

Ask @batman9502

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Which do you think sounds better: "Aeris" or "Aerith"?

Aeris. Bonus points if you remember her last name without looking it up.

what do you think of the final fantasy movies. mostly advent children (ff7) if you havnt, the are actually on youtube movies for free.

Never seen any.

Who are you partnered with on YouTube? And who would you recommend new let's players to partner with?

Yeousch/Fullscreen, and I wouldn't. Spend some time just making videos before you think about all that crap.

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Speaking of "P-p-paper", how do you think "???" reads? Does he have a face? Because I haven't found any sign of it having a face. But ??? is just a hand according to Skyward Sword, but I need more proof! Maybe he's just a derogatory thought conjured up by the people of Termina/Skyloft?

NintendoGamer4100’s Profile PhotoBrigham Hood
Do you really think he's reading the paper?

So can you show an example of a strange event in the YouTube comments please? :D

Someone just recently told me I should play Twilight Princess.

you've played Sparkster, right? what do you think of it compared to Rocket Knight Adventures?

defaultxr’s Profile Photomodula t. worm
Never played Sparkster actually; RKA is the only one in the series I've played.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kadmwJXJVNk can you tell me what you think of my portal walkthrough just put up today. it would really help if you gave me some advice.

Sorry, I don't really check out videos that are more than a couple minutes because if I did that for everyone who asked there just wouldn't be enough time in the day.

so is that a no?

If you don't consider those to be strange events. They're definitely not natural or normal either.

You may have covered this before but I'm new to your channel. What video editing software do you use?

It's in my channel description, but Sony Vegas Pro 8.0.

are you a believer of the supernatural, paranormal, or any strange events.

I see strange events happen all the time when I look at some peoples' YouTube comments.
Liked by: Brandon Lum

So are you having fun editing that Metal Gear Rising let's play?

It's not so bad, it kind of balances out compared to previous games all things considered. I have to add the skip scene text and make sure to label regions of the timeline so I know what's what, but it doesn't really require editing stuff out much at all.

Did google force google+ on you yet?

Hm? I didn't even know that was a thing that's happening. I've never received any notifications about it or anything.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hV1E6qGeLw so sorry. i forgot the link

Very first thing I noticed is you spelled "gaming" wrong on the first slide. Second thing I noticed is it was basically a PowerPoint presentation (with no capitalization and other improper grammar). I'd imagine if a person just wanted to read about gaming news, they could probably go to a site with actual gaming news articles. At one point you even just flat out link to IGN in the description. I'm just not really seeing what purpose it's supposed to serve. Sorry.

how many videos do you have that arnt in playlist or able to be seen. do you think you can put them in a separate playlist. random videos. i dont know. something like that maybe.

The only videos on my channel that would fall under that banner are old update videos I never got around to deleting. There's nothing worth seeing there.

I want to start a lets play channel. Thank you for inspiring me, but where do I start?

I dunno, record a video? If you need help with figuring out how to do it there are tons of tutorials all over YouTube and everywhere else.

What's a game you are most looking forward to doing a Let's Play of?

Dunno, got quite a few I want to do. If I knew which one I was looking forward to most I'd know what I was doing next. I try to just stick to the present.

I'm sorry, but I'm unfamiliar with the Nintendo claims of LP news. Could you fill me in?

Not much to fill in. Nintendo's been putting content ID claims on YouTube videos featuring their games. That's about it.

Do you have a favorite voice actor and/or actress?

I dunno, either Paul Eiding or David Hayter. There are a lot of voice roles I really like so it'd be hard to pick a favorite.


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