

Ask @ugottafriend

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Who was the last person you kissed?

Romantically? Sadly, my ex-husband. I never wanted him to be the last person I kissed for the rest of my life, but I am pretty sure that's how it's going to be.
Unromantic, random smooch? My nieces, certainly. Aunt Kel's gotta kiss those cheeks!

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

Meh. Not my kind of question. I suppose being sung to would be awesome, although not if I didn't have feelings for the person. That would just be weird. I also love the beach, especially at night when the moon is out and the waves are rolling in. Romance - blech. Honestly, I don't think I have a valid answer for this. I don't date and don't want to - ever. I just want friends, okay?

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What would someone have to do to make you dislike them immediately?

Touch me without my permission, yell at me, call me or someone else a name, be a jerk within my hearing range, make a sexual comment, plenty of answers here...

Hi There, I grew up in New Orleans - leaving home in 1969 to see the world! I'm writing a song about the Bayou country now, been away a long time! I need to confirm a line I'm stuck on in my song and hope you might help me!! or maybe point me to another reliable resource. The question is: do shrimp

Hello! Ask.fm cut your question off, but I did receive the entire question via email, thank goodness. I'm going to repost your question here, then answer and also email it to you.
The question:
"Hi There, I grew up in New Orleans - leaving home in 1969 to see the world! I'm writing a song about the Bayou country now, been away a long time! I need to confirm a line I'm stuck on in my song and hope you might help me!! or maybe point me to another reliable resource. The question is: do shrimp fisherman like to fish under a full moon or under a dark sky??? I'd be happy to share my song with you if you can help me make this line more realistic. PLEASE REPLY TO ME"
Shrimping is usually done in the evening at low tide. It is ideal for shrimp to be as close to the surface as possible, and low tide combined with dark skies make that happen. The full moon would aid shrimpers to better see what they're doing, but daylight isn't ideal since shrimp prefer to be in the dark. The lighter it is, the more likely the shrimp are to stay near the bottom. If it's dark outside, they have a hard time seeing where they are in proximity to the surface.
I would love to hear about your traveling adventures, and I look forward to hearing your song!

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What countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?

Italy, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, France, England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.

What kind of things annoy you?

Seriously? You might want to pull up a chair...we're gonna be here all day.

What position do you sleep in?

I can never get comfortable, so I lie in all kinds of stupid positions. Edge of the bed, foot of the bed with my feet at the head, propped up on half a dozen pillows, legs crossed in the air, completely under the covers, sideways with my feet hanging off the bed...thank God I'm single.

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

The same thing I do every day. TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Not really, but I can rarely resist a Pinky and the Brain reference.
Liked by: Jade Rodriguez

If you invented a monster what would you call it?

I'd call it Weebe, and if you want to know who and what it is, you'll have to buy my children's book when it's published. :-)

Which brand products do you use most frequently?

Depends on what kind of products you're referring to, but I'll go ahead and say Avon.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

It doesn't affect me, so I don't actually care. It's none of my business.

What's one animal you would not want to come face to face with?

A piranha would be pretty unfortunate.

What was your first big disappointment?

The first one I recall is being forced to quit kindergarten 2 months before graduation. I had to say goodbye to my class with no warning, I was up and gone just like that. Everybody acted so sad and I remember trying hard not to cry as I took my crayon box from the teacher and let her hug me. I had no way of keeping in touch with any of them because we moved out of state and I was too young to know the kids' last names anyway (except the boy I had a crush on, whose last name was too common...Williams). The school district I moved to started with 1st grade, so I'm an official "kindergarten dropout".

Who was the last person you met today?

The new Chef at Ozzy's Cuisine. I ordered take-out Fried Green Tomato Supreme...wow it was awesome.

What have you learned today?

No pain, drama, or sorrow from the past matters anymore when cancer is winning in the present and robbing someone of a future.


Language: English