

Ask @batman9502

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Have you ever used a gameshark or other cheat system while playing a video game?

I used to fool around with the N64 gameshark. I also had gameshark discs for PS1 and PS2 and a GameCube action replay disc, but I only ever really played around on the N64. It was cool because you could interrupt it mid-game and do RAM searches to make your own codes.
Liked by: Sawyer The Cleaner

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Who is your favorite LPer?

@ChipCheezum and @GenIronicus ( http://chipandironicus.com ) are the only LP's I watch regularly, otherwise I catch some of @Northernlion 's ( http://youtube.com/northernlion ) non-Isaac stuff and some of @JSmithOTI 's ( http://youtube.com/jsmithoti ) as well. @BaerTaffy ( http://youtube.com/baertaffy ) also makes good stuff but I haven't been super interested in the games he's playing lately (plus I'm totally burned out on Spelunky).
I've also been watching SupaGoGoMan's ( http://youtube.com/supagogoman ) Shenmue 1 & 2 LP's over the last couple months when I have some downtime at the computer.

I didn't think the KKK were active very much. Guess I was wrong.

Nah, there are still active chapters all across the country.

Which game would you say is better, Earthbound or mother 3? I think that mother 3 has the better story, but what do you think sir?

Mother 3 in pretty much every way.

What determines the different battle music in Earthbound?

The enemy you initially came into contact with in the field. Each one has an assigned battle music track.

Do you think the superbowl halftime show with Bruno Mars and the red hot chili peppers will be good, or is that not your kind of music?

I've never heard anything by Bruno Mars, but I think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are an alright choice. Won't really matter though since the halftime show is generally my bathroom/see-how-much-everyone-is-freaking-out-on-social-media break.

Have you ever seen frozen. If not, i highly recommend it. It is emotional, surprisingly unpredictable, phenomenal music, and a brilliant story with good humor in between.

Nah. Don't give the movie too much credit for the story though, it was at least loosely based on The Snow Queen.

I now this is probably difficult, but what is your favorite music in Mother 3?

My favorite to combo is probably Back Beat Battle - Hard, favorite overall music moment has to be the DCMC concerts.

continue- results in the monsoon fight. I'm also not using any unique weapons. Just my main sword. it seems as if she just stands back and hits me with the whip as im taking care of the stupid tripods lol

Leave one dwarf gekko alive during the arena fights, she will only summon more if all of them are dead. Otherwise she's pretty easy to pressure into constant blocking if you're quick, which breaks easily enough by finishing a combo.

Did you notice I was able to skip the entire 2nd phase of the sam fight. It's not that hard to pull of, considering a parry usually makes him go for a second 4 hit combo. And I was actually able to get a no damage, S rank, revengeance on monsoon. Now do you have any tips for mistral with the same ..

I didn't watch past the first handful of seconds but yeah, the transition into the unarmed phase is dependent upon him doing a certain attack, and it can be avoided either by dodging instead of parrying it or applying enough pressure that you pass the health threshold for the second armed phase.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmkHR-T-KXU How do you think the quality came out? And also, how are you suppost to avoid monsoon's smoke grenades. when he throws them on the ground. Im going for a S rank, no damage, revengeance.

Quality looks good, probably as good as you'll get out of YouTube. If I recall correctly the smoke grenades only deal damage if you're standing right next to them when they go off; running away should let you avoid the damage from them. At that point just parry until the smoke clears. I think it's possible to avoid the sequence by hitting him with an EM grenade before he throws it too.
Monsoon is probably the hardest boss to get no damage on, it's possible with fully-upgraded gear it might be reasonable to go for a "vanilla" S-rank.


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