

Ask @batman9502

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Are there any other Zelda games you'd consider lping in the future?

Nope. Zelda 2 is maybe the only remote possibility but it's super not likely.

Not bad, not bad, it's nice to treat yourself once in a while, especially when it's that "one big purchase of the year" always nice to spoil yourself a bit. That also sounds like something I'd be interested in, how much did all that cost?

It's important to save up money but yeah it's also good to treat yourself once in a while. I make sure to leave room for a game every couple months or something, and apart from that I allow one bigger "me" purchase, like the PS4 at the end of last year and this one for this year.
I bought a few extra things to ensure I could record it with something other than composite video, namely a VGA output box (apparently this also allows progressive scan over VGA) also with an S-video port on it, a male-to-male S-Video cable, and a 3.5mm to RCA stereo cable which added like $50. The console itself was only like $40 or something, most of the games were $20-$30 except for Typing of the Dead since it required getting a keyboard controller too. All in all it came out to like $200 before shipping, which unfortunately ended up adding like $20 since they're all shipping from different sellers.

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So I see you impulsively bought a Dreamcast! That's pretty cool! What games did you get?

Slightly impulsively, I've been thinking about it for a while. The console plus games plus AV hardware is all pretty much going to combine as my one big purchase for the year so there was at least some planning involved. I got Crazy Taxi (I wasn't lying with that tweet), Shenmue, Grandia 2 (I've always wanted to play the original version, heard the PS2 port was bad), Typing of the Dead, and Virtua Tennis (because it was $3).

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Well, Rangers or Kings?

As in who am I predicting or who am I rooting for? I don't know enough about hockey this year to even hazard a prediction, but I'd like to see the Rangers win it.

I know I have the physical ability to play higher levels of piano. this can be proven by my ability to play a song like this- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGekTP5YNTo strait after the beginner stage, but only through memorizing tutorials and software like synthesia. I just cant read music. My-

(cont.) ... -sight reading is horrible, and I feel like I learn faster really through memorizing than actually reading. Which isn't good. Did you have this trouble? Basically I can't read sheet music. I can pick out what each note is, but cant play it on the spot. Im slow.
I actually always had this exact same problem, the first time reading a new song it was always slow going until I started learning the patterns. I think it's common until you've been at it for a really long time. The best way to improve is just to practice, the next time you learn a new song stay away from those programs and tutorials as much as possible. Learn your songs straight off of sheet music and persevere until you get it done. You're not going to get any better at it by avoiding it, like all things it takes practice.

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I have to opportunity to take math analysis as a freshmen. (the course after algebra 2) Would that be going to fast? They say the drop out rate is extremely high, even if you aced algebra 2.

I don't know the curriculum of the course, so I couldn't say one way or the other what foundations you'd want for it. The drop out rate, especially for a math course, doesn't actually relate too meaningfully to the difficulty of the material. Your average high school student will probably see anything listed above algebra as "basically calculus" and shut down. If anything if it's so high as to be notorious it probably means it has a lousy teacher which unfortunately isn't uncommon. Worst case scenario is you sign up for it and then change your schedule to something else, no harm in trying.

Have you been hacked at all recently? There's a mass hack going on. I live in CA but a login was prevented from Georgia. Changed the password. Is that the most I can do? Anything else i can do to protect my info?

Nope. Change your passwords and make sure they're all unique and strong, always enable any kind of two-step verification if it's available, don't go to shady places on the internet and enter your credentials, scan your computer for malware.

Are you going to do anything special for your 5th Anniversary?

Don't have anything planned. It's on a Friday though so I might do a stream or something.

Could you see Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony working together if PBS did a special on the history of video games?

There wouldn't be any need for them to either way. Whoever is producing it would be responsible for contacting any companies they want to contact independently.

Was there ever a time when you were really nervous about something?

I used to get nervous before piano recitals back when I was still playing, but even by the end of that I stopped worrying so much about it. I generally try to take a "whatever happens, happens" attitude towards things and it serves me pretty well in calming nerves.

I think you are the definition of beautiful, Bats. I would keep saying that over and over as many times as I could until you would believe it. The flaws that you have may seem big in your eyes, but they're not, they're nonexistent. I wish you knew how beautiful you were <3

Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

I'm an avid game player, but for various reasons have been avoiding online game forums/discussion places. What's up with the hatred of "casual games?" Is it just elitist gamers hating on different tastes, or is there some validity in the criticisms?

As with all things on the Internet you either like what they like or you're just hopeless and don't have any taste. If you want to criticize the casual games market there are points to be made (as there are for triple-A also) but it's usually more about trying to impress other "hardcore gamers" with a show of bravado.

Cant really find a simple answer online. Does 1 playstation+ year membership affect the ps3 and ps4? Or would you have to get one for each. Is it just synced to your psn to get 2 completely different instant game collections for each console?

Getting one PS+ membership works for both consoles. You just have one universal PSN account that you use to sign in on both. Your instant games collection is just tied to your one PSN account.

Do you remember LeVar Burton more from Reading Rainbow or Star Trek: The Next Generation?

Definitely TNG, as per my previous answer.

Did you like Reading Rainbow?

I didn't really watch it much at all. I knew about it but I think I caught like one or two episodes.

What's the best part of living on your own?

Well, I guess my favorite part about it is to be able to come back and retreat into my own thoughts at the end of the day without anyone around (though if you're mostly extroverted I guess that's not really a selling point).

We're your parents aware that you dated in middle school

Of course. Any time I wanted to go anywhere they had to drive me so it's kind of impossible to do anything clandestine.

Did you watch a lot of Spongebob as a kid? You strike me as a Spongebobhead.

No, in fact from the very first time I ever saw it I thought it was super annoying.

Have you ever played bioshock infinite.

Yeah, got like 90% of the way through it and just never got back around to it. I didn't seem to get as into it as everyone else.

Is there any type of music you can't stand?

There's plenty of music I don't want to listen to in my free time, like most modern pop, rap, and country, but I can't really think of anything that I just flat out can't take (mostly because I don't actively seek it out).


Language: English