

Ask @batman9502

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have you planned playing 2D Zelda games? (i don't know if this sentence is grammatically correct tbh)

Not really, I'm not actually that into most of them. Zelda 2 was the only one I'd considered at any length.

Any plans to get that blue checkmark next to your name on Twitter/Facebook?

Haha, like there's any chance of that happening. On Twitter you don't apply for the checkmark anyway, Twitter just has to choose to give it to you. I don't know how Facebook's works. Either way I'm nowhere NEAR popular enough.

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Thoughts on zelda being delayed to 2017 for a dual launch on wii u / nx? Will you be picking up an nx with zelda day 1? What if it came in a bundle (which is likely)

I don't generally mind delays; release the game when it's ready. I do intend to get the new Zelda assuming it's not universally panned or anything, but there's no reason to plan on getting an NX right now. There's literally no information out about it. I'd hope people would learn to be more careful about new Nintendo consoles after how the Wii U has fared.

If you don't mind my asking, do you add any effects to your videos in Premiere? All I really do is a light Sharpen, and a Fade to black at the end of my videos. I have YouTubed it, but there are not many guides on Premiere for video games and your videos look great!

g0dZ_LP’s Profile Photog0dZ
Slight (10-15%) saturation boost, that's it. There aren't many guides for video games because they generally don't need much if your capture device is good (and most are these days). Everyone wants to feel advanced by putting color correction on everything but as long as the saturation, brightness, contrast, and gamma are okay that's all you generally need to worry about.
You had mentioned a fade to black - in that department I always do a two-second fade-in at the beginning and a two-second fade-out at the end, and any transitions between clips are a one-second dissolve.

Does Mo Man's Sky seem interesting to you?

It's been hyped up way too much to ever actually meet that hype. With tempered expectations, it's definitely a "wait until it's been out and talked about" type of game for me. It's actually totally possible that it flops; they tout billions of unique planets or whatever but the text string "ABCDEFG" and "ABCDFEG" are also both unique. This marketing point doesn't tell us how much of it will be noticeably, significantly *distinct* and that is what will make or break its player retention ability. Doesn't seem like there's enough gameplay there on its own to keep attention, so if the exploration aspect of it falls flat it likely becomes just another $60 chunk of data on your hard drive.
I'm following it but I'm very much in the "not buying it" camp until some time has passed once it's in the wild. At that point I'll re-evaluate how it looks. It has potential though, that's for sure.

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Did you ever pick up twilight princess HD? What do you think of it.

Yep, it's basically Twilight Princess in HD. Plays almost exactly the same, but it sure looks nicer.

Noticed that dark souls reference on twitter. Have you gotten dark souls 3? / played any other souls games?

Nope, Dark Souls doesn't look like my kinda thing. I've seen enough gameplay footage to know I would just get frustrated.

how happy were you that wind waker hd added the swift sail to it?

Obviously I was happy, of course. I wasn't expecting it though. It's like they were tacitly admitting that what they did in the first place was too much.
Liked by: Sawyer The Cleaner

Should cost determine college at all? Or should I just assume i'll pay it off eventually.

(cont.) forgot to add this, but how long did it take for you to pay college off?
I can't speak for your personal financial situation, but I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with letting cost influence your decision. The same degree from different institutions probably (I'm not an expert on this) has relatively similar value from a resume standpoint. Being able to come out the other end with at least some degree of financial stability is a huge plus that shouldn't be underrated. Probably don't make it ALL you think about, but if you can avoid repaying student loans for decades that's obviously a plus.
I received a full 4-year scholarship so I didn't actually have to pay anything tuition-wise out of pocket. I'm thankful for that pretty much every day of my life.

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haha. I enjoyed star ocean 4, but as a personal opinion I loved sidekick 3 more, which is what SO5 is gunna be based heavily on gameplay wise. Unfortunately we won't have someone with as cool a name as edge maverick.

This isn't a question (so usually I'd just delete it, FYI) but yeah that's what I've heard too. Again I'm probably the only one who liked 4 more than 3, by a pretty large margin actually. I'm sure it'll still probably be good but just not as much aimed at me.

I'm sorry if this has already been asked. I've watched you for years, and I vaguely remember you saying (I could be wrong though) that you weren't interested in LPing Windwaker. I'm so happy you are now though because it's my favorite. What made you change your mind?

Yeah, you're not wrong. I covered this in the description of the intro video to the LP, but long story short the fixes in the HD remake were enough for me to give it a pass. It's not just the sailing and triforce charts (though obviously they're a big part!) but there are also a lot of small things that just make the game move quicker and improve the pacing significantly. I never enjoyed getting 100% in Wind Waker because it was tedious, but they've made an attempt to fix that and succeeded enough that I'm okay recording it.
Liked by: Nikki

You interested in star ocean 5 integrity and faithlessness?

Yep, it's definitely one I'll be looking at when it comes out. I seem to have been the only one who loved The Last Hope, though, so I doubt it'll be similar to that one.
Liked by: Nikki

How did you find out about all of your recording equipment that you use?

I'd say still that MOST LP'ers use an El gato and a Blue Yeti, it's really just been common knowledge for years. Everywhere you look that's what people are recommending.

Do you play cards like poker, gin, rummy, spades, etc.?

Not often at all, like once every couple years. The situation just never comes up.

Do you ever look back and say "That LP was real fun to do, I remember when I..."?

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Thankfully pretty much every LP has been fun to do, so it's always good to look back on some of them from time to time. I don't always reflect on specifics, though.
Liked by: Nikki Mason Atwater

Is the universe truly infinite? Or is it just an ever expanding plane APPROACHING infinity but still finite at any one point in time. Much like lim x-> inf ( X / .1 )

The universe is not a function or a sequence, thinking about mathematical limits in this way isn't valid. The universe is either infinite or finite, period. Nobody actually knows for sure.

Not rushing you at all of course, but just as a heads up, are wind waker uploads pretty much gunna be like dragoon, whenever you have time. Or are you gunna go for some more regular uploads. Either way i appreciate the effort you put in regardless, keep it up!

You ask this like I can still somehow just make videos anyway if I don't have time.
I can't guarantee that it'll be every single week, no. I'll try when I can though of course.

Regarding your wind waker announcement, how long do you plan to make the videos? 10 minutes, 30, etc. And secondly will you be cutting out any time spent sailing?

Just like Dragoon - roughly 30 minutes apiece, give or take a few minutes either way. Editing will have the same objective as any other game I've done, which is to keep things moving. Long voyages, waiting around, backtracking multiple times, etc. are all good candidates to snip.

Download the final fantasy 15 platinum demo? Also, what are your thoughts on the game in general. Based on trailers and gameplay shown.

I haven't, but I've seen someone else play it. There's really not much there at all, it looks more like a tech demo than anything. That original demo that people who bought Type-0 HD got access to seemed more useful, and it looked alright. The thing is, the game will live or die based on its characters and story; Square has always been good at making gameplay, even in the XIII-series (which was awful) it was fine even if there were a few questionable decisions. It's everything else that made those games bad: flat characters, awful writing, undecipherable story. That's what matters for XV, and that's what we just won't be able to see until the game is actually out. From what I've seen so far I'm skeptical of the characters, but you never know.

So, what mode are you playing on MLB The Show 2016?

Road to the Show is pretty much all I play. I've really enjoyed the rise of focus on player-oriented career modes in sports games.


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