

Ask @batman9502

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If you could choose which 3 PSI/PK powers you could have (not just the level of it, but the entire move), which would you choose?

Healing, Teleport, Telepathy.

In last of us, which guns did you use and upgrade the most?

Most of them, but I focused on the bow and the shotgun first.
Liked by: raely

Which comic book cover from last of us was your favorite?

I don't remember what any of them looked like.

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What did you think the first time you saw the robot version of Salsa's owner in mother 3?

That would've been like five years ago, I probably just thought it looked ridiculous, in a good way.

Who do you think would win in a fight, Ness Paula and Jeff or Lucas, Kumitora, and Duster?

Not sure why you're leaving out Poo and Boney, but probably the Mother 3 gang because their health scrolls down more slowly.

(Spoilers) Do you think Ellie just believed what she wanted to believe, and accepted it, but really knew that joel was lying.

I think she knew, yeah. She'd proven herself to be quick on the draw during the rest of the journey.

How do you think Last of Us would have changed had it been Joel and Sarah on the journey instead of Joel and Ellie?

Why would they be on a journey at all? Ellie was the whole reason they went. Joel would probably be a completely different person, Sarah would've been much older, basically an adult, like it's not even a comparable thing.
Liked by: Sawyer The Cleaner

(Spoilers) Why do you think Joel said what he said to Ellie at the very end of the game. What's your take on it, as there are so many interpretations put there.

To Joel, Ellie is like a replacement for his daughter and he'd do anything to save her. I thought that was pretty obvious.

Do you watch any animes and if so what are they or do you not really care about those things?

Nah, don't watch any.

On a scale from 1-crack (10), how addicting is necrodancer

I dunno, I've always thought addicting is a bad way to describe it. I just enjoy playing it. All things considered I've put less time into it than the top tier players, never really play it more than an hour or two a day for the most part with plenty of days where I don't fire it up at all. The more you play it the better you get at it, and when you get to the point where you compete for top scores it's fun to share in that with the community. I like the interactivity with the music and the ability to use your own songs with it, and it's more about solving puzzles that are all equally possible rather than getting lucky with items or making a high-precision jump. It just hit all the right notes with me and I'm happy to spend more time with it; no need to use terms like that to describe it.

When do the results come in for necrothon? ps- nintendo is selling deluxe edition wii u's, refurbished (basically good as new), with nintendo land, $200. And if you think you'll ever get a wii u, buy mario kart 8 now, and get 1 of 4 games free. (forgot what 4)

Do you like flying?

I've only flown a handful of times, it's cool to look out the window but otherwise it's mostly sitting in a chair for a few hours.

Any advice for taking out bloaters in the last of us?

I dunno, keep moving and shoot them a lot? Molotovs work well, otherwise just hit 'em a bunch.

What do you think of the wii u. Are the upcoming games pushing you towards getting one any time soon?

Not really, but depending on the results of the Necrothon I might look into it. Mario Kart 8 looks fun and eventually there will be a Zelda game that I'm obligated to play.

In EarthBound, I've defeated the Mani Mani Statue in Moonside, but now I don't know what to do. I have a feeling that I have to get Dragonite for that one monkey but where do I get it?

Go back to the desert and do the monkey cave near the drug store (with all the item trading). The only items you need to bring in from outside the cave are a Skip Sandwhich and a Picnic Lunch, the rest of it you can get from elsewhere inside the cave.

When a number whose digits in base 10 add up to a number divisible by 3, that number is divisible for 3. Does this hold true in other bases for other numbers?

Not always for the number 3 specifically, but that rule in particular has analogues in other bases.
Say we're looking at base 9: 9 - 1 is 8, so this rule can be applied for the divisors 2, 4, and 8 (since they are factors of 8). If you take the number 2321₉ and want to know if it's divisible by 4, add up its digits, 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 8, since this sum is divisible by 4 so is the number itself. If you take the number 5616₉, the sum of its digits is 18, so this number is divisible by 2 but not by 4.
There are more interesting cases, like you can do this to see if a number is divisible by 7 in base 15. The number 97C₁₅ is divisible by 7, because 9 + 7 + C (12) = 28.

Have you ever managed to beat the last of us on survivor difficulty? Also, do you think you'll ever do an LP of the game?

Never had an interest in trying; the gameplay isn't the important part. I won't ever do a "traditional" LP of it, no, but I'm tossing around the idea of doing one with subtitles after the HD remake comes out.

Did you hear about the car chase in KY?

Nope. Kentucky's a decent-sized place though, I'm sure it happens a fair amount. That kind of stuff most likely seems meant for local news rather than state-wide unless something big happened.
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