

Ask @batman9502

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Who do you think was the better protagonist ness or Lucas?

Probably Lucas. Ness to me always just sort of felt like the vehicle for you to witness all the events. Not much was ever really made of his character.

OMG OMG OMG you played Mario bros as your first game ever? IT WAS My first game i ever played also if it wasn't for mario i wouldn't be a fan of video games!

It was probably a lot of peoples' first game.

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What's your favorite movie?

It's hard to say, it changes a whole lot. I'd probably go with the first Matrix though.

Have you ever pointed a banana at someone like it was a gun? I do it to the mailman every day. He doesn't like it.


You make reference to the background music often in your LPs. Besides the piano, do you play any instruments?

If you count the drums as an instrument.

What would you do if someone stole your youtube account and changed the password?

They would've somehow gotten my phone to get past the two-step verification, but I guess I'd just use the recovery e-mail I have set up.

Have you ever played Wind Waker? I was looking through your playlists, and found plenty of Zelda games, but Wind Waker was seemingly absent. No big deal, I guess I'll watch your Skyward Sword LP. :D Also, reading some below questions, the PM "murder victim" was your commentary. Saw it last night :D

Yes, but I won't be doing an LP of it.

if some one points a gun and threaten you to do a pokemon lp what would you do?

I guess record the first part of a very awkward Pokemon LP, though unless he wants to stick around for a long time I doubt it'd get edited, rendered, and uploaded before I managed to call the police.
Liked by: Brandon Lum

Do you have any tips for anyone who would want to get into lets playing?

Play what you want to play, be yourself, and most importantly have fun.

If you were a wrestler what your nickname be and what would you call your finishing move?

I put my name into a random generator and it told me my name would be Jack Magnum. Since I'm original my finishing move would be the .44 Magnum.

If you could only play 3 video games for the rest of your life what games would they be and why?

I guess Mother 3, Earthbound, and Arkham City.

If you could make your own video game, what kind of game would you like to make and why?

Never really thought about it so it's hard to come up with something on the spot. I'd probably just get a handful of people and make it a joint venture so we could brainstorm something actually good since writing isn't my strength by far.

Who were you a bigger fan of from mst3k, Joel or Mike?

I've actually never watched mst3k. Know about it obviously but not enough to answer this.

Again this is my 5th question. So how about doing some old school NES or SNES games? That would be awesome! Maybe such as a zelda 2 or the original The Legend Of Zelda. I'm just thinking out loud on this one but your playthroughs are so entertaining I watch them for fun!I've watched the TP LP 3 time

Cooper Peterson
I have some in mind for later.
Liked by: Cooper Peterson

What is the hardest dungeon you have played in a game?

Since I'm not sure what all counts as a dungeon and all the answers are the usual NES games, I'm going to switch this around a bit and say the hardest area in a game that I still had fun with that isn't on NES. The one I'm thinking of right now is probably the final castle in Goemon's Great Adventure on the N64.

Hey man, just in case you're having a bad day, I want you to know that I really enjoy your videos.

Haha, I'm not having a bad day, but thanks. Glad you're enjoying them.


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