

Ask @batman9502

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Sorry, I forgot you were an only child. Hey, at least I'm not a stalker right?

There's no reason to expect you to know. My Dad played a few things with me, but he only really got into racing games and baseball, specifically. Our SNES lineup was Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball and Super Mario Kart, on N64 we still played Griffey and moved to Mario Kart 64, by Gamecube we were still playing MK64 but also added NASCAR Rumble (weird arcade-y game with NASCAR drivers and powerups and annoying over-the-top commentators, hard to recommend now) and I think one of the High Heat games on the PS1? By the time the PS2 rolled around we played a few games of MLB The Show 2006 I think, but that was basically the last one.

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Did you ever get into Bomberman?

Bomberman games (at least the classic ones) seem to be best enjoyed as multiplayer games. I've played one or two of them and know basically how it works but being the only kid in your house means you tend to gravitate more towards single-player, so I never really got much out of it.

Is there a fee for using wifi usb dongles?

Your ISP charges you for getting service into your home; whether you utilize it via ethernet or wifi after that point isn't something they care about.

Any JRPGs that you've never played before that you think you'd might like to play?

Nothing's coming to mind right now.

Is it just me, or did Google change the video layout for Youtube?

I don't notice any difference recently. It's changed a bit over the last, like, half a year or so I think? Pulling it up now though I don't see anything new.
Liked by: king kal

Why are you done competing for score in Necrodancer?

With the addition of the Shriner NPC, there's a guaranteed Shrine of Rhythm (gold multiplier +1, removes every eighth beat, if you miss a beat you die). I 100% hate the Shrine of Rhythm, instant death is too steep of a penalty to add on top of the altered beat pattern. But since it gets you a higher score and is now available at the start of every run, every score run has to use it now.
Not to mention now you just have to keep resetting until you also get Shrine of War and Shrine of Space, so the luck problem is still there, as it always will be. Updates should've focused on maintaining the balance of gold drops in the first place instead of adding more and more things that give gold and become necessary for high scores, but I'm in the minority in that regard so that's just how it goes. People will continue to compete but I'll just be playing for fun only from now on.
The checklist of things to get score is just too big now:
- Gold Weapon
- Kill Shopkeeper
- Shrine of Rhythm
- Shrine of War
- Shrine of Space
- Ring of War or Ring of Gold
- Destroy Shop Walls (level 3+ shovel and purple scroll or bombs)
- Pawn Shops
- Leprechaun
I enjoyed it when it was basically just kill shopkeeper with Red Dragon, Ring of War/Gold, and gold weapon (which is guaranteed) but now there's just so much stuff that it's overwhelming and unfun.

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So how long do the levels last in Tropical Freeze? Are they longer than the 2-5 minutes for the first DKCR?

I dunno, they seem roughly the same I guess? I wasn't timing them and even if I was I spent a bunch of time looking around so it's probably not representative.
Liked by: no Michael Warming

My adsense account has been approved.. now what? Where do I put in my card info to get money.

You have to link it to your YouTube assuming that's what you're wanting; there are monetization settings inside of the Creator Studio or whatever it's called, and I think there's just a button to link accounts if that's not already done. To set up payment information you have to go into Adsense (adsense.google.com), click on the little gear icon and go to payments, and update your payee/payment information with your tax info (just an online W9), address, bank account, etc.. That's all I really remember doing - it's pretty simple.

Have you played any of the CoD games? If so are they fun? I've never played a single game in the series or any shooters.. Do you think its fun to pick up on?

I've played one of the games's multiplayer mode once or twice when I was in college, but I don't even know which one that was. I have absolutely no interest in ever getting one myself. What you see is what you get really, there's not a lot to it other than being solid online multiplayer FPS games if that's what you're looking for.

Now that you have a WiiU, are you thinking about getting DKCR: Tropical Freeze?

I have it but I've only played through the first few levels. I can't bring myself to finish the levels without getting everything, but hunting for all the stuff wears me out.

Thoughts on the Castlevania series?

I've only played the NES ones, Super Castlevania IV and Symphony of the Night. The last two are good, the first ones would be good if they weren't so unforgiving.

What do you think of your 3ds. Mini review.

It's fine, I've only used it to play three rhythm games though and I haven't been super interested in most other games for it.

What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?

Frank Church
I really liked going to New York City; the energy of it was amazing. I wouldn't want to live in the middle of the city or anything, but I'd love to see it again.
Liked by: Frank Church

I am not mad, but I seriously can't tell. Are you being sarcastic or is retrying Mardek just laughable? Or does just the mention make you laugh?

I mostly just don't understand your determination to get me to play some flash game from like eight years ago (that I actually did try when you asked the first time and absolutely hated). Let it go, it's never happening and it's not important, and I'm not going to be answering any more questions about it.

I saw a while back you gave Wind Waker HD a shot and didn't find it all too bad. Would you be willing to do the same with Mardek? I admit that it has it's oddities and really reflects the creator, but it's very good when given a chance and you stopped right before things really got good going ahead.

Haha, oh my god, not Mardek again.
Liked by: Brigham Hood

Hope you are safe in this icy storm hitting the south. I'm pretty much stranded myself.

I mean, I can't really go out and drive anywhere but I'm not in any danger or anything.
Liked by: Mason Atwater Wes

I've been with you since...Twilight princess? Thank you for all the effort you put in for us. We all appreciate it!

Thanks for watching.
Liked by: Nikki Wes

Lol, well, have any plans for the first half of the week?

Nothing that involves leaving the apartment, it looks like.


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