

Ask @ugottafriend

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Have you ever felt ashamed about your past?

Frequently. However, I also acknowledge a fair amount of my past was out of my control, and I responded in the only ways I knew how to at the time. But sure, I've made mistakes. The most prominent ones revolved around religion and relationships.

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How do you define Love?

I consulted my Facebook friends for their input on this. Their answers were as follows:
- Acceptance!
- Unconditionally, throw myself in front of the train to save them.
- Being there. Being present.
- Wanting the best for someone else even if it's not yourself.
- I care so much about someone else's happiness that it becomes my own.
- Fuzzy paws and a wet nose.

do you consider yourself an undiscovered author? why or why not?

I'm only the author of blogs. As for my novella, memoir, poetry, or any other manuscripts, I don't think I should consider myself an author until I complete and submit the work for publishing. Once I get to that point (someday???), I'll be willing to call myself an author.

How do you prefer watching movies - on TV, in the cinema or online? Why?

I don't own a TV, and I rarely go to the cinema. I do have a few exceptions. I like watching Action, Adventure, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi on the big screen, but that pretty much amounts to Star Wars, animation, and comic book movies these days. I've been to the cinema once this year, to see Black Panther (comic book), and I'm planning to see Pokemon (anime) and Mary Poppins Returns (because Lin-Manuel Miranda) in December. Otherwise, I'm fine waiting for movies to release online via Netflix, Hulu, or wherever. I think if I had a significant other who preferred the cinema, I'd certainly be there more often. It's just not a priority for me alone.

Who do you most admire in life ... ?¿

People who choose to do good in the world with no expectations or ulterior motives.

What's the way out of labyrinth of troubles??

I Googled this in case it was a movie or music reference. What I found was some websites about the Methodist church. Interesting! I'm sorry, but I don't have an answer. I think you have to find your own way, and to be brutally realistic, some troubles are inevitable and unsolvable. I hope you find peace.

Do you agree that you should never trust anyone who is rude to a waiter?

I don't think trust is quite the right word, but I definitely pay close attention and will analyze a person based solely on how they treat wait staff, both to their faces and how they talk about them behind their backs. Respect and integrity are a big deal to me.

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

1. Health/Wellness (especially pain relief)
2. Safety/Security (in every possible, reasonable way)
3. To make a real difference in the world (although I know what I do will never be enough)

If they gave you to choose a place in the world .. which would be?

If I could choose where to live? I don't think I've been to enough places to adequately answer this question, other than what I've already said previously. Northeast or East Central (specifically Volusia County) Florida is the one place that I've felt content and free, but I'm sure there are other places in the world where I would feel that way. I just haven't been there.

How girls like to get gifts?

I'm not really the gift-wanting type so I don't know what to tell you. I of course appreciate when someone is thoughtful enough to give me something special, but it's not something I ask or expect of anyone. Sorry I'm no help.

do u like to watch a lot of horror movies on Halloween?

No, I don't really watch horror movies at all. The closest I get these days is the Stranger Things series on Netflix.

Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them???

Our skin cells are constantly coming off of our bodies, damp towels mildew, some people are inadequate at cleaning themselves, and don't even get me started on bacteria. Every piece of cloth that touches my body gets washed. Towels, jeans, jackets, everything! Do what you want, but my answer is a resounding no!

From 1-10, how good are you at swimming?

2 or 3, which is why I stay out of the water. I failed swimming lessons when I was a child, and I'm in far worse shape today thanks to muscular dystrophy so there's no hope for me in that department.

Should we read a lot of books?

Sure, why not? As long as you don't lose touch with reality, it's pretty much the safest outlet there is.

If you had the opportunity to go somewhere and start a new life, where would you go? What job would you have? And how do you imagine your house there?

I'm disabled, but I guess I'm supposed to pretend I'm normal in answering this question. That's fine. I enjoy daydreaming. :)
1. Assuming I live alone, and money isn't an issue, I'd probably choose Northeast Florida. I prefer coastlines. If I'm in a partnership, I'd go where he wanted to, as long as I felt safe and reasonably comfortable.
2. If I were able to work, I'd probably be a therapeutic art instructor. Originally, that's what I was doing while going to college to eventually teach psychology and social studies online. Alternatively, I would get my food license and be a caterer or personal chef.
3. I love looking at houses, but I'm not that picky. As long as it meets my basic needs (quiet, comfortable), is bug free (important!!!), and (if I live with someone else) have my own bathroom, I'm probably good. If it's any larger than my apartment, I would want assistance in cleaning it. If I lived alone, I would want my house to be very small and resemble either a log cabin or a beach cottage.

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Just wish god would give me a sign. 😔 I’ve heard that if you dream about someone thy are thinking about you. Well I’ve been dreaming about her a lot but I doubt she thinks about me. Because if she would I’d think she’d at least text me.

Some people are better communicators than others. Maybe she'll text you sometime, but I hope you will try to live for yourself in the meantime. People change. They grow up. They move on, sometimes without us. I know it's hard. Hang in there and know that you'll see better times. This old lady is sending you a virtual hug, for what its worth. Take care.
Liked by: Kalli Dawn
+2 answers in: “What do you do when you think about someone you love deeply and they never loved you back? Not family but a significant other.”

I did tell them how I felt, and it didn’t go so well, too the point where they don’t even talk to me anymore. 😔 So it’s kinda hard for me to move on right now. It’s been since February that all this happened. She was my first love. And I fell hard for her too. I’m definitely drowning. 😔

I'm so sorry. I can't really speculate why she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. There are many possibilities. Perhaps it's for the best that she is keeping a distance, as I'm sure she doesn't want you to hurt anymore regardless of her lack of reciprocation. You've been holding onto this for a little while, and I get it. I've been there, on both sides of this situation as a matter of fact. But there comes a time when you have to pull yourself out of the flood water and start walking on land again. It's not easy, but you can do it. You have to, if you intend to live your best life. You have nothing but time ahead of you, but the time that has passed, you'll never get back. Try not to waste it! It's healthy to experience and right to allow the full range of emotion, however, we must be self-aware and assess our own reasoning and strive to maintain our sanity. Nobody else is responsible for that; it is up to us. The heart sure seems to have a mind of its own, doesn't it? It can be brutal, but a broken heart is not fatal. In time, and with solid effort, you'll get through this. Please don't lose hope. You still have so much life to live.

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Liked by: Kalli Dawn
+2 answers in: “What do you do when you think about someone you love deeply and they never loved you back? Not family but a significant other.”


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