

Ask @batman9502

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Why aren't you into Super Paper Mario?

It's not really even an RPG, it's just like a really slow-paced platformer/adventure type thing. The partners aren't really even characters, and have no personality. I've seen basically the whole game and let's just say it doesn't even come close to having the Paper Mario charm the previous games pulled off.

What do you know about the Nintendo copyright stuff going on now and what do you think of it?

BALum1995’s Profile PhotoBrandon Lum
Only that people have been getting hit with content ID claims from them in high numbers recently. This isn't necessarily new, GilvaSunner said he got hit with 70 claims back in February. Hasn't been any official word so take everything you hear with a grain of salt, everyone's just assuming it's intentional when it could very well be an algorithm gone haywire. For what it's worth I haven't gotten any yet, and maybe six or seven hundred of my videos are of NIntendo games, including three Wii games.

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What's you favorite console and which game for that specific console?

SNES, and I dunno maybe Earthbound or Secret of Mana.

Aside from Half-Life 2, can you think of any games which did escort missions right? Because I can't think of any others right now.

I wouldn't think of Half-Life 2 because I've never played it, otherwise not much is coming to mind. I've never played BioShock Infinite but from what I hear escorting Elizabeth (that's her name right?) around seems to be fine since she can't take damage, generally stays out of the way, and can actually do some useful stuff. Resident Evil 4 lets you tell Ashley to go hide in a dumpster while you do the grown-up stuff so that gets points as well.

Have you ever typed or spoke a word you already know, and then thought it sounded weird?

There's a phenomenon similar to what you're describing called semantic satiation, where saying or seeing a word repeatedly makes it lose its meaning and feel like just a bunch of sounds. I don't think I've ever had that happen with words under normal usage though.

It's OK, I just ask a series of related questions to LPers. If you don't want any more themed questions, I'll just stick to the normal ones.

It's not a big deal if you want to ask them, I just prefer questions that people are actually wanting to ask me instead of generic stuff. These last two days (not sure even what the other ones are or if there are any more) just weren't really a hit for me. I don't really think about stuff that's terrible, and if you haven't noticed "weird and wacky" isn't really my thing.

Weird Wednesday, Question 1: What is the worst way to make money off of a talking goat?

Why are days getting all these identifiers? I can already tell weird Wednesday isn't going to be for me. Is there some way to unsubscribe?

You're a Playstation guy, were you ever into the Twisted Metal series?

Honestly not really. One of my friends that lived down the street had a couple of the games, I played them and just couldn't get into them. We had fun playing against each other for the afternoon but after that there just wasn't enough to keep me interested.

I see you thought ACIII was disappointing, I don't have an opinion because I never got through Revelations. What are your thoughts on ACR? I think it's head and shoulders worse that AC2, and ACB. Sorry for all the acronyms haha.

Yeah, I agree. The games got worse and worse with each new spinoff (pseudo-sequel?). That's another reason I was anticipating Assassin's Creed 3; I had hoped it would be able to pull the series out from the quagmire of average games and wow me like the second game did. Unfortunately, it looks like we're still there.

So you work for a boss? Break off your corporate shackles and fight The Man!

Actually, my boss is pretty cool and I like my job. It's not really "corporate" anyway, it's a private college so it's a lot less business-y in my department at least.

If you started a business, what kind of business would it be?

One that would probably ultimately fail because I don't want to start a business.

Final Terrible Tuesday question: worst TV show you've ever watched?

I don't watch bad TV shows.

Did you watch that Bruins-Leafs game 7? Unbelievable!!

Nah, probably will catch the highlights on Sportscenter.

Why's Batman hunched over while watching TV?

He's playing games because, you know, I run a gaming YouTube channel?

Terrible Tuesday, Question 2: Did you ever get caught in the crossfire of the Console Wars, online or offline?


Don't hate me or block for asking but umm Do you happen to know a great way a transgender girl on estrogen to get rid of stretch marks or would you just recommend dealing with them?

I honestly have no idea why you'd think I would know anything about this.

Do you think in a perfect world everybody would not kill each other and everybody be non power using vegans? :P

Well, in a "perfect" world we probably wouldn't be killing each other, sure. I don't personally see anything wrong with eating meat/dairy products... and I didn't even know using electricity was a controversial thing?

Do you ever plan to get married and have kids?

I'd like to get married, sure, whether or not we have kids would be a decision between us.

No rush, but when are you putting out your next side LP?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
I'm not sure, whenever I get around to it. Rising has been requiring more editing time than I originally figured.


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