

Ask @batman9502

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Have you beaten Psycho Mantis without using the controller trick (I think that's the boss where it happens?

I don't think you can? The whole point of making you switch controllers is that you can't hit him because he can "read your moves." Maybe if you had a bunch of explosives or something, but that doesn't sound fun.

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Are you someone who would accept Steam friend-requests from fans or would that be a bad idea in general?

In general I'd probably rather save it for friends I actually know, just keeps things cleaner and it's not like there's anything to gain out of being on my Steam friends list anyway.

Do you think the end of $60 games is near?

Not even close. Any game that sells for $60 also has a $100+ collector's edition. Business is booming.

Part of that sum of all natural numbers problem involved stating 1+1-1+1-1+1-....=1/2. Using placement of parenthesis you could either get 0 or 1. To get your final answer of -1/12 you had to find the average of 0 and 1, therefore making it 1/2. How does that work? What says we just do the average.

If you want to get cheeky about it you can do this:
S = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - ...
1 - S = 1 - (1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - ...)
1 - S = 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 1 - ...
1 - S = S
1 = 2S
S = 1/2
You can also find it by taking the average of each partial sum... 1, (1+0)/2, (1+0+1)/3, (1+0+1+0)/4, and so on, which ends up alternating between 1/2 and 1/2 + 1/(2N), which tends toward 1/2 as N goes to infinity.

What's your favorite math concept. Golden ratio, fibonacci, etc.

I think my favorite thing that I could name off the top of my head is that the sum of all natural numbers (1+2+3+4+... to infinity) is -1/12.

Opinions on Anita Sarkeesian? Here's a video if you wanna cringe: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/jumping-gamergate-turns-fearing-life/story?id=28230901

I don't really have any strong opinions about Anita. I've watched I think the first two episodes of Tropes vs. Women in Video Games (were there more? I don't even know) but am completely unfamiliar with the rest of her work. They're a good jumping-off point for conversation about gender issues in video games, and I think they were an interesting watch even if they're not super groundbreaking or anything. That's about all I got.

What do you like more (in terms of gameplay and Let's Playing) Legend of Legaia or Legend of Dragoon?

Legend of Dragoon is a much easier game to LP, mostly because there's little to no grinding required and you don't have to do luck-based things like absorbing Seru to show everything. There's much less you have to think about. Really for those reasons I also prefer Dragoon gameplay-wise. It's hard to pick a clear winner between the addition-based and arts-based combat systems but Dragoon just flows better in terms of experience/levels and relative enemy strength.

By finding single cell organisms, or by finding small simple animals on 1 planet, statistically speaking, would we have proven the existence of intelligent life? Could we have just found an unevolved species?

That's not how statistics work. It would only prove that what we found exists.

If anything, It's worth going in through the game again just to romance her. The scenes that do play with her actually made me shed a tear (However corny that may sound haha)

Somewhat_Deadly’s Profile PhotoMatthew
I dunno man, that's a whole lot of game to go through. I've been on the same playthrough since Christmas, don't think I'll want to jump into it again.

Not sure if you have been asked this, but who did you decide to romance in Dragon Age Inquisition?

Somewhat_Deadly’s Profile PhotoMatthew
I went with Cassandra, but I'm hoping there's a way I can switch to Josephine later. I originally wanted to make sure it was someone in the party (and since I didn't want the Bull or Dorian it had to be her) but Josephine ended up having some cute scenes, unfortunately after I had already courted Cassandra. Cassandra's "tough warrior with a soft side" is adorable, but we disagree on policy a lot and I'm thinking she'd make a good candidate for the Divine's throne. Josephine is closer to Leliana's type of romance (which I went with in Origins) and I feel like there's a possibility for a future that doesn't involve ruling people. I was dissuaded by her highly political disposition at first but after getting to know her better we get along super well.
In short it was actually pretty hard to decide. :P

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Liquid or Air cooling?

I have no horse in this race. I've never had any cooling other than the stock fans that come with the case and it's always been 100% fine because I don't go crazy with tons of high-end components and overclocking.

When shaving my chin, should I go top to bottom. Or bottom to top.

Make a design out of the negative space in your chin hair.

How is it implied that bill is gay?

If you didn't get the hint from the way he speaks about Frank, I figured the magazine Ellie took that was full of nude men would drive the point home.
Liked by: Nikki

If you had to choose between google chromebook or a cheap RCA tablet which would you choose and why?

I don't know anything about either so I'd flip a coin.

Are you going to continue on Legend of Dragoon? The series so far is excellent and amazingly done!!

I guess you missed the part I uploaded yesterday.

This isn't a question, I just wanted to say that your videos have really helped me through a tough time in my life. Keep being awesome Batman <3

Glad I was at least able to help in some small way. Wishing you the best!

Around 8 trillion people in the world and a good portion of them are idiots. Should we be scared or should we just laugh?

Damonkatu’s Profile PhotoDamonKatumaru
First, the irony might be literally killing me. I at least hope that's intentional and just a bad joke. Second, this is maybe the most obnoxious thing I've ever read.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

Do you say, air-ith-me-tic or uh-rith-ma-tic.

uh-RITH-muh-tik for the noun, ar-ith-MET-ik for the adjective (as is the case with the previous question).


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