

Ask @batman9502

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Do you think a vocational rehab place will be able to get me a job?

If you meet their disability requirements maybe? I don't really know a lot about it.

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When do you plan to commit to earthbound as a main LP again. Just wondering.

Dunno, when I feel like it.

What's the next LP that you're planning to do?

Haven't planned any out, need to finish what I'm currently doing first.

Do you get any money for doing your videos?

I get some ad revenue from any videos for which I've enabled it.

Which classic rock bands have you seen live?

None, I've only been to two concerts in my life and both were in elementary school.

So what about accounting kept you away?

Basically everything. There wasn't one single aspect of it I actually enjoyed.

Are you planning on doing speed runs again? Also, will you be doing a LP of Mystical Ninja Starring Geomon?

No to the speed runs, maybe to MNSG though it's more likely I'll just stream a playthrough of it sometime.

What is Mother 3 about?

That's kind of a big question, so I'm just going to copy-paste some stuff from the Wikipedia page.
Mother 3 is set on the "Nowhere Islands", a series of sparsely inhabited islands on Earth. The game switches perspectives between the main characters, who are all people (or animals) who live on the islands. The game focuses on twins named Lucas and Claus, their family, and the friends who join them to fight against the mysterious Pigmask Army.
Basically they live in sort of an idyllic town with basically no technology, not even currency, but everyone gets along and lives happily. The Pigmasks come in and start introducing advanced technology and basically controlling the land with it so you fight against them and their plans. There are a lot of other plot threads and characters but it's too many to explain and would be best experienced first-hand anyway.

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Which JRPG or RPG do you think had the best ost. What's your favorite track. For me it's probably xenoblade or bravely default and then it's the tracks I sent earlier.

My favorite soundtrack is between Mother 3 and Secret of Mana. Can't really pick one track from them though.

Do you think that astronomy is important? Why?

Aside from the fact that some form of astronomy has been used by every major cultural group since at least 2500 B.C. and that events such as solar storms and asteroids passing nearby affect us on a regular basis, if attempting to answer philosophical questions like "are we alone?" or developing a better understanding of the universe or even just the sheer excitement of discoveries that are happening seemingly every week isn't enough, we may actually be forced to move out there one day.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

What's your opinion on My Little Pony (and the fandom)? Personally, I think it's a cute show from the time I've watched it with my little sister and most of the fandom is cool too. I just hate that adults are sexualising a show made for children and asking for their needs to be catered in the show.

I don't really have any strong opinions. Like what you want, just do so healthily. If you're an adult taking a children's TV show and sexualising the characters or complaining it doesn't fit your ideal standards then you're being a creep and an asshole, but otherwise who's to tell you what you can or can't enjoy?

Do you believe in increase the awesome and decrease the suck in all that is humanity?

Uh, what?

would you play a card game with a wish as a goal, against others with their wish, where winning 3 times meant the wish becoming a reality, but losing 3 times meant the opposite of that wish happening. and the wish will never be real, even if it was something you could have done on your own. So if-

(cont.) ... your wish was to become rich but you lose 3 times, you'll be plummeted to poverty. Or if your wish was to make friends and you lose, you'll never be able to make friends again, and you can't even get close to someone with the potential to be your friend. But if you win, anything can happen
The easiest way to game this is to wish for the opposite of what you want to happen and intentionally lose the game. Either way, if this was somehow not hypothetical whatever is "holding" this card game has powers way beyond anything I want to be near, so no.

Have you ever said something and then later said something else completely contradictory to how you think now?

Our opinions, beliefs, and values are molded and shaped with experience. Everybody has something they've changed their mind about over the course of their lives.
Liked by: Nikki


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