

Ask @batman9502

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What are your thoughts on YouTube's new comment system?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Especially don't replace it with a worse version.

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Do you like V8 juice?

Honestly never drank it. I've had other kinds of juice before (some of it's alright, don't remember any brands since I'm not a huge juice drinker) but never V8 brand.

Do you think it would be stupid to move to another country just because we don't like the new Healthcare reform law?

One of the best parts about being able to choose what to do with your own life is that you're not required to justify your choice to other people that have nothing to do with it.

Would you say one of the best things about the Kirby franchises are the victory dances? Especially in Return to Dreamland when it can be in a group?

They don't add or subtract anything for me.

So I'm a bit confused, which Assassins Creed games did you like/really like and which ones did you dislike/hate?

Like all but AC3 which was mediocre at best.

What are your gripes with South Park?

Too busy trying to be racy and offensive to worry about having any sense of humor or giving any worthwhile commentary.

Do you like the band Barenaked Ladies?

I've never heard anything by them other than what was on popular radio in the '90s.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Why or why not?

No. If all things that have ever happened are part of a plan, I want to know who or what made the plan so we can put somebody more capable in charge.

So why do you like to learn? I'm interested in learning and want to learn; but dang is it boring. Any advice or personal experience on how to handle the self like that?

Then you're probably just not learning about the right things; everyone has certain subjects that interest them more than others, and some that don't really do anything for them. I'd recommend simply asking a question. What's something you want to know? Chances are you'll stumble across something you're actually interested in by seeking an answer to what's on your mind than just flinging yourself at a wall of knowledge and hoping something jumps out at you.

How was your day batman? My day was shitty.. a moped hit my car broke the windshield, broke the headlights and fog lights, and front bumper.. I didn't get hurt at all though. I hope you day was better then mine.

That sucks, sorry to hear that. At least no one was hurt. Mine was pretty standard.

What's your thoughts on doing reboots of LPs? As a viewer and/or Let's Player. I'm asking b/c I want to re-do an LP of mine, b/c I think it was pretty bad commentary and I feel I didn't do the game justice. But it seems as though having 2 LPs of the same game on your channel is redundant.

I re-did Ristar back in the day, but only because I honestly feel the original playthrough, being my first LP, is unwatchable. Otherwise there are a couple other early ones I'm unhappy with but not to the point I would re-do them. If you want to do it, do it. It's your channel.

Have you seen the kickstarter for citizens of earth? Would you count that as a sequeal of something original?

Never heard of it.

Have you heard that someone is making mother 4? They released the trailer onto YouTube and the game has its own website.

Yeah, it's a fan project. I've said this before but I think people need to realize when a series is complete.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

Yeah it's a shame because the story is great, the combat seems harder, in a good way and most of the boss fights are intense, and enjoyable. Did you enjoy Asylum or City more? I lean towards Asylum just because it felt like they tried to pack too much into City. It seemed a little scatter brained.

City is objectively Asylum but better.

Who was your favorite actor to play James Bond, and which Bond movie was your favorite?

I've only watched a few Bond movies, a couple with Brosnan and two with Craig (haven't seen Skyfall), so I don't really know that I'm allowed to have an opinion on this.


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