

Ask @batman9502

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Are there any video game characters you would wish spontaneous combustion upon?

I just assumed that's what happened when you turned off the game. They're like our own personal Prometheus, revived each day only to have the game turned off again.

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Besides the developer room ending, which ending of chrono cross was your favorite?

I don't know that I ever got most of them so I can't really pick one. Again it's been a long time.

Who was your favorite party member to get and use in chrono cross?

I don't know about favorite one to use, I haven't played the game in a pretty long time, but Mojo is the first one I remember that I found interesting.

Are there any games out for the 8th gen consoles that are going to make you buy them?

NintendoGamer4100’s Profile PhotoBrigham Hood
The 8th generation is "next gen" right?
I have a PS4, but I'm not even remotely interested in getting anything else.

So there's this January sale in the Playstation store, and I don't know whether I should get Batman: Arkham Asylum or Arkham City. Any advice?

If you can't get both, get City.

Is chrono trigger/cross on the list of potential games you might get to eventually?

Probably not. Chrono Cross would be more likely of the two but it'd be a behemoth of a game to cover completely.

Do you think its productive for a channel to do top 10s, reviews, and lets plays? All video game related of course, but i'm not sure how doing all of them would work. Lets plays would be the priority and majority of the channel. So would adding top 10s and review of video games be good?

Do any and all types of videos you want to do. Being creative and trying new things is way more fun than being "productive."

Did you ever get an answer on your older vids being 4:3 aspect ratio?

Nope. Got one reply from somebody a couple weeks ago saying "don't use sidebars," I replied and said these were older videos that played fine when they were uploaded, and haven't heard anything else.
Liked by: Butler

If you were a cyborg, what kind of enhancements would you have?

If I could only pick one (since that's a more interesting answer than "all of them") I'd probably just go for augmented vision or something.

Did you like Binding of Isaac? I personally liked it, and thought the soundtrack was awesome too.

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
It's okay, but I put seven hours into it and don't really feel like picking it up again. I'm not a super big fan of dannyB but I'd say the Isaac soundtrack isn't his best work.
Liked by: Butler

How often do watch your own LP after it is completed?

I'll skim through each video after it uploads to make sure it processed fine, otherwise why would I want to watch my own videos? I already recorded them and went through them again in editing.

Would you recommend Beyond Two Souls? I see so many mixed reviews about it but it does look interesting. I'm a little wary to spend $60 on it though.

It's hard to say one way or the other, it depends almost entirely on what you're looking to get out of it. It's a Quantic Dream (David Cage) game. Just understand that the "gameplay" is basically walking from A to B while finding stuff to interact with, and that the story is a bit out there and presented in a strange fashion. If you're cool with that, I think there's entertainment to be gotten out of it. Personally I enjoyed it a lot but I totally realize you have to come in knowing what to expect.

It's pretty cheap on steam right now, but I wholeheartedly say, brothers is one of my favorite games of all time. I just beat it right now so I may still be in affect of the games story, but the emotion put into this game, the little details, without using a single world of English, making me cry...

(cont.) ... This game is a masterpiece, and from my heart, I say it is a must have if you like zelda style puzzles, and true storys in your video games.
Yeah, this is mostly what I've heard, but I mean all that stuff I said before is still there. I just don't find the two-stick puzzle-solving mechanic appealing and I've already heard most of the major plot stuff.

Have you ever played Brothers, a tale of two sons before? If not it's on steam and I highly recommend it. Controls are a bit hard to get used to, and still kinda are at the end, and it is a bit short, but the story, while simple was enough to keep me in emotion.

Nah, but I've heard a lot about it. I've seen bits and pieces and I'm just not really that into it, plus I've heard a bunch of things about the story already so I'd be going into it waiting for them to happen.


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