

Ask @batman9502

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In the beginning of Skyward Sword, when the birds fly across the sun, how do they create that colored smoke?

I dunno, smoke machine tied onto their backs?

What would you do if you had a day to do anything you wanted with no repurcussions and you could not get in trouble for anything you did?

If by no repercussions you mean no repercussions to *anyone* then I'd probably go out and rob every bank I could find. This would of course assume the conditions cover their money reappearing, prices not being affected by the sudden large increase in cash, etc. so this is a pretty big hypothetical. If you just mean "I won't get in trouble for whatever I do" then I don't think I'd do a lot differently. Not getting in trouble isn't the only thing that keeps me from doing stuff. Maybe play hooky from work assuming it was a weekday or something.

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If you could have the power to talk to and understand a animal what animal would it be and why?

Honestly I doubt animals would have anything interesting to say. There is however a type of jellyfish that's biologically immortal, so assuming we could hold safe conversation I'd talk to whichever one of them was the oldest and ask what things were like when it was born. If it didn't know what was going on outside of the water I'd probably ask what the craziest and weirdest creature is it's ever seen.

what was 'the game" every cool kid had to have when you where younger

Video games actually weren't that big, at least among the people I usually hung out with. The only video game most of us had in common that I can remember was Pokemon in elementary school. After we hit middle school everyone was playing Magic: The Gathering so that was really the only time there was really a "must-have" video game permeating our young culture.

Were you ever into Bomberman for the SNES?

I've actually never played it. I seem to remember years ago Volv and I were about to play Super Bomberman 2 in our free time one day but we had some problem getting the ROM to work so we were never able to.

Have you ever played any game and think, "I should LP this..." but not know when the best time is?

Honestly the only new game I've played recently that I wanted to LP was Metal Gear Rising. I can't really think of anything else I've been introduced to in the last year or so that I've thought about doing.

DAT BARREL ROLL! Good one man I cracked up over it. How long did it take before Raiden puked?

It happens after maybe 10 seconds of rolling without standing up.

How many video games do you own? It doesn't have to be an exact figure, just a ballpark estimate.

As far as games that I would actually be fine with playing, across all systems maybe... 40 to 50? I've never gotten rid of any of my PS2 games so I probably have that many just sitting around in my closet, but since they're not out anywhere I don't usually count them into the total figure.

If you had a alcoholic drink named after you what would it be called and what would be in it?

As I've said before I'm not much of an alcohol expert, so I don't think I'm qualified to answer this.

I don't know if you've got this game, or thought about getting it, but I'd recommend Far Cry 3 if you don't have it! Finally finished it, and it was an amazing game! Should be able to find it for cheap by now too!

Own it, beat it. It was pretty good.

What do you occasionally look forward to in your day?

Getting to talk to someone I really want to talk to, being off work and able to relax, eating.

Do you think Bladewolf is smarter than than even the most educated human?

According to conversations in game, his memory is basically the same as a human mind. Maybe he applies it and is more concerned about learning than most people, but when it comes to other characteristics of intelligence (being able to discern tone of voice, detecting emotions not explicitly stated, etc.) he's on the level of a newborn baby. I don't know the extent of the technology used in creating his intelligence, maybe the potential is there to be the most intelligent being in the world, but throughout the course of the game he's basically just like a human who studies philosophy and psychology.

Do you play any musical instrument?

Also a popular question. Piano for 13 years until I graduated, drums since then.

As far as story in video games goes, do you prefer light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek plots, or more serious, in-depth plots? Or does it depend?

It only really depends on how well it's done. I can go for either if it's done well.

You know what i like about you bats You are funny :D Like you replied to that person with that nope picture.. Why would a person ask you for a download link to slender.. "Note to others: Google is your friend"

Paranoia that viruses are around every corner most likely. Download it from the official website, I'm sure it has one.

Which one of your LPs do you not like, looking back, or you think you didn't do as "clean" job on it as the others (Besides Yoshi's Island)?

Original Ristar, Grandia 2.

So have you listened to the whole MGR:R soundtrack on Spotify, or are you doing like I do and listen to the songs after you hear them on your playthrough?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Well, I first beat the game back in February so it wouldn't make much sense to wait until now to listen along. I've probably checked out each of the boss themes at one point or another.

Did you realize that Formspring is not closing? They were reopened the day after they went bankrupt.

Yeah. I'm staying here though.

Dreeeeaaaamm Weaver! Yeto thinks you can get him through the nihiiiiiiiiiiight!

Dream weaver, yetis sledding into the morning light.


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