

Ask @ugottafriend

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What do you think Ask.fm has, that no other site has?

A constant stream of repetitive questions (just saying...let's have some new questions, okay?)

How will you celebrate your next birthday?

It's coming up in March, and I hope to take my stepfather to a local gumbo cook-off. No other plans at the moment. I'm hoping to save up for a convention in May.

If you would be animal, what animal will you be?

Humans are animals. :) But I get it. As much as I want to say a praying mantis for the sake of humor, I would probably choose something cute and fluffy like a panda, or something majestic that can fly. An eagle would be cool.

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What is life like on other planets?

Probably either too hot or too cold. Lord knows that's the story of my life on this planet.

Did you ever had the fire department at the door for nothing serious?

For nothing serious? Or something serious? My family was advised by Fire-Rescue to evacuate our homes due to an approaching hurricane on several occasions. Call that serious, not serious, or whatever you like.

How well can you cook?

Like anybody who cooks, I have successes and I have fails. Over the last 5 years, my successes have thankfully significantly increased. I do a lot of research, and I love experimenting in the kitchen. There are many dishes that I haven't mastered, but others that I do well enough that I prefer mine over anyone else's. Feel free to be more specific if you have additional food questions.

What's the hottest chili pepper which you can handle?

I used to put ripe habaneros in my spaghetti. I love spicy food, but my ailments don't allow that level of heat anymore.

What is your favorite peanutbutter?

Creamy Jif, definitely. I've tried so many but the rest just don't measure up.

Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

Coke all the way. Pepsi is horrendous. It tastes flat and leaves a horrible aftertaste.

Do you have any pics of you wearing tights?

If I did, I wouldn't be showing them to you. At any rate, no. I wear tights under my jeans or skirt. Let's move on to a subject a little less weird, okay?

Do you wear tights?

This...is a very odd question. :)
I have several pair of fleece-lined tights that I wear sometimes when the weather is cold. Gotta keep my unruly legs as warm as possible in order to walk properly.

Have you got any weird habits?

I cook in the middle of the night.
I sleep in odd positions.
I chew on my lips.
I sing obnoxiously in my car.
And I check for monsters behind the shower curtain.
But you didn't hear that from me.

Do you sleep in the dark or with some light on?

There is usually a little bit of light, but I'm fine without it...doesn't make a lot of difference to me.

What have been the most important decisions in your life?

Probably the most common decisions people make: education, career(s), relationships, spirituality. I've never had full control over every aspect of my life thanks to my health, but what I do have control over, I take very seriously. College was a huge decision and I wish so much that I could have finished. Switching careers from office administration to starving artist/instructor/college student was not financially ideal, but I sure as hell was a thousand times happier, and I will count it as one of the greatest things I've ever done. The few relationships I've had were by far my worst decisions. Choosing to learn from my mistakes and never allow them to happen again has been one of the most important decisions of my life, and I am so happy that I've stood my ground in maintaining a single lifestyle. My spiritual journey has been long and rocky, and while I will never get to a place where I feel worthy or that I've "arrived", I am so glad that I've educated myself and stopped being oppressed by those around me. My Christian beliefs are now based on what I feel Jesus wanted for all of humanity, not what fearful radicals have guilted me to think. I'm not perfect and never will be, but at least I'm genuine.

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What will be your furthest journey this year?

Ah, do you mean literally or figuratively? If literally, I don't plan to go any farther than Alexandria, Louisiana to visit family this year. I'll also be going to Jackson, Mississippi to renal and MDA clinics as usual. Both are pretty tiring road trips for me. I wish I could go to Orlando, Florida to a medical conference, but I don't see that happening. Figuratively, I think getting myself organized and accomplishing my goals will be challenging enough. I want to survive to see another year, but also thrive somehow. I don't know how to make that a reality, but I'll just take one day at a time for now. It's really all we can do anyway, isn't it...

Which historical event would you have most liked to attend?

I would have liked to have been at the Berlin wall when it was coming down and people were reuniting after all those years. I watched some of the footage on television, but witnessing that in person would have been life-changing. Another moment that would have been incredible to see is Baby Jessica's water well rescue in Texas. It made such an impact on me that I still think about it to this day.

What would you bring to a picnic?

Myself, a cozy blanket, and plenty of sweet tea. Somebody else can do the cooking this time. :)

What's the best piece of advice you have received from the most unlikely source?

This is a good question. Thanks for asking.
Growing up, my neighbors and some of my relatives were racists, and raised a fuss because I had black friends. My mother, who grew up in the 50s and 60s in a tremendously racist family, came to my defense. She assured me that there is nothing wrong with my friendships, and that I should ignore the haters and carry on because they were reacting out of ignorance. She told them all that she approved of my friends, that they needed to mind their own business, and if they didn't like it, "to heck" with them. That was her way of saying they could go to hell, ha. She made it clear that if I grew up and dated or married someone of a different race, that would be perfectly fine because it is nobody else's business. She suggested that I treat others the same way and live by the "golden rule". I am happy to say some of those friends are still present in my life 20+ years later.
Mom had some mental health issues and suffered a bit of a regression later in life, becoming hyper-xenophobic toward people of different religions, sexual orientations, and lifestyles, but somehow she never wavered on the issue of race and I'll always give her credit for that. RIP Mom.

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Liked by: Robby


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