

Ask @batman9502

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If you ever do the mario kart 8 stream, you can have a race with you, the fans who participate, and if you run short of people, you can still include random people. You can join a random party online and have your fans join you there.

That sounds overly complicated. I'd rather just fill any gaps with computers and leave it open for stragglers. I don't even know how all that works, I'd have to look into it.

I saw that you're replaying Windwaker on the Wii U, have your thoughts on the game changed overall, are you having fun with it?

I think I've come to the conclusion that I dislike Wind Waker HD less than I dislike Skyward Sword now, but doing the Wind Temple and collecting all the Triforce Shards is still the lowest point in any Zelda game I've ever experienced.
The fact that they deliberately chose to fix some of the time-wasting stuff but left in some of the others or even added a few is a little baffling to me. Why only replace five Triforce charts with their respective shards? Why change climbing a pushable block to an automatic "walk towards the block for three seconds" action instead of the faster alternate command like it already was? Why make the wind direction select screen a dial you have to rotate one-at-a-time instead of just holding the stick in the direction you want like it already was? It's definitely not a one-for-one change, they fixed way more than they didn't, but I don't think they went far enough to stamp out all of the minor inconveniences like they apparently wanted to.
It's better than the original, no doubt. The 1080p graphics look very polished and smooth, which does its art style a credit the GameCube version didn't. The sound direction and music have always been great so there's not much to talk about there. Having the map/item screen on the gamepad is pretty cool, makes it more seamless. I've always maintained that Wind Waker is just okay, and Wind Waker HD is still just a little more okay. I'll never play the original again, that's for sure.

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Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

May be a stupid question, but hell with it. What's your view on jumpscares in horror games?

Generally they seem to be the lowest of low-hanging fruits. Congratulations, you surprised me by suddenly maxing out the volume and flashing something in my face. I don't have much experience at all with horror games in the first place, but I'd imagine it would keep me from being immersed in the environment and just have me wondering where the developers decided to pull that stunt next.

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Better internet quality? Did Google Fiber come to your town or something?

Nah, previously my ISP only offered a maximum of 10 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload. Around Christmas they started offering a 100 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload option, which I immediately upgraded to. I just didn't have the bandwith before to stream with any sort of quality and still have any left for online play.

Would you ever consider streaming mario kart 8, and playing with your fans. Seems like it would be fun.

Yes, I definitely have now that I have the internet quality to stream and play online at the same time. The problem is I get like 50 viewers per stream tops, so I don't even know if any of those 50 would own MK8.

Saw your Twitter page and I was wondering: Who/What finally convinced you to get a Wii U?

Nothing really convinced me, it was more of a "I might as well since I probably will at some point anyway." I had the money thanks to a bonus from work and Christmas cash from the family. I figured at some point I'd want to play the new Zelda so I just got it. Mario Kart 8 is also pretty good.
Liked by: Brigham Hood

Does it ever scare you that the generation to succeed you if full of selfie taking and lazy people right now.

No, every generation has lazy people, just as every generation has motivated people who aspire to do great things. Also who cares if people take pictures of themselves? I never understood why this was considered so negative.

Have you ever played Spelunky? What is your opinion of it?

I played for a few hours, beat Olmec, and was done. It's okay but I didn't see a reason to keep doing the same thing over and over when I keep getting instantly killed by random events I couldn't possibly have avoided.

The 5 nights at freddy's lore is actually pretty deep. Highly recommend checking it out. Pretty cool. The gameplay I'll admit does get old, but still very nerve wracking. Watching people scream to it doesn't really do it justice.

Liked by: Nikki

Martin Brodeur retiring: thoughts?

I mean, the dude's 42 and has been in the league for what, 24 years? It's been a long time coming. Maybe should've happened before he went to the Blues. Brodeur honestly hasn't been super relevant as a goalie for a handful of years now; the game has evolved too much for his technique to be as effective as it used to be. He's been in the league for as long as I've even known what hockey was though... he certainly leaves behind a huge legacy that future goaltenders should aspire to.
Liked by: Michael Jordan

After replaying Dragon Age Inquisition a bit, I can't help but think about what are my favorite/most hated companions in the game, what are yours?

Somewhat_Deadly’s Profile PhotoMatthew
Favorite: Varric
Least favorite: Sera

How would you feel if you got a chance to watch the recording of music for a video game?

There are plenty of games with extras that have videos for that kind of stuff. I usually skip over them but sometimes it's cool to watch. I think the Last of Us Remastered came with one that was good.

I just got my high school debit card. It's connected to my parent's account so they can monitor everything. It also won't let me overdraw. That in mind, anything else I should still keep in mind or be cautious of now that I have a card?

Don't buy more just because you have a card now, treat it as a substitute for cash. That's really all it is anyway.

Up a little late are we? It's okay, so am I.

You know me, Friday night party animal. As long as by "party" you mean aimlessly browsing the Internet. Actually was just doing one last e-mail check before bed, so might as well go do that before the sun starts coming up again in a few hours.

Fixed in. I had a ps2 controller to USB adapter connected with no actual ps2 controller plugged in. Works perfectly now. Thanks

Cool beans. It was a shot in the dark, but a lot of times it seems unexpected input problems often come from those little things you forgot you had plugged in. Glad it was that simple, was totally out of guesses after that.

What is your favorite song with a good guitar segment (ex. Free Bird and Stairway to Heaven)?

Neither of those, that's for sure. It'd probably have to be something by Joe Satriani, but I wouldn't be able to pick one out off the top of my head.

The NFL has embarrassed itself at the beginning of the season with the domestic violence issue, and towards the end of the season with Inflategate. ThoughtS?

"Deflategate" (god that's the worst name for anything eve) is overblown and ultimately meaningless, will result in a fine for breaking the rules and then be forgotten about. I agree with the second part though, it's bungling of the domestic violence cases earlier in the season, and really its poor handling of misconduct in general, is a total embarrassment to the sport and the organization.


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