

Ask @batman9502

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I don't think it would matter if you were presentable for streams, the fans would still watch either way sir.

It matters to me, "people will watch anything" isn't really an excuse.

When you do a lets play, do you continue to play the game when you end the episode and stop recording it so that you know what is coming next and so that you have a plan for it.

I always do a practice/planning run usually a day or two before recording.

Have you thought about going back and doing more twitch streams?

Yeah, and I actually found someone selling a Blue Snowball mic for $25 that I picked up with the intention of using for streams, I just usually feel more like relaxing and winding down than worrying about having to vocalize everything and generally being presentable when I'm home at night.
Liked by: Sawyer The Cleaner

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What would it take for you to buy a wii u or 3DS?

For the Wii U it needs enough good games to justify spending hundreds of dollars on the system. The 3DS is a harder sell since I'm just not a fan of handheld gaming. Maybe when it comes down significantly in price or something, there are at least a few games I wouldn't mind trying out.

Do you watch gaming videos often?

The best I can do most of the time is have them on in the background at work, so I don't know if it's really "watching" or not. Try to catch a handful over weekends and stuff when I can though.

You can have 4 Nintendo characters defend you in a Zombie Apocalypse. Who do you choose?

Don't think it really matters, four against billions has to be a losing battle no matter what.

Let's Players HATE him! Doctor's discovery revealed the secret to recording entire games in just 30 minutes! Watch this shocking video and discovery how you can rapidly LP the latest games with this sneaky technical secret!

I recorded Werewolf in about that length of time. I hope Let's Players don't hate me and I've also been falsely credited as a doctor.
Liked by: Lanky Orangutan

Hey man, is it snowing up there? It is here in NC. If it is snowing in KY, I hope you stay safe and warm.

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
Nope, they were originally forecasting some but I think they ended up calling that off.

I'm really getting sick of people complaining about the U.S. So what happened again that had America up in arms?

When is America not up in arms about something?

Place your controller on the floor. I will move the controller.

Still don't believe me? Now I'll read more deeply into your soul. I see that you enjoy Konami games.

So what is your favorite moment of a character breaking the fourth wall?

Fill your right index finger with a wish. Or strength. To put it another way, I guess do something R-Button-ish?
Liked by: Wes

Do any DKC2 music tracks jump out at you? I really like the music that plays inside the beehive.

HighRollinMace’s Profile PhotoMason Atwater
DKC2 has a lot of great music. I don't know the names of really any of the tracks but the one that plays in Bramble Blast is really good, so are the music for the mine levels and for the amusement park. Even the first world music is really good too.

So why are you so familiar with Debate?

Any familiarity I have with them is because I've watched a number of them on YouTube.

If you ever decide to close your channel and stop doing lets plays, what would you want to be remembered for the most?

My channel will never close unless it's beyond my control. Even when videos eventually stop my channel and all videos I've made will continue to be available for as long as possible. As far as being remembered it's not something I worry too much about. If someone plays a game later and thinks "oh man I remember when I watched that LP" then hey, I'm happy.

At what point did you relies that your channel and your lets play would be a success?

When I got my first few followers to the point where I started recognizing people's names as reliable commenters I pretty much chalked it up as a win. Then I hit 100 subscribers and it was already exceeding my expectations.

What's your proudest video game achievement

Being able to share a game with thousands of people, some of which are coming home after a bad day, recovering from an illness, dealing with family issues, or some other curveball life has thrown at them, and allowing them at least a few minutes of entertainment and escape is probably the most worthwhile thing I've personally done with video games.
Liked by: Mason Atwater


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