

Ask @batman9502

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Do you watch Burn Notice reruns? I heard the show ended.

Nah, I've watched every episode for the last handful of seasons and most of the old ones, so knowing what happens kind of makes it less interesting. And yep, the show's entirely finished. The series finale was in the summer.

Are you considered the anti-social one in your family because you like gaming? I am because I recently bought Skyrim.

No. I mean, I'm the only one that's into video games but it doesn't really mean anything.

*drumroll* POMEGRANATES!!!!!!! ARE!!!!!! COOL!!!!!!! DO! YOU! AAAAAAGHREEEEE

I'm not sure what they've done to deserve such accolades, especially as sung by an 80's metal singer.

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Do you know how I can get more YouTube subs? I've been on it since November 2012 and only have like 20.

Not really. It's pretty much a crapshoot nowadays and I never tried to do anything special to gain subscribers anyway.

How can you not drink Eggnog? Drinking it is one of the best things about Christmas time. Plus this time of the year is the only time it's sold.

In your opinion.

I got a challenge for you: How many licks does it take for YOU to get to the center of a tootsie pop? It took me 478 last time.

See, the problem with this question is that it depends on so many factors like the size of your mouth/tongue, how much saliva you have, etc. It also is really hard to tell when you've reached the exact center; is it when you first taste the chocolate or when it's fully exposed? Consider all of that plus the fact that sitting there counting hundreds of licks doesn't sound too appealing means I'll probably pass on this challenge.

Do you agree with the saying "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach"? Why or why not?

Well obviously not, what about all the people who do both?

So if you're not smart then what did you do to acquire whatever it is you have to complete tasks that require thinking skill?

Mostly it's by virtue of being alive for a little while, same as anyone else.

Hey bats, just wanted to say it's really nice that you have so many let's plays. i'm currently in the hospital, so your videos are pretty much the highlight of my days. Thank you for doin' what you do!

Sorry to hear that, hope whatever you're in the hospital for works out. Glad I can provide a distraction though.

So what do you think of the parents that claim vaccines cause autism? I've been looking up random things as of late and this issue happened to catch my attention. I personally think the opposition that are against vaccines didn't necessarily ask enough questions. Including questioning the self.

Study after study after study has failed to find any link between the two. I think the opposition comes from a combination of factors, mostly concern for the welfare of their children coupled with a general societal distrust of science you see in a lot of places in America. When it's your own child's health involved it's obviously something that's incredibly important to you. If there's even a small group of naysayers saying it could cause extreme harm to your own child it becomes an emotional argument, and it makes you lend a lot more credit to the question "what if they're right?"
It also doesn't help that there's a prevalent atmosphere in America of distrust of science due to religious reasons, political reasons, ideological reasons, etc. Combine that with the existence of junk science (see the discredited Geier studies on this issue) and it makes people think there is way more debate and controversy in the scientific community about this than there really is. I'm just thankful they have herd immunity to lean on for the time being, but hopefully as more and more research is done this will become less and less of an issue lest diseases that could be easily vaccinated against start making a resurgence and we no longer have the luxury of debating this.

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How do you feel about Paper Mario Sticker Star? I personally watched a few videos on it and it looks terrible.

Never played it, don't have a 3DS and I'm not really that interested.

Are you excited about metal gear solid 5 and its prequel game?

Sure, looking forward to it assuming I have a PS4 by then.

How do you think that rocksteady will do the next batman game considering what happened at the end of city? The only guess I have is maybe a batman beyond game because they would not need the characters that had things happen to them in arkham city.

It doesn't matter, they'll just break out whoever they need to, place it between Origins and Asylum, dig up new villains, etc. Even if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense it doesn't matter.

What are your favorite snow and Christmas levels in video games?

Shadow Moses in MGS4. The Last of Us also had a great winter environment.

Excluding all the Water Temples but the Ancient Cistern(because everyone hates those) and the City in the Sky, which dungeon in all of the 3D Zelda games are your least favorite?

NintendoGamer4100’s Profile PhotoBrigham Hood
Apparently I'm not included in "everyone." I guess whatever the first temple in Skyward Sword was.

What is the most annoying/hard game you have ever paid for and played?

I dunno, nothing's really coming to mind. I tend to avoid games like that, so I guess either Binding of Isaac or Spelunky.

How would you rank the dungeons in Twilight Princess from favorite to least favorite?

I don't even know that I could name them all off the top of my head anymore. My favorite was Snowpeak Ruins, least was probably City in the Sky.

So how did you feel about Arkham Origins? I liked the game, the new developers did good. Boss fights were pretty cool, but the world seemed more empty than Arkham City. It's definitely my least favorite, but I definitely think it was a good game.

(cont.) ... And as a follow up, it's been pretty much confirmed Rocksteady is doing an Arkham City sequel. Are you interested in that, and also would you be okay with just one more Batman game, by WB Montreal? 5 is a lot in a video game series, but it works for Zelda. Just curious of your opinion.
Eh, it's okay. By itself it's fine but it offers literally nothing new over Arkham City and was even generally sloppier. Some of the writing was pretty bad ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2842418/quotes?item=qt2007752 ). I had problems with the camera any time I was fighting anywhere other than the middle of the city, enemies would fly in from off-camera and ruin my combo more than they ever did before. Some of the wanted criminals, especially Enigma, felt tacked-on just because they had to be. The only two boss fights I thought were interesting in any way were Deathstroke and Copperhead (a HUGE step down from City). The game also randomly crashed on me a handful of times during my playthrough.
It has its moments: the Mad Hatter stuff is good, and the confrontations with Joker were pretty well-done. I didn't hate it, but when I finished the story and all of the side quests, instead of being willing to jump right back into it (as I did multiple times with Arkham Asylum and once with New Game+ in Arkham City) I was just done. Rocksteady is a very talented development studio and I'd love to see them put their efforts into something else. Four or five games in a series can be fine, but if it's four or five of the exact same game then it's just a waste. They're going to keep making this series as long as it keeps selling though (which it always will) so prepare to ride it into the ground.

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Do you think you can test out the beta to the rpg i'm making? Can you test out to make sure all the screen transitioning looks smooth, as well as a few battles. it wont take more that 2 minutes. use the arrows, Z and X. file:///C:/Users/Rene/Downloads/The%20Final%20Chapter.exe

Sure, I'll just grab that off your C:\ drive.
Sorry but even if I could download it I'm not just going to accept .exe's from random people, and honestly I'm not that interested in alpha testing stuff.


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