

Ask @batman9502

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*not the same person* Why won't you show your face? You just want to keep you identity secret from us, don't you, Master Wayne?

Don't see the point. I show something, everyone says "that's not how I expected you to look," and then everything continues as normal. I'd rather just skip that whole process.

whats the farthest distance you've ever had to walk without choice.

Can't remember any time I've had no choice that required walking any further than the end of the street.

hey, I watch your youtube gameplay videos, I was just wondering, have you or are you ever going to show your face? I wanna see what you look like :3

Nah, not planning on it.

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Did The Legend of the Mystical Ninja have the hardest platforming of any game you've played? If not, which game did?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Mystical Ninja isn't really that hard, it's just quick to punish you if you don't take your time. I can't think of anything super hard off the top of my head I've played; if it's so frustrating that it's not fun I just move on to something else. Maybe Ninja Gaiden, plenty of places where you really just need to memorize the enemy spawns.

Do you think you're ever gonna do a Chrono Trigger LP? I noticed it's been the topic of discussion a couple times on here.

I'm honestly not sure, but my guess is probably not for the same reasons things like Super Mario RPG are most likely off the table. It's been played out so much that everyone knows everything there is to know about it.

If the 64DD was actually a success, do you think it would've had some pretty cool games?

NintendoGamer4100’s Profile PhotoBrigham Hood
Hard to say, pretty much all the good sounding games that were planned for it ended up being released on standard cartridges instead. It's probably better that it was a failure and was quickly scrapped, requiring both the original console and the add-on is a major barrier of entry to prospective buyers. See Sega stacking the Genesis with so many add-ons for example.

Do you happen to know if the 3DS 3D view feature could cause damage to a person's eye sight?

I'm no doctor but I very seriously doubt it. The worst it could probably do is give you a headache if you play for a while without a break.

How do you deal with stupid people? Do you believe that they exist?

There's no such thing as an inherently stupid person, but there are stupid decisions, and there are certainly people who consistently make stupid decisions. If it's online I just ignore them (or block them if necessary), otherwise I guess it just depends on who it is and what they do.

Do you agree that the shutdown of the is a embarrassment to the country?

Can't remember the last time politicians weren't an embarrassment to the country.
Liked by: Brigham Hood

I noticed your speedrun of Paper Mario 64, and read the description. What struck me was your nickname, "Noisecrash". Where did you get that nickname from?

It was actually crowdsourced on the SDA IRC channel years and years ago. I basically said I was trying to figure out a new nickname and we decided to go with something drum themed. After a bevy of two-word nicknames in that format I went with NoiseCrash since I liked the imagery I thought of when I saw it, also since it's weird to say. It wasn't until later I remembered the Noise Crush power in Mega Man.

Do you plan on doing a legends of mana LP? that would be awesome

Never played it. Also I saw your comment on YouTube, there's no need to ask in multiple places.

Why is your favorite Mario powerup the Tanooki suit?

Because it is very clearly and objectively the best. You can fly, control your fall, smack things with your tail, and turn into a statue to become invulnerable and/or drop on virtually anything to kill it. Plus Tanooki is fun to say.

Question two: I know why you don't care for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, but have the changes made to the HD Wii U release had any influence to the tedious parts you don't like (sailing and shard fetch quest)?

No, removing some of the tedium doesn't make them more interesting. Less bad maybe, but still not good. The answer to large boring swaths of open water isn't to shrink the world, it's to find a way to make the world more populated and varied, more ripe for adventure. The answer to mindlessly collecting eight Triforce charts and shards isn't to just cut out some of the charts and leave it at that, it's to find a way to make collecting them a more engaging experience.

Two questions, I'll ask them separately. 1. Why do you use an alias instead of your real name? Mine's Steven, by the way (aka Jragun from TRL). To clarify myself, I just got "roped in" over a decade ago and just stuck with it. I ask because I've been thinking about not using an alias anymore.

To some small degree batman9502 is a character. If someone who only knew me from my videos met me in person they'd probably be surprised by how different I am. While the opinions, experiences, thoughts, words, etc. are 100% mine, the way they're expressed is slightly different in a Let's Play video than it would be to someone sitting beside me. It's more accurate to say I'm the one behind the batman9502 channel than it is to put my name on the video directly.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

How was your weekend? Was it a typical, or did you do anything special?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Had breakfast on Saturday with a friend who came in from out of town, other than that it was pretty standard.

Would you mind listing a handful of your favourite PS1 and PS3 games then?

I can't know or account for our differences in taste. If its recommendations you want those lists are better than me listing some of my favorites. I could sit here all day and tell you about how I love NASCAR Rumble because my dad and I played it all the time but that doesn't mean you'll like it. Honestly most of my favorites are probably in there anyway.

Even though I'm out of high school and all, Do you think there is classes i could take to help improve punctuation in sentences?

For basic grammar you should be able to find everything you need online. You'll most likely be able to Google Search "grammar classes" or something like that and find a bunch of free stuff.

Do you think the U.S. would go into a great depression on October 17th, 2013. If the government is still shutdown? I am wondering because i keep hearing on CNN if we are still in shutdown the U.S. will be out of money or something like that.

The U.S. has been "out of money" 100% of the time since Andrew Jackson's presidency. If you haven't heard we're tens of trillions of dollars in debt already. What you probably heard was the fact that we will exhaust our borrowing capacity around that time (recall the debt ceiling scenario from a few months ago), though it would be complicated by a multiple-week shutdown. If it only lasts a few days the shutdown isn't that consequential other than a blow to our pride. The idea of actually breaching the debt ceiling on the other hand is unsettling in a lot of ways, mostly because while we're not sure exactly what would happen we do know it would range from "very bad" to "catastrophic."

Can you also recommend some PS1 and PS3 games?

I wasn't recommending games, just stating some of my favorites as I was asked. Google "best ps1 games" or "best ps3 games" to see what most people liked the best.

...What's the Swagger Wagon?

I think something might have been called that in dialogue? Not sure, it's not something I remember.


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