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How do you handle stress??? OR stress handle's you???

You do look a little stressed. :P
Seek out healthy distractions - keyword there is healthy. Take time to breathe. Get adequate sleep. Talk to a doctor. Make sure your priorities are in order. Delegate whenever possible. Reach out to someone you trust. Write your frustrations down in a private journal. Take your medications. Be mindful of your diet and other habits. Assess yourself and don't take on too much activity - we're humans, not superheroes.

How many times have you stepped on Lego in your life?

If I had to guess, I'd say two or three times, and it does hurt quite a lot.

What is your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend? In general, what are your preferences?

Well, I can say for sure that I don't want a girlfriend. I'm as straight as it gets.
I don't believe I'm ready for the boyfriend question, to be honest. I haven't had a boyfriend in almost two decades, and haven't wanted one. After turning 40 and reflecting on my life and my future, I felt that I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn't at least consider obtaining therapy to deal with the trauma I've lived through and the issues I have today. Dating is not really my thing and never has been, but I've always been told to never say never. So I guess I'll stop saying never and say maybe someday. It's not a priority, to say the least. I'm very ill, and nobody fully grasps the pain I'm in or how significant my limitations are. You'll simply have to take my word for it.
That said: if you, asker, are really that interested in knowing what I want in a boyfriend, I recommend contacting me directly so we can talk about why you're asking me this, and then we can probably converse from there. If you're not on my social media, send a friend request or message and tell me you are the one who asked. I promise I'll be nice as long as you're not inappropriate.
I'm "ugottafriend" almost everywhere.

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Do you easily let your past go or immerse yourself in past memories?

Immerse is a much nicer word than torture. Let's go with that.

You are enough. You are an amazing human being with so many powers. I hope you have a wonderful day 🥀😚

This is so very nice. Thank you dear.
You are enough You are an amazing human being with so many powers I hope you

Have you ever been rude to someone and you didn't mean it? What did you do after that?

I can remember a few occasions when I was rude and almost immediately apologized because I knew I was out of line.
Most of the time, though, I do mean what I say.

What can you promise to your friends?

I'm not trying to get into their pants. I never have and I never will. I have no ulterior motives. I'm a safe person to be with and any effort I make is an attempt to be a decent friend and nothing more.

What magazines do you read?

I don't buy magazines anymore, but I like Psychology Today and will read an article if I find it relevant to my interests. My favorite used to be Mental Floss, but they mutated into a Buzzfeed-style site and I unfollowed them. They eventually discontinued their magazine altogether.

Has anyone ever said something to you that set you on a path to prove them wrong?

Having painful, debilitating diseases and growing up not being believed, being abused and neglected, and being accused of faking or being crazy and lazy instead of receiving the support that I deserved...hell yeah. I am here to prove a world full of ableist assholes wrong, every day, until my last breath.

From 1-10, how chilled are you as a person?

I'm more chilled in person than people on the internet realize. I don't appear very chilled online...probably a 3 or 4. But in real life, I'd call myself a 7 at least.
I could be completely wrong, but that's how I see it.

If you could be fluent in a new language what would it be ?

Most of my neighbors speak Vietnamese, so that would be the best choice at this time. However, I do plan to move out of this town as soon as possible. If I end up in Louisiana, French would be ideal, and I'm French anyway. If I end up back in Mississippi somehow, definitely Spanish. If I live through the next few years, I'd like to pursue basic Spanish regardless of where I end up.


Language: English