

Ask @batman9502

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I know previously you mentioned metal gear as your favorite series so how many games have you played in the series? I'm pretty sure all the main ones are availiable on ps3.

All of them except Peacewalker (though I've seen a large part of the game via a video playthrough) and Portable Ops.

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hey if u watch retsupurae then do u remeber a guy named bikdiponabus he got mocked twice once in metroid LP and once in kaizo mario wow if u dont plz go and check it out:P

I remember hearing the name, but I don't really remember the videos in particular.

if the whole wind waker triforce chart, triforce peice quest didnt exist, would you like the game a little more

Maybe, depending on what they did to replace it, but it would still have its fair share of problems.

The reason why I asked you if you watch Machinima is because the one person that asked you if you wanted to buy a watering can got that question from "Sanity Not Included Season 1: Switcharoo"

I figured it was probably lifted from somewhere.

What is your favorite and least favorite dungeon in Twilight Princess?

Favorite is the Snowpeak Ruins, least favorite I guess Forest Temple because it's the first and most boring.

What do you think is the funnest boss in all of the Zelda series (not just the 3D ones)?

Either Zant, or the final battle with Ganondorf, both from Twilight Princess. Zant has multiple forms that keep things fresh, with a slight variation on each boss you fought to that point, and when you go toe-to-toe with him it's super intense. With the last part of the Ganondorf fight, it's beautiful in its simplicity. Going sword vs. sword with him is awesome.

I was wondering 3 things (about where you are in skyward sword) 1. If you could leave that area without getting ALL of you items back? 2.Where can I see the you got caught game over cut scene? and 3. if you don't have one of the items (somehow) would you get it for the first time here?

1. No, the ash covering the sky keeps you from using bird statues to leave until you're done with the area.
2. I dunno, it's nothing special anyway. The catapult fires, the camera zooms in on Link, Game over.
3. It's impossible not to have all the items throughout the course of the game. If you were to find some crazy glitch I have no idea, I didn't program the game.

Do you like snow? I did as a kid, but I grew up and realized how much of a pain it can be

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
It's pretty to look at, but I'd rather just not have to deal with it when I've got places to be.

What's the fastest time you've finished Paper Mario TTYD?

No idea, I've never tried to complete it quickly. The LP was the last time I've played it, and I hadn't played it for years before that.

Is it cold where you live? It seems spring is coming late this year.

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
It's been pretty chilly, it's about 40 right now. The first few days this week we had snow.

how good are you with mike tyson punch out? have you seen sinister1's runs?

Haha, the answer is nowhere near as good as him. I was in the room during his run at AGDQ 2013. I haven't played it anywhere near as much as I've played Super Punch-Out, so I'd probably be terrible at it nowadays.

ever played journey. if you don't own it, you must play the demo at least, then see if you want the full version. to get the best experience, play in a dark room with the volume up

Nah, I've never played it. I may try the demo sometime because you aren't the first to recommend it, but no promises.

So when you saw "it's as long as it is broad" in reference to my Lucca vs Frog dilema, does that pretty much mean that I'll be fine with either of the two?


With all the Chrono Trigger questions floating around, do you think you would LP it one day?

BALum1995’s Profile PhotoBrandon Lum
Eh, I dunno. Maybe, but as with everything else I can't make any promises.


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