

Ask @batman9502

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I heard rumors that Rare might announce a new banjo kazooie game at E3 2015.. do you think it might be true?

I have no idea.

Hey Dude, just saw your Comix Zone Lets Play, I love your style of gaming and the choice of games. I will be watchin' a whole lotta LPs of yours. And i would like to ask you if you plan on doing "Earth Worm Jim". Wont be disappointed if you won't play it. You are awesome, keep going

Thanks for watching! Unfortunately I don't have any plans for Earthworm Jim, I never really got into the series.

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Have you played Dark Cloud for PS2? if so did u enjoy it?

Yes, and not really. The only time I enjoyed it was when I played through with a Gameshark so I could speed up the super unnecessary dungeon crawling. It has some interesting ideas but man it didn't even come close to holding my interest normally.

What do you think the Nintendo NX will be like?

No idea, they haven't given any details as far as I'm aware.

What do you think of water fluoridation conspiracies? (E.g., pineal gland calcification.)

What? How is that a conspiracy theory? A lot of natural water has fluoride in it to some degree and it's totally good for your teeth. I'm going to guess this is another case of people not understanding science/chemistry/biology again.

Does KY have bipolar weather like we did here in NC?

Neither the north nor south poles are in Kentucky.

Does it make you happy when people request you for more content or does it annoy you?

It 100% depends upon how it's asked. If they're just asking because they're curious and they aren't being pushy about it, I'm glad people are excited to see more and I'm happy to indulge them in an update. If they demand it or cop an attitude ("where the HELL are videos???") then it just makes me feel like waiting longer.

Looking back, I have to ask. How did you originally come to the conclusion that Arcadia's world is shaped like a donut? I mean, did it take a little while to figure it out or did you put it all together rather quickly?

I just thought about it while mapping out stuff for the LP and I couldn't remember how the map wrapped around. I noticed the corners were all weird, if I wasn't precise enough when I hit it I'd occasionally bounce around to the other corners and I wondered what kind of shape the world would have to be for that to happen. Turns out it's a pretty simple deduction, since the top and bottom are connected you just roll that into a tube, then connect the left and right ends. I think it'd have to be kind of a weird, oblong donut though to fold out into a perfect square, but I can't really visualize it easily.
Liked by: Joshua

If the Nintendo nx is better then ps4 or Xbox one do you think Microsoft and Sony will release a new console

Why in the world would either company want to make a new console right now? It's only been like two years and their current consoles are doing great. Neither are threatened in any way by anything Nintendo does.

Do you remember what is in Krazy Kremland after watching your video?

Let's see, I think it was Hornet Hole, the bramble level, the roller coaster level with the gates and the barrels, Rickety Race, Swanky, the swamp level, Rambi's bee level, the boss. Right?
Liked by: Mason Atwater

Wherever that eBayer is, use something called eSnipe. Chose something you want and then go to eSnipe so that when the auction ends, you'll get the default highest bid so that you can win with very little time left.

Can't vouch for this at all of course but there you go, anonymous person.

Have you ever ignored something as loud as Dart has?

I think Dart probably went a little too heavy on the ignoring for just a little off-hand comment, but my ability to ignore is some straight-up next level stuff.
Liked by: Wes

Opinions of math summer schools? More specifically pre calc. I heard it was extremely easy, being to calculus as pre algebra: algebra 1+2. Do you think it's a good idea, i'm worse at algebra and people said it would get easier from there. But compressing it into a summer? If it really is that easy

Don't go in expecting precalculus to be as easy as pre-algebra. It's basically a combination of algebra and trigonometry. I've never been to summer school, but May - August is only a little bit shorter than August - December, plus you're focusing on one subject instead of a full schedule of classes. If anything, that may help.

Did you copy a lot of homework in high school? Also I'm going into my sophomore year next year. Should I do AP bio or Honors chemistry. Im gunna have to take both eventually anyway. AP bio is considered one of the hardest AP classes at my school, but junior year i'm gunna have most AP classes.

We worked together a lot but it was pretty rare to straight-up copy, unless it was the morning of its due date and I didn't finish it the night before. As for the courses, ask your guidance counselor or a teacher.

Do you make an effort to get in/near some pool/lake/beach during the warm months?

Nah, not really. I went to a public pool at a nearby state park pretty often when I was a kid but it's a little weird to go as an adult by yourself - it's more for families. There's a major lake nearby but I never got a whole lot out of it, plus the water is kind of gross. Some people swim in it but the majority go out on it in boats, either to go fishing or just hang out. The nearest beach is 10 hours away so that's a little trickier. I haven't been in at least six years.

When did you play baseball? When you were growing up, or did your tiny college *surprisingly* have a team?

I never played anywhere near the college level, my last year was when I was 13. There weren't any good city leagues anymore once I got out of little league when I was 12 and I didn't want to play for the school since it was super competitive and I just didn't have fun. The league I did join only had enough people to have like three games in the season so it just kind of fizzled out.
The college does have a baseball team though, we're just in the NAIA in all of our sports instead of the NCAA. Some of our sports programs are actually super competitive at the national level too; I know both of our soccer teams have won multiple national titles and I think women's basketball as well.

Do you prefer sitting behind home plate and catching the pitching, or in the outfield potentially catching home run balls?

I always preferred being behind the plate, even though it sucks being in all those pads when it's 100 degrees out. I've played both outfield and infield before too though, never really played at a level where people had super dedicated positions. Catcher and first were my primary positions but I've been everywhere.


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