

Ask @batman9502

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Are you frugal?

Very much so, I save most of my discretionary income and basically limit myself to 1 or 2 "want" purchases a month.

Why do people accumulate so much stuff?

Our natural instincts tell us that those who have the most stuff are more likely to survive. Since the stuff we do get quickly becomes obsoleted by newer, better stuff, we then go on to get that stuff, and the cycle continues.

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What is real?

If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

To be a YouTube partner do you have to team up with some company?

If you want to get it for LP's, yeah pretty much. For what it's worth I've done absolutely nothing at all for the people I'm partnered with so it doesn't really matter.

I know you don't watch request over a few minutes. Bit if you have time, this will probable interest you. I know you not religous but the connections between it and chrono trigger are quite amusing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-Sp62q2FAY&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Let's see, just guessing off the top of my head: Chrono died and came back so he must be Jesus, Lavos represents Revelations, the three gurus are named after the three wise men (even though that was a localization thing and their names in the Japanese version are Bosch, Gash, and Hash), etc.
Here's a hint, both are stories that use very common and basic storytelling elements. Personally I think Chrono Trigger's story is way better, but to each his own I guess.

Now about that companies thing below. There were some fishermen who had caught a catch of manta rays, however, the rays were simply thrown on the beach because the price for them wasn't really there. So since profit could not have been made the rays were otherwise wasted.

Sounds to me more like a few dudes pretending to be a business and making a stupid wasteful decision.

Do you think it's ever okay to hit a woman?

Violence isn't the answer to whatever problems you're having with someone whether it's a man or a woman. Obviously if you're reacting in self-defense or something like that to protect life and limb it's a different story, but there's no reason you should be hitting anyone otherwise.

You said eventually you want to get your Master's Degree.

Sure, but I'm not currently studying anything. When I get it it'll probably be something to do with computer science but I haven't nailed down anything specific.

Do you believe that life is ultimately about luck?

Not ultimately, no. Maybe it can play a factor here and there, but at the end of the day you make your own luck by the amount of work you put into it and the opportunities you create for yourself. You're much more likely to enjoy your life if you try.

Why do companies continue to destroy items or throw away food rather than providing them at cheaper costs or giving them to the less fortunate?

Give me an example of a company that does this to goods that have any sort of value. If something is destroyed (or salvaged into scrap materials) or discarded after production, it was probably defective or unsafe in some way. You can't just sell them cheaper, reputation is incredibly important.

What is the best part of life? What is the worse?

Being with the ones you love; seeing the ones you love hurting.

Is programming your ultimate career choice? If so, why or why not?

I don't really have an ultimate career choice yet. I'm only 23 and I'm looking at more schooling in the near future so perhaps other things will come along.

What do you think is a good salary for a comfortable living?

Varies from person to person, and on what you would define as "comfortable." I have a fairly low salary but I'd say I'm living very comfortably. People who need lots of expensive things and suck at managing money need more.

Do you still play Tetris Attack when you're just trying to kill time? This might be a dumb question, because it seems like you don't have much time to kill.

I probably haven't played it since the LP. I've gotten other games so it's mostly just something to fall back on, even then I've played the computer so many times it's much more fun to play with a friend.

Did you hear Formspring will soon have a new name?

Nah. Haven't really kept up with Formspring since I left it.

early on if not recently have you ever started a video recording, and because you said something stupid and you were 30 seconds in you just restart.

I've restarted due to botched intros many times.

So what is your opinion or stance on online education?

It's a great innovation. I'm probably going to try to find a university with an online program whenever I get around to starting my Master's degree.
Liked by: Mason Atwater

Here is the n64 song i was talking about from Yoshi's story.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yXRGYaOfeY I know they are saying the apple or nintendo but some people told me they believe it saying "The a hole"

I knew which song you were talking about, and it still stands. There are no words there, there aren't even any consonant sounds, unless "eeee aaaaaaaa oooooooooooooo" is a word now.

wait, every boss battle you did post commentary?

For the DLC episodes, not for the main game. During the main game it's easy enough to get a decent run of bosses but some of the Sam bosses take a few tries to get a clean fight and it's easier to post-commentate then have to commentate the battle 10 different times.


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