

Ask @batman9502

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Do you think that even finding single celled organisms on Mars could perhaps tell us that there has to be more out there, and in which case, other intelligent life? If someone saw our original ancestor it was probably a cell. Maybe we found cells that could evolve to something much greater...

(cont.) ... If we left it alone for billions of years (assuming we're still here which we probably won't be.
No, finding single-celled organisms on Mars would tell us that there are single-celled organisms on Mars. There doesn't "have to be" anything else just because there's something on one planet. That said, assuming any life found there wouldn't be a result of contamination from Earth it would certainly lend strength to the possibility that life can form naturally on other planets. Then, if our understanding of evolution holds true in those cases there would be a possibility of more complex life. It wouldn't prove anything for any other location than Mars, though.

What are your thoughts on the NSA receiving radio signals from outer space? http://m.nsa.gov/public_info/_files/ufo/key_to_et_messages.pdf

The last time that happened, this is what we found: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulsar
I personally think it seems unlikely that it's some advanced civilization trying to communicate when radio waves are so common - anything with a changing magnetic field will produce them. It seems more plausible that it's another natural phenomenon we haven't understood yet but nobody will really know until more research and testing is done.

Did you hear about water being found on Mars? If so, thoughts?

To clarify it's *flowing* water, not just water. We've known for over a decade about the existence of water ice on the caps and below the surface of Mars. To that point it's definitely exciting, but not super surprising I think. Since like the early 1970's there has been evidence pointing to the existence of water on Mars in the distant past, and as we've been able to dig deeper and examine more precisely there's been a steady trend of finding more and more evidence that it could exist today.
I'm very interested to hear how they handle the discovery, and what we can expect to see in terms of a search for life within it. I've always thought it was likely we'd eventually find something and it feels like we just keep getting closer. Finding even primitive life on Mars would, in my mind, be the single biggest human discovery up to this point in history.

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Liked by: Mason Atwater Joshua

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How often do you do math in your head?

Whenever I'm doing something that needs some quick math? It's not like I just sit around adding numbers or whatever.

I know there are no shortcuts to success, but do you have any tips on being able to read sheet music faster? Specifically for piano. I have the physical ability to play these songs, but it takes at least 8 seconds just to register what note in playing in coordination with the scale.

Nah, I was always trash at reading sheet music quickly. Do it a lot and work on memorizing the piece so you only need to use the sheet as a reminder.

Did you ever take AP Biology in high school?

Nope. It was offered as a choice between AP Bio and AP Calculus, so I picked the obvious option.

My freshmen year grades in high school were 5 B's and 2 A's. Sophomore year currently taking AP calculus. That alone could potentially get me a full ride to USC. Would they possibly not accept me after seeing my freshmen grades. I'm trying really hard to get an above 4.0 GPA, this and next year...

(cont.) ... And then go to USC after junior year. Assuming I do about 100-150 hours of community service and join debate club, and get an above 4.0 GPA this and next year, AND being in ap calc as a sophomore (main driving reason), do you think I'll still get the fill ride as my friends probably will
I don't know what every school's criteria are for scholarships and all that. They should have contact numbers and e-mails on their website, get in touch with an admissions counselor and see what they generally look for.

In the sum of all natural numbers = -1/12, why are you allowed to "shift" over one of the sequences / series (can't remember which word to use), when adding it to itself.

Commutative property of addition.
A = 1 + 2 + 3
B = 4 + 5 + 6
A + B =
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 =
1 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 6
You can shift them wherever you want.

Hey, Bats. So this might be a stupid question, but how exactly does Batsy E-books work? What does e-books actually mean?

