

Ask @batman9502

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Are there any sports you like to watch on tv sir?

Mostly hockey and (American) football, sometimes baseball.

I just happened to randomly scroll through your old Formspring questions, apparently people had a thing for asking you questions about cheese. What's up with that?

It was probably just one person who thought it was hilarious. For some reason "LOL RANDOM" type "humor" is pretty widely used.

Spit balling off of that Wii U question, will you buy it for Zelda U? Because I'm in the same boat, nothing Nintendo has out is worth the price of the system, but as a huge Zelda fan, I don't want to miss out on that.

I'm not going to pay like $350-$400 just to play a new Zelda game.

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If you mailed Nintendo $50 and downloaded the ROM, is it still immoral?

I don't really think there's anything too immoral about downloading 20-year-old console games no longer in production. I don't think anyone's really being hurt by that.

Are you, or have you ever been, a fan of Shark Week on Discovery?

Not really. I think I've seen one or two of the shark episodes of Mythbusters but that's about it.

When it gets to be a little bit cheaper, do you think you'd get a Wii U? Or is that system just not that appealing to own?

Even if it was cheaper right now I wouldn't buy it. There's nothing out for it that warrants the price of the console on top of the game.

you had a "girlfriend" at 12?

I "dated" I think about six different girls in middle school, but like I said there's no real relationship at that point. You had someone to go to the movies with on weekends, talk on the phone with, and to go to school dances with. Just kids being kids.

Ok when I asked "What are five games you think everyone should play?" I didn't expect an answer like "whichever you like." I was just thinking, along a really hypathetical line of if everyone was open to every kind of game and you were to recommend five games that you enjoy that you feel everyone sh

On a base level I honestly just think everyone should play what they like, I wasn't trying to be cute or arbitrary. The whole point of playing video games is to have fun. Mother 3 is my favorite game but someone else might be bored to tears with it. If everyone liked everything it wouldn't really matter what they played.
For the sake of actually answering a question, I'll give you a more interesting hypothetical. I'm to recommend five games to someone who has never played a video game and has no idea what they are. I'd start with Pong, probably the most basic of the basics. Then we move to Mario 1 on the NES, Mario 3 from Super Mario All-Stars on the SNES, Mario 64, and Mario Galaxy. You can cover almost the entire evolution of video games with one franchise, and it's just one series of the countless ones out there. That'd be a fun introduction, I think.

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if its not too personal, how many girlfriends have you had. and were you the one to always initiate the break up?

I'd only really count three real ones, I had a handful before high school but you can't have a real relationship when you're twelve you know? Two of them were pretty mutual, one of which we were just both tired and the in the other the distance just got to us I think. The other is a long story which I won't go into, but I didn't instigate it.

Do you find it hard to get into new series since there's so many sequels and some of them require you to play them in chronological order? Usually the first games have outdated mechanics and may not be enjoyable unless you played the series when it was first introduced.

If it's something that requires you to play the previous games to understand then I don't even bother, I think that's poor game design. Otherwise I've played a lot of games out of order so to speak. My first games in some series were Fallout 3, Witcher 2, Far Cry 3, and Yakuza 4.

Do you consider graduating High School a huge accomplishment in life? (Not in your life personally, just in general) I never have simply because it really takes minimal effort to graduate with a C average. Yes it's a stepping stone of sorts, but to be celebrated to the extent it is seems unnecessary

I wouldn't call it a huge accomplishment. Like you said as long as you just stick with it they'll really do everything they can to push you through. I've never known anyone who couldn't finish if they gave it their best effort. I can understand celebrating through, it is a milestone at least. You've been going to school for at least twelve years of your life and now you and everyone else that's been in your class all those years get to move on and start making your own lives. I think that's worth taking a day or two to celebrate with your friends.

You know it could be worse with your graduating class. It could be like mine where a good portion (about a fourth) are really smart but fail anyways because they don't care. Or don't bother trying.

If they just don't finish high school because they "don't care" then they're not so smart after all, are they? Whatever repercussions from it that come their way are completely on them.

You're right, that wasn't a very bright senior prank smh.

I'm just glad none of my friends at the time were that dumb.

Did you guys have a senior prank when you were in high school?

Some idiots did a bunch of stupid shit that caused actual annoyance, like stacking tires on the flagpole (with the flagpole going through the middle of them) and apparently digging out "2007" in the front grassy area of the school and filling it with cement overnight. They knew who did it because there were big security cameras out there and apparently my graduating class isn't very bright, so getting that filled back in should've come out of their pockets.

Wait. A 4.2 in high school. The max limit here in texas in 4.0. What is up with grade system?

An A in an Advanced Placement course is worth 5 points.

What are five games that you think everyone should play?

Whichever five you think you'd like most.

You probably won't remember, but in LP DKC, you breezed through Gorilla Glacier's Croctopus Chase, the fourth world and fourth level in that world. I can't go as fast as the Croctopi even as Diddy. I know it's an element of challenge, but should I be approaching it differently than I currently am?

The Croctopi are always slightly faster than you on straight stretches, where you can pull away is by holding up (and tapping the swim button) when you rise and holding down when you sink. As you saw from the video there's really reason for them to be anywhere close to you, so I'm guessing maybe you're missing that part of it.

Is there any video you aren't proud of?

Pretty much every video up until at least Twilight Princess is bad.

Ever played pandoras tower for the wii? Highly recommended. this game surprisingly didn't end up like xenoblade which is 100$+ used. You should find it at gamestop for around 30. Very good game with xenoblade and the last story, made by creator of final fantasy. That too is only around 30$

Never played it, or any of those other games.


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