

Ask @ugottafriend

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How often do you change your hairstyle?

I really don't do anything stylish with my hair. I brush it out or I put it in a scrunchy (yes, kids, I still use Scrunchies). I usually grow it out long until I can't stand it another day, then I cut it for charity. That happens every year and a half or so.

What do you wish for the most in the new year?

The overall health and safety of my loved ones and myself
The continuation of genuine friendships, and to be a better friend to those people
To become as organized as I was when I was a paralegal/office administrator
A hell of a lot more sleep and a hell of a lot less pain
Financial stability

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@carlyincontro asks, "Would you rather sneeze glitter or cough confetti?”

This is definitely one of the strangest questions I've seen in a while. I guess I'll say cough confetti. Nobody wants to see anything come out of anybody's nose. Then again, the mouth isn't much better. Confetti is easier to clean up than glitter, so I'll stick with coughing.

@regaljoe asks, "What item from your childhood do you wish you could find again?"

I wish I had all of Mom's and Dad's vinyl records. I used to come home from school and go into Mom's room and listen to her records for hours every day. Unfortunately, she went nuts and threw the entire collection in the trash in a fit of hyper-religious mania. She pretty much did the same to me later on.

@eringilfoy asks, "What are some of your guilty pleasures?"

I'm sad to say food, but it's definitely food. Pizza, pasta, candy, Coca-Cola...things I am not supposed to be eating. That's really pathetic. I should have more interesting guilty pleasures. Alas, I have no life.

@Juliapricemusic asks, "What was the worst date of your life?"

I've never been one to date, but I can tell you about the time I was on a business trip and my coworker wanted me to go to dinner with her and her family. So we all met at a diner, and the young man sitting across from me asked "So, did you know about this?" I said "About what?" He said "This blind date." I replied "I don't do blind dates." I'm not entirely sure he spoke to me again after that, and my coworker and her husband were furious. We ate and left, and the my coworker's husband screamed at everyone in the vehicle the entire way home (four ugly, horrendous hours).
Bonus fact: Those same people are now my brother's next door neighbors. :-/
Lesson: I don't do blind dates, and if you try to set me up, I will shut you down.

Have you visited any art galleries or museums recently?

Mobile (that's pronounced mo-BEEL) Museum of Art in Alabama is very impressive.

@itsmerickeyt asks, "How do you start your morning?"

With much grumbling, for I am not a morning person. I usually get up for a glass of water, put on more clothes if I'm cold (I'm always cold), visit the bathroom, then check email and social media while contemplating my plans for the day. Some days, I go back to bed. Nothing special.

What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?

It depends on how we met and what brought us to the conversation, I guess. I'm not good at small talk and I don't want to pry into people's personal lives unless it's a part of the specific conversation we're having. If I were forced to come up with a list of questions to ask someone, it would probably be really boring. Where are you from originally? What do you do for a living? Do you like your job? What would you be doing if you weren't in that line of work? Got any hobbies? Do you know what a TARDIS is? You know...normal stuff. :)

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

I would have never become involved with a man... x 3.

What part of yourself are you most afraid of sharing with others?

My frequent inability to physically handle basic daily tasks (due to being debilitated with systemic disease), as well as my anxiety in trying to cope with those inabilities.
Bonus answer: My paralytic episodes, because there is usually nothing anyone can do but watch the panic unfold and hope I don't die. Nobody should have to live like this, but nobody should have to live like that either.
Liked by: Robby

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
It was freakin' awesome and I can't wait to see it again.

How many hours do you sleep at night?

Very little...1 to 3. I end up napping during the day, usually late morning, for another 1 to 3 hours. I have multiple sleep disorders and never get adequate sleep. I'm very fortunate that I haven't dropped dead yet. *knock on wood*

@shandude asks, "What's your favorite animal and why?”

I love elephants because they seem like gentle giants. They have been known to show empathy and emotion, and they are very protective. And who doesn't love a baby elephant? They are way too adorable to ignore.

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

Some fools claiming to be the KKK put recruiting literature in people's yards on MLK day. I came unglued and posted some very harsh words on social media about them.

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

I'd love to be multilingual.

What kind of place do you think is ideal for the first date? Why do you think so?

A public place with a lot of people, but not so noisy that you can't hear each other speak. You want to be able to talk to each other, but I wouldn't recommend a private setting for safety reasons. Once you know the person well and feel 100% comfortable with them, a more intimate location can be agreed upon.


Language: English