I'll answer the easiest part of your question first. The ebooks is a reference to the horse ebooks Twitter where the idea sort of took hold. It used the material from other sources to create chained-together "sentences" of its own, and people thought it would be interesting to use the same methods with their own body of Tweets to get a similar effect. It's a little hard to explain, so here's a reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_ebooks
Without going into the details too much, it's just a Ruby script that I've set up on a Heroku server. You essentially feed it your "corpus" of Tweets (though I think the script I used gathers it automatically every so often) and it does some transformations called Markov Chains to start with one of your original tweets and transform it randomly using the other tweets in its library. This script in particular has a few other modifications to set up a time interval for tweeting (I think mine has a 50% chance of tweeting every 3 hours or something) and provisions that will allow it to reply to people on its timeline as well as favorite any key words it finds.
Basically it just takes a tweet and substitutes parts of it with other tweets. Sometimes the result can actually be a coherent thought, other times it's just a bunch of sentence fragments.

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Did you have any content ID issue with Metal Gear Rising? Asking because I'm considering it as a future project myself.

I had claims on about half a dozen of them.
Unless you're actually doing YouTube videos for a living, don't let the potential threat of a few Content ID's keep you from playing a game you want to play.
Liked by: Wes

So far, how much hours do you have in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain?

Just shy of 100 I think, and I've done all the missions and side-ops so I don't really see myself putting any more into it. Maybe when Metal Gear Online comes out.

Sooo, is that a yes?

I don't see why it wouldn't, I'm just trying to save you the unnecessary shipping costs and waiting time vs. picking one up for a couple bucks at a store, especially if you don't really need a 30-foot cable.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/30-ft-feet-Cat5-Cable-CAT5E-RJ45-LAN-Network-Ethernet-Router-Switch-Patch-Cord-/290872861099?hash=item43b95fa1ab I'm not sure what a switch patch cord is. Would it work to simply get a wired connection between my computer and router?

You don't have to get technical with it, you can pretty much just go to Walmart or wherever and pick up really anything that says it's an ethernet/networking cable. I'm surprised your router/modem didn't come with one to be honest, the few that I've bought had one in the box for that purpose.

If you could have theme music play every time you entered a room, which theme music would you pick?

I'd find some song off of a prog band's concept album that starts off with a bunch of silence. Is there really any song you could listen to the first 30 seconds of over and over every day and it not be completely unbearable?

Ever thought of doing an "intro" video for your Youtube page? You know, like introducing yourself and what kinds of games you do?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Nah, there's no point. It's immediately obvious looking at my channel that I make let's plays, and if they have an interest beyond that it's easy enough to just click the most recent video.
Liked by: Michael Warming

What isntbte biggest lesson you've learned throughout your entire history of LPing?

That's a tough one. I think the most imporant thing I've learned is that if some element of your videos isn't working for you, don't be afraid to look for other ways to do it. There are plenty of things that I've changed over the last six years from stylistic changes, like being more laid-back and not reading 100% of the dialogue out loud, to process changes such as the editing and rendering flow and equipment setup. It gives you a sense of being able to look back at the videos you used to make and point out areas where you feel you've improved - something to shoot for other than just numbers and analytics that will wear you down if they're all you think about.
Liked by: Wes

Ever play any of the Leisure Suit Larry games?

I've never played any, but I've seen at least the first two (the Sierra DOS games). It was always raunchy of course but I feel like there's no reason to still be playing Leisure Suit Larry on the PS3 or whatever. At least the old games have a little bit of that late 80's / early 90's DOS charm.

Thoughts on McDonald's serving breakfast all day?

My first thought is that'd be rad, but honestly I have a hard time thinking about a time where I've wanted a McDonald's breakfast that wasn't actually during breakfast hours.

Jesus loves you very much and he wants you to believe in him and love him. He died for your sins so that you will not perish in hell and when he returns to take all the believers and faithful ones, they'll have eternal life in heaven. Jesus is the only way, truth and the life. Believe, repent&follow

batman9502 loves you very much and he wants you to believe in him and watch his videos. He plays for your entertainment so that you will not perish in boredom and when he returns to upload for all of his subscribers and viewers, they'll have a 30-minute life in a video game. batman9502 is not the only uploader, answerer, or living person. Comment, like&subscribe


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