

Ask @batman9502

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I can't play any games because no matter what I do, the computer registers the down key being pressed down, all the time. I've restarted, with different keyboards, no keyboards. Virus scan. Safe mode. Nothing. Suggestions?

(cont.) ... So It finally worked normally again. I played a game like normal. Then I went into Valkyria chronicles on PC and it was happening there. I quit out and went out to the first game, it was happening there again.
Sorry, I answered this once and didn't see where you said you had tried with different keyboards. I honestly don't know, is it possible you have something like joy2key and/or a controller hooked up? Joystick, any sort of peripherals that also provide input. Apart from that I honestly don't know, it's not something I've ever seen before. Google might be your best bet.

Who are you cheering for in the Super Bowl and who do you think is gonna win?

Not really cheering for anyone and I don't know enough about the teams to make a good prediction. I know, I suck.

do you have plans to play Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (either original or hd version)?

I've played it on my own, but if you mean for the channel, no I don't. Don't have any plans for any games actually; if I lose focus on Legend of Dragoon I'll never finish it.
Liked by: Nikki

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I read your favorite class answer. Is it safe to say "don't gamble"?

Assuming we're talking about a traditional casino setting, I think the important thing is going into it with the right mindset. If you allocate $100 or whatever, just treat it as though you're buying a ticket for $100 to go play the games for a few hours. Set that hard limit of what you're comfortable losing. Once you reach that limit, stop. It's only when you start thinking "if I try just a little more I can win it back" that you start getting into trouble. The law of large numbers will tell you that the more times you play, the closer you'll get to the expected value: the house coming out on top overall.
There's nothing wrong with it as long as you're responsible and you expect to lose that money. If you treat it that way it's no different than spending money at an arcade; you're buying the entertainment.

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What is your favorite thing about programming? I.e., what do you enjoy about it the most?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
It's like putting together a puzzle, only instead of a pretty picture you have a button you click on that does cool things.
Liked by: Mason Atwater

I'm still young and just getting into the actual business behind games, as I want to develop games. Why are AAA PC games usually $50, but $60 on consoles.

Is that even a thing? All the new ones I see are $60, the only ones that are $50 are the ones that have been out for a handful of months already. Also I wouldn't have any insight on this anyway, I'm not "in the industry."

What annoys you the most?

I'm generally very easy-going, but I'd say the closest thing is when people just don't think about others whenever they do something. Everyone is trying to live their life the best they can, just like you, so you at least owe them consideration before you do something that could affect them negatively. Yes, it's easy to miss things, apologize genuinely when you do, just care about people.
Liked by: Mason Atwater

What's your favorite class in college?

I had a Linear Programming class that was pretty fun, because it focused almost exclusively on modeling real-world problems. My final project for that course was an analysis of roulette betting strategies, where I basically created a routine in Excel that would run simulations using the different strategies. Then I analyzed each one and tried to pick a "best" fit for different circumstances accounting for things like risk tolerance, starting money pool, available time, etc.
If you're wondering, the answer is don't ever play roulette.
Liked by: Mason Atwater

If there were at least three bosses in Skyward Sword that were the cream of the crop, what your picks be?

Man, that game is so forgettable I'm having a hard time even thinking of three bosses. Let's see... there's the dude with the six arms, Demise... I remember the big black monster guy but he's definitely not top three... the big tentacle monster on the ship? I guess the Ghirahim fights were alright, so that's probably on there? The more I think about it the more Skyward Sword wasn't very good.

Are you watching any specific shows? Such as anime, cartoons, or actual T.V shows in general.

Amazon Prime has the HD versions of all the old Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes so I've watched a handful of those over the past few weeks. I don't know that I'd call that following a show, but there's nothing aside from that.

what are those pastebins in your description about?

All the questions I received when I was using Formspring before it (didn't actually) shut down and I migrated here. They're labeled as such in the description, if you missed that.

if arkham knight is good will u upload a let's play

I couldn't possibly answer that right now, it depends on a ton of things that I'll only know once I eventually play it. All I can say is it's no more or less likely than anything else.

What 3ds games have you been looking into recently? If any. Bravely default is great.

I still need to get Elite Beat Agents but that's all I'm really looking at.

In TTYD, do you think the back tracking in that game wouldn't be bad if they used warp points similar to Majora's Mask or making the experience different with new enemies or obstacles?

Warp points would probably only shorten its length, not make it less boring. Freshening it up is at least a step in the right direction, but still wouldn't change the fact that you're just seeing the same five screens three times in a row for the next half hour. Provide a new path, block the old one in some (logical) way and force the heroes to find alternate means to get to where they need to go. Not even just a new path, but maybe even a new method of transportation (aside from just "now you can roll up into a tube") that carries through to the rest of the game. Have this introduced by a new character that offers it to the hero as long as they help them in some way. Use it as a chance to create something. Anything. Backtracking by itself isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as you find a way to make it not feel so repetitive.

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RE: audio books, I'm really not surprised. I don't even use audio book services but I probably would if you voiced them. It's too bad that making a video is a struggle for you in the first place. Have you tried or considered trying Patreon at all to help with that?

It wouldn't help anything; money isn't the issue. I'd also be uncomfortable with people actually giving me their own money to make videos. Then I have an actual obligation to make sure stuff goes up regularly, and there are some real ethics issues if I end up taking money from people but not delivering on what they were paying for. I'd rather keep it as a hobby I get to when I can and let my actual job take care of the income.
Liked by: Nikki

Any tips on coming up with a recursive rule for a sequence? What are some things I should check out first.

Like, you have a sequence of numbers and have to come up with the rule for them? It's just pattern recognition. Try things until it works. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, exponents, etc. If none of those work by themselves, combine them. That's all it really is.

Have you ever considered voicing audio books? I can't tell you how soothing I find your voice. No matter how much I try to listen/watch other LP's, I just keep coming back to yours. You're amazing, bro

I actually got an offer once, but I just don't have the time or really even the proper equipment/environment to do it. I think it'd be interesting for sure but I barely even manage to make a video once a week, much less spend hours and hours on something that people would actually have to pay for.
Liked by: Nikki Lexxie

What was the longest video game you had played?

Well I'm in the middle of Dragon Age Inquisition still, I think I'm at like 65 hours? That's definitely the longest I've ever taken to actually beat a game for the first time.

Do you use the agile method?

All Google is turning up for that is some BS business management style of software developing. I don't need or want a manifesto with twelve principles and cross-functional teams with short timeboxes, daily stand-ups, and continuous integration strategies to program something. Honestly I hate all that business crap; it's so far disconnected from any actual people.

In TTYD, do you think that a better ending for Grodus, Crump, and Beldam would be them working for the Don Pianta Mafia?


How did it feel when you started the last semester of college?

I was more than ready to be done with it, so pretty excited.


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