

Ask @batman9502

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If you could hang out with any game developer right now, who would it be?

It's hard to say since I don't know any personally, but if I had to bet on one that would be cool to hang with my first pick is probably Rami Ismail (of Vlambeer). I imagine loads of them are cool though so really it's a toss-up.

Planning on watching inside out? Highly recommend it. One of the best pixar movies since toy story 3. And 10 times more feels.

Never heard of it, doubt I'll be at a theater before it stops showing anyway.

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Is that one of your cats in the previous answer?

That is my only cat in the previous answer. He's back at home with my parents (can't have pets at the apartment) but he's been with us since I was in middle school.

Ever played "Duck Game"?

No, but I've seen it. Looks like a fun time with friends, but since I usually play games solo it doesn't seem like it's for me.

Do you think splatoon will add 3 way map rotation? I mean it has space in the menu for a third map already laid out.

Rene Vazquez
Yes, once they get more maps I'd say this will definitely happen.

What are your thoughts on the FF7 remake announcement?

Part of why I'm not jumping out of my chair is that it wasn't really my "first RPG" type of experience that a lot of people had. Didn't pick VII up for the first time until later, so I had plenty of other PS1 RPG's that came before it. I was always kind of lukewarm on VII, and the only thing that pushed it into "like" territory for me was that it was weird sometimes. Whether it's dressing Cloud up as an escort and having him be "seduced" by the owner or having Cid say to "sit your ass down in that chair and drink your goddamn tea" or figuring out "that guy are sick," there's no way any of those moments will translate into a 3D, voice-acted remake. My biggest concern is it will lose all of its charm since I have no faith in Square-Enix anymore when it comes to making things lovably goofy. The battle system itself is pretty basic and straightforward, and there's potential for some super cringe-worthy stuff when it comes to the famous brooding character stereotype of Cloud and Sephiroth. We'll have to see.

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Liked by: Nikki

Do you believe that a two state solution to the problem in the Middle East would be the best solution to end the conflict? Why or why not?

I'm more in favor of a two steak solution.
Liked by: Mason Atwater Wes

Do you think the splatoon level cap should be higher? 20 seems to low, and ranked battles make it pretty easy to level up.

There wouldn't really be a point to leveling up past 20 until there's more gear to unlock. Literally all level does in that game is provide access to different equipment.

What's your opinion on the rolling for random abilities on equipment in splatoon. Personally it's not even that hard to find something that looks good and has desirable abilities.

Most of the abilities are useful and you can always see one or two of them when you buy it anyway so I've never had a problem with it. If the abilities were static, equipment would have the same problem as the weapons. Every single match there are at least three people using the AeroSpray RG. At least this way people mostly look different from each other.

Have you seen the COTN Dance for Your Life video by FamilyJules7x, Jonathan Young, and ToxicxEternity? If not, it is absolutely awesome.

Yep, retweeted it this afternoon in fact.

What's your favorite weapon to use in splatoon. I prefer the aerosoft gun.

So far, the very first charger. Splat Charger I think it's called? I've unlocked a couple more chargers but neither of them were very good, at least for how I play it.

You got splatoon? Would you be interested in streaming with fans?

Two things:
One, I don't have enough fans to do a stream like that.
Two, Splatoon is hard to arrange that kind of thing anyway since there's no dedicated "room code" like Mario Kart 8 for example. Everyone would have to add me to their friends list (which means I'd have to keep backing out every time to accept people) and then just hope I'm in a session they can join. Logistics just don't work out.

What do you think of steam finally offering refunds. Personally i'm not gunna praise them. I'm just gunna say, it's about time.

Don't know why you wouldn't praise them for it, it's a pretty big deal. This has always been one of the digital games age's biggest problems. The idea that you can get a full refund for any reason within that grace period is huge. You can't even return most physical games for a full refund once they've been unsealed from the plastic.

Did you ever get into the Jurassic Park movies? If so, are you looking forward to Jurassic World?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Not really, I watched them but I think only once. I'll probably see Jurassic World though.

I'm trying to get into high score runs in COTN. Besides the crown of greed from the shopkeeper I think it's called, what other essentials are there. Ignoring the obvious golden weapons and keeping your multiplier.

The best way to learn is to watch replays of top entries on the leaderboard. I could sit here and spend forever writing it out or you could just see it in action and probably understand it better too.

I know there's no way to know what actually happened, but did you ever stop to think about the seemingly impossible events of Elisa Lam.

Not really.


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