

Ask @batman9502

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You getting metal gear solid 5 day one?

I'm re-answering this question because after seeing footage of it I think I've changed my mind about this, I'll probably download it from PSN once I get home.

Maybe the ads are related to stuff you're searching for on Google? Although, it's hard to imagine why the handbag ad would show up for you.

Yeah, it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility that they're using the traditional tracking cookies method of trying to determine what ads to push to you. That goes against what they promised though. What's listed on Curse's website is:
"Curse will sell the ad space on your channel to large gaming related companies like Blizzard, E.A. and Alienware and share with you the profit."
I haven't seen an ad for a single gaming-related company in the handful of times I've checked. I've looked on a few other people I know are in the network just now (one of them has 500k+ subscribers so he's big-time for them) and even they have advertisements for movies and some college dorm room styling mobile app or something.
The thing is it's not *worse* than before, it's just that it's a benefit I was expecting and haven't been given. If the revenue for these ads aren't higher than ads I have at least some control over then there's no reason for me to stay.

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Did you get a new Youtube partnership? I see the Curse Union for Gamers icon on your Youtube page.

Yes, I signed up with Curse last month.
As of right now I'm iffy on whether or not I'll stick with them. The main reason I signed up was that they were supposed to be selling ads only to relevant gaming advertisers which I had hoped would make the ads on my videos the least obnoxious they could be. Having checked up on them a few times though I get ads for all kinds of crap that doesn't seem related at all (Lunchables, O'Reilly Auto Parts, some handbag store?) and I haven't been able to determine yet if I'm making any more than I would have by myself. With only one month of data it looks roughly equivalent.
I'll give it another month or two at least, it's not like they're actively making things worse or anything. If there's no appreciable difference by that point I'll probably bolt to at least be able to regain some small control of ad content. Luckily their contract is very friendly to the content maker - there's no lock-in and I can nullify the agreement "at any time for any or no reason."

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Liked by: Mason Atwater

Speaking of the Foo Fighters, did you see the video of the 1000 people in Italy playing "Learn to Fly"? As a musician it's absolutely beautiful to watch!

Yeah, I tweeted it out a while back too. Imagine what it would've been like to be down there on the ground during that.

Did you see the video of the Foo Fighters Rick-Rolling Westboro Baptist Church protesters?

I heard about it but I never actually sought out any video. Westboro is another one of those groups I don't waste time thinking about.

Opinion on donald trump and his immigration proposal?

I don't even use up brainpower taking anything Donald Trump says seriously.
Liked by: Nikki

Are you into any fantasy sports?

I played fantasy baseball online once years ago and pretty quickly lost interest. I don't really like having to keep up that closely with it.

Caught any NFL preseason games on tv yet?

I don't usually watch NFL games on TV unless it's the Superbowl.

Have you tried playing Fallout Shelter, or are mobile games not something you'd like to get invested into?

I haven't played it, and I'm not really interested. I don't have a commute or anything like that where killing time on my phone is the only option; I'm almost always either unable to play games or have better games available. Also it only recently came out on Android platforms and by this point I've already seen everyone's screenshots on Twitter months ago anyway.

Did the idea for a classic SNES sports games stream just come up, or did you see/hear/do something that gave you the idea? Also, yes, that music from the soccer game was good haha.

I don't remember what it was, I might've seen something from an old sports game that reminded me of all the ones I used to play.

Have you been keeping up with all the splatoon splatfests and getting to max rank in each? Also what's your rank/level.

Nah, I haven't played since sometime in June. I'm still level 20 and haven't played ranked (not interested in rank).

Does Bats E-Books hang out with you when you're at home?

Nah, I think the Heroku servers are in San Francisco.

Say you got into a street fight, 1v1, would you be able to hold your own? Assuming the other guy is just some average man who probably only knows strait, hook, and uppercut punches. Basics most people can do.

Dunno how I'd do, I've never been in an actual fight. That being said I don't think in just normal fights on the street you really worry too much about punch types? It's not boxing or MMA - I imagine you just take what you can get. I could probably survive I guess but I don't really know other than that.

Do you watch UFC at all? What do you think of Ronda Rousey?

Nope, I can't say I've ever watched a single match. She seems pretty cool based on what I've seen online I guess? All I really know is she's dominated her last couple of fights and is also into Pokemon apparently?

Do you have a favourite baseball team? If not, do you have a few teams you'd like to see in the mix this year?

I've always been kind of partial to Toronto, but not for any "big deal" reasons. I like their colors (those old powder blue uniforms are sweet too), Rogers Centre is a neat ball park, and I liked watching Halladay when he was there. I always just root for teams that don't always win it; I like seeing new teams in the race.

what do you think of zodiac signs/horoscopes?

The position of stars and planets doesn't affect your life in any way.
Liked by: Nikki

Will you ever make another "The Legend of Zelda" let's play? :D

Hard to tell, I don't make plans past my current project.
Liked by: Nikki

How is "Onett" actually pronounced? I've always said "one-net" because it follows the number like Twoson, Threed, and Fourside.

The correct answer is there is no correct answer because it's a made-up word in a video game that never gets pronounced in the game.
My thoughts are "oh-NETT." For it to sound like the number, the "one" part stands by itself and is actually referring to the number ("oneself, onetime, oneness"). Otherwise there are words like "onerous" where it's just a short (or long, if you're British) O sound.
Besides, if you were to pronounce the "one" in Onett as the number you'd actually pronounce it "won-tt" which doesn't make any sense. You have to add letters to get the additional "net" sound (onenett).
Liked by: Wes

Did you ever pick up bayonetta 1/2 on the wii U? If you liked MGRR you'll love this game.

Nah. The only reason I really looked into MGR was because I already like the Metal Gear characters and that universe. The gameplay wasn't what grabbed me. From what I've seen of Bayonetta I'm not really interested so there are loads more games that are higher up on my list.

Do you enjoy watching thunderstorms?

Nah, not really. I spend most of them just hoping they don't cause the power to go out, otherwise they happen pretty regularly in the spring/summer here.


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