy required to use these things it's not absolutely impossible to travel great distances through time.
Michio Kaku has done a lot of talks, videos, TV shows, books, etc. about this kind of thing. You should look some of them up if you're interested.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

did you go see toy story 3 when it came out in theaters? No matter how old i get, this movie will always be with me.

I saw it, and I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't expecting much, always skeptical of reboots of good older movies, but I enjoyed it. The first one will always be my favorite though, I used to watch it with my Dad so much we could both quote the entire thing.

do you think gravitic warp as shown in the star ocean games, 3 and 4 specifically, will ever sneak its way into our reality.

I'm not that familiar with how it works in those games, but I doubt any of us currently alive will see us get out of our own solar system. Definitely not cruising around the universe.

Alright to go further into that whole thing about people doing something opposite. Say a bird has fallen from the nest and someone wants to help. Well touching the baby bird is actually killing it since the mother won't recognize the scent. So why do people sometimes do the opposite of whats needed?

I'm afraid I'm not really following you because this doesn't sound like your first question to me. That just seems like something people might not know or think about off the top of their heads. Nobody can be perfect 100% of the time. Sorry if I'm just flat-out misunderstanding; I feel like I am.

Do you like Yahtzee the video game reviewer?

Yes, but I don't know that I'd quite describe him as a "reviewer." His primary purpose is five or six minutes of entertainment and humor. It's more about chaining together funny references and humorous situations (usually by exaggerating negative aspects of a game) than just straight up giving the pros and cons of the game.


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