

Ask @batman9502

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Do you ever teach yourself programming languages or write code for fun? What do you think of lisp?

defaultxr’s Profile Photomodula t. worm
I've coded for fun plenty of times but I don't really learn new languages in my free time. There's stuff still to learn about what I already do for work since it's all self-taught. Never used it.

Ever play Act Raiser? What are your thoughts on the game?

I didn't really care too much for the simulation sections. The side scrolling parts were good though.

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What would you do if I said I hated batman9502? I don't, but I want to see what you'd say.

I'd mostly be curious why you're referring to me in the third person if you're saying this to me.

Which Zelda art style has been your favorite thus far, and which kind of art style would you prefer to have in the Wii-U Zelda game?

Twilight Princess, Twilight Princess but better and 720p.

So do you like soul music, or Motown music at all? Temptations, Platters, etc.?

I don't even know that I've really listened to enough to form an opinion. I mean, I love to pull Marvin Gaye out as a joke response but never really delved too deep into the actual music. I will say though that on the rare occasion I've been listening to soul or R&B, I can't recall any time where I just flat-out didn't like it. I guess it's just mostly unexplored territory for me.

Why did you buy from iBuyPower instead of building it yourself? You'd seem the type to build your own.

No, I'm not a hardware guy at all. I've never really tinkered around with the insides. I bought one from them because I kind of know what the important parts are when I look at them, so I can get a machine that's better than one that's factory-built without having to worry about messing up the hardware stuff.
Liked by: modula t. worm

Did your parents think your LPing was strange?

I dunno, maybe, but then again I think their obsession with NASCAR is strange. It's not like it really matters, we're all strange in one way or another.

What kind of computer do you have?

I bought it off of iBuyPower where you pick each part and they assemble it.

Do you know how to disable that annoying "Auto" feature that YouTube has for video quality?

I've never really dealt with it since the first thing I do is go to the quality options and pick whatever is the highest. Once you pick a quality "Auto" is disabled. You may be able to get around it by going into the settings and picking "never play high quality video" so it should always start you at 360p with "auto" disabled.

do you watch any animes? ever did. if your looking for a good one, soul eater is definitely recommended.


What would you do in a situation like that then, such as a plane crash or other desperate situation?

I don't think eating people is normally the first thing that comes to mind in a survival situation. I probably just wouldn't make it.

If you had to and had no other choice do you think you could eat another human being to survive?

Honestly probably not. That'd be a little much for me.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeztZ3sz4ks what do you think of this story. if you cant watch the video, theres a girl whos hand was grabbed and given drugs, and after she turns it down, she gets suspended for any contact with drugs, even when she turned it down. opinions?

If that's what actually happened, it's another case of idiotic administrators following the letter of the law and not the spirit.

During the early years of your lping were you living by your self

Nah, I was with my parents when I wasn't in the college dorms.

I have an idea for those 50-game suspensions: make certain offenses not eligible for appeal. what do you think about that?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Wouldn't do anything, many of them probably wouldn't appeal just to get it over with in light of evidence against them. Braun didn't appeal his suspension either, probably because it was such a good deal already. Either way even if it was an unchallengeable 50-game suspension it's just not enough to have any sort of deterrent effect.

Should anybody associated with Biogenesis be banned from baseball?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Well, it'd be a little unfair to just ban anybody even associated with the clinic, but for people that after investigation have been confirmed to receive illegal performance enhancers it needs to be at bare minimum a full season suspension. This 50-game crap isn't punishing anyone, you could easily miss that much just for an injury. I would definitely like to see more all-out bans too though.


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