

Ask @batman9502

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You should try playing The Last of Us in the dark if you get a chance. It is pretty freaking intense! (Even though I hear it's pretty bad for your eyes, but it's only a few hours!)

I don't really think it's that kind of a game. If you're not using your listening ability to see where all the enemies are you're just taking unnecessary risks. I never understood the whole "play it in the dark" thing anyway.

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2 questions. 1- how long does a standard 30 min. Mgr take to upload at 720p. And 2- how often do you use the gun disarm in arkham city. (The device you use on penguin, not the batclaw disarm.)

For me it takes a few hours, but this is entirely dependent on the upload speed given to you by your ISP (I have 1 Mbps) so it's in no way any indication of how long it will take anyone else unless they have a similar upload speed. For the second question I don't remember, it's been a while since I've played it.
Liked by: Lauren Schneider

what do u use to render bat's and how much file size do u get?

I use MeGUI to render using x264. True 720p HD games run roughly 1.3 GB per 30 minutes (at 6 Mbps video, 192 kbps audio), standard definition games half of that (3 Mbps video, 192 kbps audio).

Then would you consider making TLOU videos without commentary?

Nah. For me, doing commentary is half the point.

can you go into deeper explanation on why you wont lp it? kind of lost.

I gave it basically enough to be its own paragraph, but the short of it is that my commentary wouldn't add anything. Characters spend a lot of time in conversation with one another, and there is a lot of tension-building and ambiance meant to make you feel uneasy that would be completely ruined by commentary. You'd honestly get a better experience of the game without some dude talking over it.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

did you play the last of us? what were your thoughts. would you recommend it for a casual gamer. and finally would you ever lp it.

Haven't beaten it yet, but I've really been enjoying my time with it so far. I don't know what you mean by "casual" gamer. If by that you mean you only play like Bejeweled and Farmville I don't know if you'd like the time investment, but otherwise sure I'd say it's worth it. Just make sure you're not going in expecting your traditional zombie shooter; it seems to be heavily story-based and character-driven and can go a little slower than your regular zombie game. Honestly I don't know for sure that there can be a good LP of it with commentary because it's such a cinematic game. Not in the MGS4 sense that 75% of the game is cutscenes, but in the sense that the atmosphere and dialogue between characters are what really make the game. Meanwhile the rest of the gameplay is either you sneaking around or shootouts that last a few minutes. In order to get out of its way you'd have to not be talking 90% of the time. So no, I probably won't be doing it, but only for that reason.

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Do you think you could handle a Star Ocean let's play? I'm just going on the assumption that you would be in the mood to do so. But yeah, the game lasts so long I would think it would be one of few games to wear you out a bit.

I did a 100% Skies of Arcadia Legends LP so I doubt it'd be much worse, but there's no real point in speculating since I don't have any plans to do any Star Ocean games.

Would you ever consider let's playing the Uncharted series?

Probably isn't going to happen. I personally think they're more fun to watch than play. It's a good series but I've never really gotten the urge to play any of them again.

I'm assuming you didn't run into the auto-save glitch on The Last of Us? I played for 5 hours, just to realize it hadn't saved anything, so now I have to re-do it all! Kind of sucks. Ruins the immersion just a little bit.

Nah, I didn't get to it until last night so as soon as I booted it up it told me there was a patch to download. It's still a little weird in that any time you hit "Save" it autosaves and then only lets you manually save afterward, but it's better than not working at all.

What would you do if batman existed in real life, but plot twist you are the batman! :O

Find someone to hand it off to, don't think that's a job I really want.

Just wanted to say, I've been with you right from the birth of batman9502. Keep up the good work

Well, I first made the screen name about eleven years ago so probably not, but I'm assuming you mean since I started making LP's so thanks for watching! It's hard to imagine anyone watching me when I did the original Ristar actually wanting to stick with me after that haha.

You may have already answered this question, and if you have, I'm sorry, but are you planning on having a let's play of Arkham City? Thanks!

Can't promise anything one way or the other on it. It's not like I'd be against doing it but I just haven't gotten the urge to play it again lately.

Do you know of a band called Amaranthe? If so, do you like them?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
I know of them. I'm... kind of on the fence there to be honest. The Nexus is leaps and bounds better than their first album but honestly the pop influence stands out too much for me to really be into them that much. Plus there's an acoustic version of one of the songs that finishes the first album and it's just awful, left a bad taste in my mouth. They seem to be growing though so we'll see where the next few albums take them.

Do you like the new Youtube layout page? Or is it bearable, but you don't like it? I personally don't really like it since I have a little getting used to before I'm fully comfortable.

I actually don't think it's that bad. The navigation is a lot better: channel comments are easier to get to, and my playlists are right on the first page as well as space for me to suggest other popular playthroughs. I wish I could replace the channel trailer section with my page bio, but it's not too big of a deal.

So you said you like Protest the Hero, does screaming in music bother you?

If the vocals are basically just screaming with nothing else really going on then no thanks. The voice is a type of instrument too though, so the vocalist has just as much right to use unorthodox sounds as the rest of the band. Especially when it comes to bands with a progressive sound.

Is your job difficult?

I wouldn't say it's difficult on the whole, some things are basically routine at this point, but it does have its moments where something comes up that presents a good challenge.

What exactly does your programming do? Like, what part of the website does it affect?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Pretty much all of it in one way or the other. There are plenty of reports and utilities on the campus portal (for students and staff) that I've made and a couple things just on the main site too like the online bookstore. There's also plenty of stuff on the backend like scheduled tasks on the server that the public never sees.

I'm a 18 year old girl and i just wanted to say I sorta think you sound sexy :3

In that case, sorry to disappoint but my appearance doesn't match the voice. Thanks though, I guess. Haha.
Liked by: modula t. worm

What would you do if somebody came on here in the middle of summer and said "Merry Christmas" on your ask fm

Probably nothing. "lol random means funny" doesn't really do anything for me.


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